View Full Version : Airplane disaster - Mental Illness issues?

03-26-2015, 10:34 AM
Airplane (https://news.yahoo.com/andreas-lubitz--what-we-know-about-the-co-pilot-of-airbus-320-123246684.html)


My daughter takes those flights all the time as do my ex wife and her cousin and I immediately phoned them to make sure all is okay.

03-26-2015, 10:36 AM
He had a weird break in his training. I think the answer is somewhere in that time frame.

03-26-2015, 10:48 AM
He had a weird break in his training. I think the answer is somewhere in that time frame.

And they did not pick that up? Living over there, the Herms (As we Muricans over there call them) are very thorough in everything.

Hey Dal, did you see where I dissed Facebook and their inept programming? It sucks really on SIMPLE things.

03-26-2015, 10:51 AM
Can we ban airplanes?

03-26-2015, 10:51 AM
And they did not pick that up? Living over there, the Herms (As we Muricans over there call them) are very thorough in everything.

Hey Dal, did you see where I dissed Facebook and their inept programming? It sucks really on SIMPLE things.

They knew about the break, and he had to take another test when he returned, but he passed with no problems.

No. I didn't see that.

03-26-2015, 11:09 AM
Can we ban airplanes?

KNEW I was going to see a retarded comment like this in the thread.

03-26-2015, 11:17 AM
They knew about the break, and he had to take another test when he returned, but he passed with no problems.

No. I didn't see that.

Herms are good at being quiet and nonchalant.

But man if my daughter or my ex or any of their family was on there, I would be livid right now. Such callous, cowardly act. If you want to die, off yourself, don't take so many innocents with you.

03-26-2015, 11:26 AM
If you want to die, off yourself, don't take so many innocents with you.

and therein lies the problem with these people: they aren't thinking anywhere close to rationally, and are often not concerned about others in the least.

03-26-2015, 11:51 AM
New regulations of having more than 2 people in the cockpit now. Some say have a stewardess in there but a pilot can overcome them unless they are males and have some sort of martial arts ability.

Also, this news can beholden the terrorist community on how easy you can do this. I am not advocating that it was a terrorist act, but most westerns who want to die do not take others with them by piloting a plane, Bonnie and Clyde or Columbine shootout we see and they had a purpose, but this?

03-26-2015, 11:56 AM
New regulations of having more than 2 people in the cockpit now.

I think it's a law on American airlines that more than 1 person must be in the cockpit at all times, but it's not practiced 100% internationally (like in this case).

03-26-2015, 12:07 PM
New regulations of having more than 2 people in the cockpit now. Some say have a stewardess in there but a pilot can overcome them unless they are males and have some sort of martial arts ability.

Also, this news can beholden the terrorist community on how easy you can do this. I am not advocating that it was a terrorist act, but most westerns who want to die do not take others with them by piloting a plane, Bonnie and Clyde or Columbine shootout we see and they had a purpose, but this?

Unless mental illness is the reason I think it can eventually be linked to some sort of terrorist group.

03-26-2015, 02:03 PM
I do some work with the school bus industry in Minnesota and I don't know if someone with this purported level of mental illness would be allowed to drive a school bus. I think I'm overstating the case, but don't they monitor these guys on an on-going basis?

03-26-2015, 02:14 PM
Can we ban airplanes?

terrible trolling

03-26-2015, 02:35 PM
I do some work with the school bus industry in Minnesota and I don't know if someone with this purported level of mental illness would be allowed to drive a school bus. I think I'm overstating the case, but don't they monitor these guys on an on-going basis?

It was reported that they do.

03-26-2015, 09:25 PM
I guess when someone with a mental illness crashes a plane, the focus is on mental illness and not the tool he used

03-26-2015, 10:43 PM
I guess when someone with a mental illness crashes a plane, the focus is on mental illness and not the tool he used
Why shouldn't the focus be on mental illness?

03-26-2015, 10:55 PM
Why shouldn't the focus be on mental illness?

because when a mentally Ill person goes on a shooting rampAge the focus is on guns not the mental illness.

The Chosen One
03-26-2015, 11:34 PM
I guess when someone with a mental illness crashes a plane, the focus is on mental illness and not the tool he used

because when a mentally Ill person goes on a shooting rampAge the focus is on guns not the mental illness.

So sad and funny at the same time I don't even want to laugh.

