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01-24-2014, 06:45 PM
Is there a better show on TV than it?

What other show could expound so greatly on Atlantis, citing Plato, when Plato was clearly not talking about real place.

Anyway so much gold


01-24-2014, 06:49 PM
My fiance and I have been watching this show. Pretty interesting stuff. "Some ancient astronaut theorists believe..."

01-24-2014, 07:17 PM
My favorite is when they talk about "researchers" when talking about those folk.

I'm not opposed to believing in Alien visitation, in the past, or their influence. But I love the show's explanations as everything is aliens. Even when they're plum making **** up.

01-25-2014, 01:54 AM
It kills me when some drunk ass redneck cum stain goes around citing this and other conspiracy shows as if they are thinking outside the box and somehow more educated because of it.

01-25-2014, 11:17 AM
It kills me when some drunk ass redneck cum stain goes around citing this and other conspiracy shows as if they are thinking outside the box and somehow more educated because of it.

Well, Chipper probably doesn't think much of you, either, hoss.

01-25-2014, 12:07 PM
I hate these shows because they never end with the conclusion that it was indeed aliens that did it. Just once I want the narrator to say, "And in the end it turned out that it was indeed aliens that built that."

01-25-2014, 12:39 PM
Just once I want the narrator to say, "And in the end it turned out that it was indeed aliens that built that."


Also: Aliens, that pyramid, ah, you didn't build that.

My favorite, and when I say "favorite," I actually mean "least favorite," is Finding Bigfoot. I think the whole thing is some smarmy meta-joke about how many people will choose to watch a show entitled "Finding Bigfoot," when the one thing that is pretty much guaranteed to happen is that there will be no actual finding of bigfoot.

01-25-2014, 01:06 PM
Just once I want the narrator to say, "And in the end it turned out that it was indeed aliens that built that."


Also: Aliens, that pyramid, ah, you didn't build that.

My favorite, and when I say "favorite," I actually mean "least favorite," is Finding Bigfoot. I think the whole thing is some smarmy meta-joke about how many people will choose to watch a show entitled "Finding Bigfoot," when the one thing that is pretty much guaranteed to happen is that there will be no actual finding of bigfoot.

I watched one episode for about 30 minutes. That was ample time for me to realize that anything will get put on television.

01-25-2014, 02:45 PM
My favorite is when they talk about "researchers" when talking about those folk.

I'm not opposed to believing in Alien visitation, in the past, or their influence. But I love the show's explanations as everything is aliens. Even when they're plum making **** up.

Sounds like you could teach em a thing or two about a thing or two