03-27-2015, 12:04 AM
Why shouldn't the focus be on mental illness?

Cause Giles doen'st want someone to infringe on his right to fly a jetliner

03-27-2015, 12:41 AM
because when a mentally Ill person goes on a shooting rampAge the focus is on guns not the mental illness.

I mostly find it an extremely distasteful comparison. This couldn't be more apples to oranges.

03-27-2015, 01:54 AM
it's like comparing kumquats to cabbage

03-27-2015, 07:41 AM
[QUOTE=chop2chip;201720]I mostly find it an extremely distasteful comparison. This couldn't be more apples to oranges.[/QUOTE

And why is that? They're both centered around the same thing. A mentally ill person has a mental break and kills people. Take the instrument out of the picture and it's about a person snapping. Only difference is they used different instruments.

03-27-2015, 07:50 AM
[QUOTE=chop2chip;201720]I mostly find it an extremely distasteful comparison. This couldn't be more apples to oranges.[/QUOTE

And why is that? They're both centered around the same thing. A mentally ill person has a mental break and kills people. Take the instrument out of the picture and it's about a person snapping. Only difference is they used different instruments.

Yeah, that's the ONLY difference.
jesus christ.

03-27-2015, 07:51 AM
you cannot even argue with that level of stupidity.

03-27-2015, 07:59 AM
you cannot even argue with that level of stupidity.

So what's the common difference between an insane person shooting someone, stabbing someone or piloting a plane and crashing it on purpose?

03-27-2015, 08:16 AM
So what's the common difference between an insane person shooting someone, stabbing someone or piloting a plane and crashing it on purpose?

there is seriously no use in doing this. the two are not even remotely similar. it's a feeble attempt on your pro-gun end to loosely connect two dissimilar things through mental illness. i'm sure you're at least smart enough to figure out the two hugely different dynamics between the two situations, and the huge differences between guns and planes in general. it's not even apples to oranges. it's like apples to poison pills. "but you can eat both of them so they're the same!!!"

03-27-2015, 08:23 AM
im not arguing the differences between a gun and a plane. I'm just asking about the person behind this and his reasons why.

I guess liberals blame the gun when a mentally Ill person shoots someone but when they crash a plane they blame the mentally Ill person.

03-27-2015, 08:25 AM
Why shouldn't the focus be on mental illness?

I agree, it should be.

03-27-2015, 08:29 AM
I mostly find it an extremely distasteful comparison. This couldn't be more apples to oranges.

The problem is mental illness. NO matter what tool they use to unleash their mental instability, the problem is still the same.

03-27-2015, 08:42 AM
im not arguing the differences between a gun and a plane. I'm just asking about the person behind this and his reasons why.

I guess liberals blame the gun when a mentally Ill person shoots someone but when they crash a plane they blame the mentally Ill person.

Which happens more often:
Shooting sprees by a mentally unstable person, or a mentally unstable person crashing a plane? Why is that?

Arguing tighter gun regulations isn't "blaming the gun", the same way making it internationally mandatory to have a minimum of two people in the cockpit at all times isn't blaming the airplane.

03-27-2015, 09:49 AM
I always love when people mock a comparison with "IT'S NOT EVEN COMPARABLE"

Then the person asks, well what's the difference? And there never is an answer... You just get "It's not even worth debating." and "You seriously can't figure out the difference???"

03-27-2015, 10:18 AM
I always love when people mock a comparison with "IT'S NOT EVEN COMPARABLE"

Then the person asks, well what's the difference? And there never is an answer... You just get "It's not even worth debating." and "You seriously can't figure out the difference???"

I'll see your straw man and raise you a false comparison

There's the whole availability thing with planes. It's not like you can go to your local pawn shop, buy a jet liner, force 200 people to climb aboard, and then crash it.

The only similarity is that they both can be used to harm other people. The other 98% couldn't be more different.

03-27-2015, 10:26 AM
[QUOTE=chop2chip;201720]I mostly find it an extremely distasteful comparison. This couldn't be more apples to oranges.[/QUOTE

And why is that? They're both centered around the same thing. A mentally ill person has a mental break and kills people. Take the instrument out of the picture and it's about a person snapping. Only difference is they used different instruments.
The difference is that if I, the lay man with mental illness, decide I want to kill someone, I can't just go to the store and buy a 747.

I'm not even against gun rights, but I'm sure liberals would be ecstatic if gun control was nearly half as strong as the regulations in the piloting world.

03-27-2015, 10:42 AM
On the onset, I was right, mental illness.

Want to be upfront, I have a disorder, 46 years later revealed, panic attacks, feeling blah, common theme, the doc said why I have them is I have no control on my life, a genius (I LAUGHED) in most aspects but my kids seem to have it and they want us to monitor them because a 3 year olds at the time, both of my kids, read at a 3rd grade level and now my son, a 4 year old is at at 5th grade level and doing 5th grade arithmatic and my daughter, a 6 year old, reading at a 7th grade level and on the verge of Frosh math, something is seriously wrong with me because I have not taught them anything but sports and the wife, while good with accounting numbers (she has two businesses as an accountant and photographer) has no clue about Calculus unlike me nor she knows words like conundrum, discombobulated or even copious. When I come home we play games like Uno or Jewels or Tonk or Gin with the kids.

What I am saying, you can't tell you have a mental illness. I have one but it does not affect my job. I have Panic-Depressive-Anxiety disorder (go ahead and laugh, you see why I got pissed at Zeets and why I go off, I am not Bi-Polar but I will defend myself if necessary) and after all this time they finally are giving me medication and you know what, it works. I don't pace the room for six straight hours or afraid to go to sleep, if something happens I won't wake up and see my angels and Dalyn would say, my kids are angels.

gosh I feel nekkid now and people will make fun of me.

Do it at your own risk because I am not the nicest person in the world if you make fun it. When we are physically seeing each other, I am with my friends, that is all the Braves Nation, even that hillbilly Runnin, who hates my guts.

I am your brother and would be there for you. Zeets pulled a very good prank on me and I forgive him, but if he needs a friend to be a bodyguard, I would be there for him, no questions ask and if wants to visit Wisconsin, his home is my home like any other of you. This goes for anyone because in the past I was a bodyguard to make some extra cash when I lived in Las Vegas.

03-27-2015, 11:01 AM
I always love when people mock a comparison with "IT'S NOT EVEN COMPARABLE"

Then the person asks, well what's the difference? And there never is an answer... You just get "It's not even worth debating." and "You seriously can't figure out the difference???"

because it's a useless thing to ask. it was a very sturg-ish question, and I thought that as soon as he asked it. makes total sense you defend something completely stupid and pointless like that.

it isn't worth debating. it's completely useless and over-simplified.

03-27-2015, 11:06 AM
because it's a useless thing to ask. it was a very sturg-ish question, and I thought that as soon as he asked it. makes total sense you defend something completely stupid and pointless like that.

it isn't worth debating. it's completely useless and over-simplified.

Like clockwork

03-27-2015, 11:10 AM
I'll see your straw man and raise you a false comparison

There's the whole availability thing with planes. It's not like you can go to your local pawn shop, buy a jet liner, force 200 people to climb aboard, and then crash it.

The only similarity is that they both can be used to harm other people. The other 98% couldn't be more different.

Thanks for the answer... it was sensible - so I appreciate it.

But it doesn't change the principle of the argument. The issue is not the tool being used, but the person using it. Everytime there is a shooting, someone is screaming to ban guns. But that doesn't and won't change the underlying problem.

03-27-2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks for the answer... it was sensible - so I appreciate it.

But it doesn't change the principle of the argument. The issue is not the tool being used, but the person using it. Everytime there is a shooting, someone is screaming to ban guns. But that doesn't and won't change the underlying problem.

Any logical person (most of the time liberals don't meet this criterium) will acknowledge that you can't completely eradicate the possibility of tragedy. But given the choice, liberals would love the gun industry to be as heavily regulated as the airline industry.

So if it doesn't make sense why liberals aren't making the apples to apples comparison to guns, then there's my feeble attempt of understanding it.

03-27-2015, 11:15 AM
The gun/plane argument would hold more weight if it was as hard to get a gun as it is to get a license to fly.

03-27-2015, 11:20 AM
Yeah, let's make being able to get a gun as difficult as it is to be able to fly commercial jetliners. They're so similar, right?

03-27-2015, 11:21 AM
Like clockwork

Sorry, don't always have time to pander to blatant obtuseness.

03-27-2015, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the answer... it was sensible - so I appreciate it.

But it doesn't change the principle of the argument. The issue is not the tool being used, but the person using it. Everytime there is a shooting, someone is screaming to ban guns. But that doesn't and won't change the underlying problem.

I'm sorry you needed that complete common sense spelled out for you.
Banning guns is not a logical option.
Regulating them more? Being more careful with who gets them? That's doable. And that's the argument 99% of people make.
No one is going to take away everyone's guns. That's the paranoia kicking in.

03-27-2015, 11:39 AM
Really sad. Germanwings is my favorite European discount airline; very efficient and extremely cheap. As it is a sister company to Lufthansa I always feel like I basically am flying on Lufthansa. In fact, I have a reservation with them out of Berlin next month.

Anyways, I'm about to turn 28 myself (the same age as the copilot) -- and I've been through some very dark days -- but can only imagine the utter hell this poor guy must have been living in not only to desire taking his own life, but the lives of so many innocent people.

It almost goes beyond mental illness, towards possession. I'd be curious to hear Bedell's thoughts.

03-27-2015, 11:46 AM
Even though I am an expert, and then some (wink) at guns, I would NEVER own one and now you know why. My kids and family are risk.

If someone comes to my house and have guns, take what you want but there is nothing here for you to get. None of us have cash on hand, we have protection on our debit and credit cards, we do not wear jewelry, one of the things I love about my wife, she doesn't care for it either. The most expensive things are our appliances, TV's, computers, good luck in getting that stuff out of the house when the neighbors (neighborhood watch) call the police on you and two are cops. LMAO

If you don't have guns, you think LLCoolJ is good in hand to hand, try me, I won't be as nice as him in what I would do to you.

03-27-2015, 11:48 AM
Really sad. Germanwings is my favorite European discount airline; very efficient and extremely cheap. As it is a sister company to Lufthansa I always feel like I basically am flying on Lufthansa. In fact, I have a reservation with them out of Berlin next month.

Anyways, I'm about to turn 28 myself (the same age as the copilot) -- and I've been through some very dark days -- but can only imagine the utter hell this poor guy must have been living in not only to desire taking his own life, but the lives of so many innocent people.

It almost goes beyond mental illness, towards possession. I'd be curious to hear Bedell's thoughts.

My daughter and ex wife as well, they use it a lot and when I talked to her she is like, should I trust them now?

You know what if they follow the American way of thinking, I told her, changes are on the way and if you want to go NEXT summer, you will be okay.

03-27-2015, 12:07 PM
The gun/plane argument would hold more weight if it was as hard to get a gun as it is to get a license to fly.

To be fair - planes have been used as weapons now at least 3 times that I know (9/11) and have killed thousands of people.

I of course don't think planes should be banned... But it's always interesting hearing the left change their tune when we're not talking about guns.

03-27-2015, 12:11 PM
To be fair - planes have been used as weapons now at least 3 times that I know (9/11) and have killed thousands of people.

I of course don't think planes should be banned... But it's always interesting hearing the left change their tune when we're not talking about guns.

I support the **** out of guns.

03-27-2015, 12:14 PM
Sorry, don't always have time to pander to blatant obtuseness.

You're such a nice guy... Remember that chat Dalyn had with you?

03-27-2015, 12:16 PM
I support the **** out of guns.

I do as well, but since my disease, it is not permitted in my house. But if someone wants to steal something and not have guns, I pity you because I will seriously f*ck you up, if you have guns you can have everything....

which is nothing, none of us carry cash and the only things we have of any value you can take without the police coming before you can is our rings. Good luck in finding them.

I have unlock doors in all areas. My dog will bite you and will alarm me. If that is the case, I have my sword, nowhere the kids or wife can get to and I will use it. I have no qualms in decapitating you.

03-27-2015, 12:18 PM
I have a gun, and I would accept a plane if anyone wants to give me one.

03-27-2015, 12:35 PM
The gun/plane argument would hold more weight if it was as hard to get a gun as it is to get a license to fly.

The comparison isn't between the ease of access between the two. It's the hypocrisy that when a pilot does this there is a real sentiment that more focus needs to be placed on mental healthy and people feel sorry for the pilot in this instance. Someone stabs 100 people in china and no blinks an eye. Someone shoots 5 people in a rampage and the focus is on how to get guns off the street.

03-27-2015, 12:37 PM
The comparison isn't between the ease of access between the two. It's the hypocrisy that when a pilot does this there is a real sentiment that more focus needs to be placed on mental healthy and people feel sorry for the pilot in this instance. Someone stabs 100 people in china and no blinks an eye. Someone shoots 5 people in a rampage and the focus is on how to get guns off the street.

I always focus on the people behind the tech, but yeah...you have a good point in regards to a lot of people out there. But we know so many people support an idea when it fits what they want and push it aside when it doesn't, so the hypocrisy isn't a surprise or anything.

03-27-2015, 12:39 PM
I have a gun, and I would accept a plane if anyone wants to give me one.

Pretty sure you have a mental illness, too.

03-27-2015, 12:39 PM
Pretty sure you have a mental illness, too.

Hey! :Sad: That was uncalled for.

03-27-2015, 12:45 PM


03-27-2015, 01:00 PM
I always love when people mock a comparison with "IT'S NOT EVEN COMPARABLE"

Then the person asks, well what's the difference? And there never is an answer... You just get "It's not even worth debating." and "You seriously can't figure out the difference???"

this is like saying "BOTH SIDES MUST BE HEARD!!!!"

if not, it's the liberal media

John Oliver pretty much covered this in his first season. him covering this while talking about climate change


03-27-2015, 01:11 PM
The comparison isn't between the ease of access between the two. It's the hypocrisy that when a pilot does this there is a real sentiment that more focus needs to be placed on mental healthy and people feel sorry for the pilot in this instance. Someone stabs 100 people in china and no blinks an eye. Someone shoots 5 people in a rampage and the focus is on how to get guns off the street.

No. That's not it, at all.
I don't think anyone would argue that when someone goes on a shooting spree, mental health should be looked at. But so should gun regulation. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both. The pro-gunners only want the focus on mental health, and don't want any tighter restrictions on guns. Even though focusing on both makes a lot of sense. They're both a problem.

You will now see tighter regulation as far as becoming a pilot/flying a plane. This is the same thing as adding more regulation to gun ownership. It's attempting to make something that is imperfect more safe.

03-27-2015, 01:22 PM
The gun/plane argument would hold more weight if it was as hard to get a gun as it is to get a license to fly.

Yeah, let's make being able to get a gun as difficult as it is to be able to fly commercial jetliners. They're so similar, right?

i can't wait to go to the pawn shop and give them 200 bucks and fly away in my plane 20 minutes later

it's going to be awesome


03-27-2015, 01:45 PM
Everyone keeps missing the point.

If there is a school shooting - there is outrage to change laws.

If there is a knifing, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a plane crash, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a bludgeoning, there is not the same outrage.

There's something about guns with you folks.

03-27-2015, 01:45 PM
i can't wait to go to the pawn shop and give them 200 bucks and fly away in my plane 20 minutes later

it's going to be awesome


Don't forget those commercial aviation shows where you can buy a jetliner full of passengers with no waiting or a background check.

03-27-2015, 01:56 PM
There's something about guns with you folks.

You're right, there is something about guns: they're not as tightly regulated as they could and should be.

03-27-2015, 02:07 PM
No. That's not it, at all.
I don't think anyone would argue that when someone goes on a shooting spree, mental health should be looked at. But so should gun regulation. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both. The pro-gunners only want the focus on mental health, and don't want any tighter restrictions on guns. Even though focusing on both makes a lot of sense. They're both a problem.

You will now see tighter regulation as far as becoming a pilot/flying a plane. This is the same thing as adding more regulation to gun ownership. It's attempting to make something that is imperfect more safe.

problem is Columbine will happen and a dozen or more can be killed. A pilot with a weapon that carries 100 to 400 people is a problem.

03-27-2015, 02:16 PM
You're right, there is something about guns: they're not as tightly regulated as they could and should be.

They're more regulated than knives and hammers and swimming pools.

Also - it's not easy to get a gun. It took me about 7 weeks.

03-27-2015, 02:21 PM
Maybe planes should be more regulated. We have to go after something besides mental health.

03-27-2015, 02:38 PM
Maybe planes should be more regulated. We have to go after something besides mental health.

yup, there will be tighter laws enacted to try and make sure this type of thing doesn't happen again. and they're already far more regulated than guns. so let's bring guns up to plane-level regulation. you game?

03-27-2015, 02:39 PM
They're more regulated than knives and hammers and swimming pools.

Also - it's not easy to get a gun. It took me about 7 weeks.

it's also easier to mass murder with a gun than any of the above.

03-27-2015, 02:41 PM
problem is Columbine will happen and a dozen or more can be killed. A pilot with a weapon that carries 100 to 400 people is a problem.

of course. and that's why it's difficult to become a pilot. something failed with this one.
i see your point with the number of people at risk, but shooting happen a lot more often than this type of thing. this circumstance is extra bizarre.

03-27-2015, 03:15 PM
it's also easier to mass murder with a gun than any of the above.

I don't know...swimming pools are pretty dangerous!

03-27-2015, 04:03 PM
This schit scares me because my daughter and my ex and their whole family take these types of planes several times a year on their vacations. I would freaking lose it if my daughter, even my ex would have been a victim.

03-27-2015, 04:40 PM
Everyone keeps missing the point.

If there is a school shooting - there is outrage to change laws.

If there is a knifing, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a plane crash, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a bludgeoning, there is not the same outrage.

There's something about guns with you folks.

And they only want to ban guns when it's innocent whites that are the victims of gun violence by other mentally ill whites. The hundreds of shootings in inner city Detroit, Chicago, NoLa, etc not one peep about gun control. But when it's a sad situation of innocent whites getting shot by mentally ill whites, they are all up in arms about gun control.

That's the bigger hypocrisy issue to me. They only give a **** about gun violence when it could happen to them. When the victim could be one of thier family members.

03-27-2015, 05:14 PM
That's the bigger hypocrisy issue to me. They only give a **** about gun violence when it could happen to them. When the victim could be one of thier family members.

This is true for basically everyone. I wouldn't recommend it as the firmest of footing for your argument.

Also, talk about slippery slope. You guys have managed to take a very tragic event that deals with a German airline and have turned it into a talking point for your agenda. Shame on all of you.

03-27-2015, 05:39 PM
i can't wait to go to the pawn shop and give them 200 bucks and fly away in my plane 20 minutes later

it's going to be awesome


I'm free Saturday. I'll bring the guns, you bring the plane. We'll have a blast.

03-27-2015, 05:41 PM
Don't forget those commercial aviation shows where you can buy a jetliner full of passengers with no waiting or a background check.

Isn't that what happened with the Malaysia flight?

03-27-2015, 06:08 PM
This is true for basically everyone. I wouldn't recommend it as the firmest of footing for your argument.

Also, talk about slippery slope. You guys have managed to take a very tragic event that deals with a German airline and have turned it into a talking point for your agenda. Shame on all of you.

FWIW, don't think that's how this tangent started.

And they only want to ban guns when it's innocent whites that are the victims of gun violence by other mentally ill whites. The hundreds of shootings in inner city Detroit, Chicago, NoLa, etc not one peep about gun control. But when it's a sad situation of innocent whites getting shot by mentally ill whites, they are all up in arms about gun control.

That's the bigger hypocrisy issue to me. They only give a **** about gun violence when it could happen to them. When the victim could be one of thier family members.

That's, er . . . well . . . it's horse****, frankly. Many if not most of the guns that are used in homicides in urban areas where guns are relatively harder to legally obtain are bought in places—usually down south—where they're easier to get and transported to those areas by unscrupulous ****heels out to make a buck. That is and has been a major point of contention for people who support tighter gun regs.

03-27-2015, 07:00 PM
And they only want to ban guns when it's innocent whites that are the victims of gun violence by other mentally ill whites. The hundreds of shootings in inner city Detroit, Chicago, NoLa, etc not one peep about gun control. But when it's a sad situation of innocent whites getting shot by mentally ill whites, they are all up in arms about gun control.

That's the bigger hypocrisy issue to me. They only give a **** about gun violence when it could happen to them. When the victim could be one of thier family members.

Post of this thread.

Nailed it.

What is Obama doing about the black on black crime and they voted for his ass, for what?

03-27-2015, 07:22 PM
Everyone keeps missing the point.

If there is a school shooting - there is outrage to change laws.

If there is a knifing, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a plane crash, there is not the same outrage.

If there is a bludgeoning, there is not the same outrage.

There's something about guns with you folks.

How about we talk about why things are made.

Knives are made to cut things. Rope, meat, vegetables, so on so forth.

Planes are used to move people from one destination to another very quickly.

Guns are made to kill. They serve no other purpose than to kill. You cannot do anything but kill with guns. There's a fear with guns because if you see someone walking around with one it's cause they're ready to kill someone. SOmeone walking around with a knife may be doing a number of things.

03-27-2015, 07:49 PM
How about we talk about why things are made.

Knives are made to cut things. Rope, meat, vegetables, so on so forth.

Planes are used to move people from one destination to another very quickly.

Guns are made to kill. They serve no other purpose than to kill. You cannot do anything but kill with guns. There's a fear with guns because if you see someone walking around with one it's cause they're ready to kill someone. SOmeone walking around with a knife may be doing a number of things.

Good point Zeets. Way to think out of the box. The only thing gun is for and not really necessary is hunting.

03-27-2015, 07:54 PM
Hunting is still killing. Guns and other projectile weapons are used to kill. Knives kill but serve ultimately a much more common purpose than self defense. I have some 20 odd sharp knives in my house. None of them are intended to kill nor would I think of using any of them in self defense.

03-27-2015, 08:25 PM
Some things need killing. A gun serves a purpose. The people are the problem.

03-27-2015, 09:23 PM
This schit scares me because my daughter and my ex and their whole family take these types of planes several times a year on their vacations. I would freaking lose it if my daughter, even my ex would have been a victim.

The odds that you have a suicidal/homicidal pilot is pretty freaking low.

Now, let's talk about automobiles...

03-27-2015, 09:41 PM
Some things need killing. A gun serves a purpose. The people are the problem.

People have ALWAYS been the problem.

03-27-2015, 09:50 PM
People have ALWAYS been the problem.


03-27-2015, 10:46 PM
Hunting is still killing. Guns and other projectile weapons are used to kill. Knives kill but serve ultimately a much more common purpose than self defense. I have some 20 odd sharp knives in my house. None of them are intended to kill nor would I think of using any of them in self defense.

Well, I have a nice katana above the alcove if an intruder without a gun is stupid enough to engage me since I was train in them.

I visualize the police coming to my house after the neighbors call them seeing a man on my floor (have to change the carpet, the wife want to replace anyway) stained in blood from a headless corpse that I decapitated.

Gun, take my stuff when the po po is outside waiting and they will be there in a minute (2 neighbors are cops)


No weapons you have a knife and I a sword with training, odds are, you will die.

My dream of killing an idiot.

I hate idiots taking advantage of others.

03-28-2015, 03:23 PM
Everyone keeps missing the point.

uh, no, i am pretty sure you don't get the point

since you compared the 2 and still are

03-28-2015, 03:24 PM
And they only want to ban guns when it's innocent whites that are the victims of gun violence by other mentally ill whites. The hundreds of shootings in inner city Detroit, Chicago, NoLa, etc not one peep about gun control. But when it's a sad situation of innocent whites getting shot by mentally ill whites, they are all up in arms about gun control.

That's the bigger hypocrisy issue to me. They only give a **** about gun violence when it could happen to them. When the victim could be one of thier family members.


03-28-2015, 03:24 PM
You're right, there is something about guns: they're not as tightly regulated as they could and should be.


03-28-2015, 03:29 PM
I do think the focus on tighter regulation allows people to focus on that instead of the real problem. I also think we need tighter regulation.

03-28-2015, 05:49 PM
Well, I have a nice katana above the alcove if an intruder without a gun is stupid enough to engage me since I was train in them.

I visualize the police coming to my house after the neighbors call them seeing a man on my floor (have to change the carpet, the wife want to replace anyway) stained in blood from a headless corpse that I decapitated.

Gun, take my stuff when the po po is outside waiting and they will be there in a minute (2 neighbors are cops)


No weapons you have a knife and I a sword with training, odds are, you will die.

My dream of killing an idiot.

I hate idiots taking advantage of others.

Ever watch Walking Dead?

03-28-2015, 06:35 PM
uh, no, i am pretty sure you don't get the point

since you compared the 2 and still are

you start a lot of written sentences with "uh" and um"

03-28-2015, 08:57 PM
This is true for basically everyone. I wouldn't recommend it as the firmest of footing for your argument.

Also, talk about slippery slope. You guys have managed to take a very tragic event that deals with a German airline and have turned it into a talking point for your agenda. Shame on all of you.

My agenda is mental health.

03-28-2015, 08:59 PM
There's a fear with guns because if you see someone walking around with one it's cause they're ready to kill someone.

So someone going clay shooting is ready to kill someone?

03-29-2015, 07:20 AM
Does anyone without Mental problems go on a killing spree with a gun?

03-29-2015, 07:58 AM
[QUOTE=thethe;202152]Does anyone without Mental problems go on a killing spree with a gun?[/QUOTE

DC sniper? That right wing loon in Sweden a few years back?

Although religious or ideologue fanaticism could be a form of mental illness

I think one could make an argument that a large enough percentage of our population has mental problems l, that everything can be traced back and blamed on mental illness to a degree.

I know more people of basic anti-depressants (Paxil, etc) than I do not on any type of antidepressants

03-29-2015, 08:29 AM
Ever watch Walking Dead?

No, I stick to sports mainly or CW shows like Smallville, Arrow and Flash. Before it was Stargate and the offshoots, before that Star Trek and their offshoots along with Babylon 5 and Firefly.

03-29-2015, 09:08 AM
Does anyone without Mental problems go on a killing spree with a gun?


03-29-2015, 09:09 AM
No, I stick to sports mainly or CW shows like Smallville, Arrow and Flash. Before it was Stargate and the offshoots, before that Star Trek and their offshoots along with Babylon 5 and Firefly.

You were talking about guns and not being able to own one, well Google the Walking Dead and check out Daryl, he never carries a gun and he does OK.

03-29-2015, 10:58 AM
Does anyone without Mental problems go on a killing spree with a gun?

Yes. I think it's possible.

03-29-2015, 11:20 AM
Yes. I think it's possible.

I don't know. The act of taking another's life just seems so unnatural to me. I find it hard to believe that someone isn't either temporarily insane (crime of passion) or permanently ill.

03-29-2015, 11:22 AM
I don't know. The act of taking another's life just seems so unnatural to me. I find it hard to believe that someone isn't either temporarily insane (crime of passion) or permanently ill.

I think there are reasons to kill a person or many people. Is a leader who orders an attack that kills thousands or tens of thousands temporarily insane or permanently ill? I don't think so. And that's just the obvious one. I also think there are valid reasons on an individual level.

03-29-2015, 12:25 PM
I think there are reasons to kill a person or many people. Is a leader who orders an attack that kills thousands or tens of thousands temporarily insane or permanently ill? I don't think so. And that's just the obvious one. I also think there are valid reasons on an individual level.

Yes, I would agree there are reasons that hit home at a global level. What I am talking about is the decision made by an individual based on their own personal experiences.

03-29-2015, 12:31 PM
Yes, I would agree there are reasons that hit home at a global level. What I am talking about is the decision made by an individual based on their own personal experiences.

I think there are valid sane reasons to kill on an individual level.

03-29-2015, 12:34 PM
I think there are valid sane reasons to kill on an individual level.

But these reasons are not the reasons that people are committing mass killings and isn't that the real point of what we are discussing here?

03-29-2015, 12:36 PM
But these reasons are not the reasons that people are committing mass killings and isn't that the real point of what we are discussing here?

I also think perhaps that valid sane reason can stretch to include a group.

03-29-2015, 12:38 PM
If there are valid reasons on an individual level and valid reasons on a global level, why would that change on a group level?

03-29-2015, 02:08 PM
You were talking about guns and not being able to own one, well Google the Walking Dead and check out Daryl, he never carries a gun and he does OK.

I see.

I will never own a gun even though I am what you call an expert marksman based on training. I rather carry a sword to kill a person if I have to, it gives them a chance to give up. And I do have a sword where the wife and kids can't get to in the house.

Enter my house at your own risk, if the dog doesn't bite you, you will lose your head because she will tell me you are here.

03-29-2015, 02:45 PM
I see.

I will never own a gun even though I am what you call an expert marksman based on training. I rather carry a sword to kill a person if I have to, it gives them a chance to give up. And I do have a sword where the wife and kids can't get to in the house.

Enter my house at your own risk, if the dog doesn't bite you, you will lose your head because she will tell me you are here.

Well, a crossbow isn't a gun, right? ;)

03-29-2015, 03:19 PM
This thread is so weird.

03-29-2015, 03:21 PM

Telegraph is reporting that Lubitz's ex-gf is currently pregnant with his child.

Holy ****.

03-29-2015, 03:25 PM
This thread is so weird.

No joke. It isn't getting better either.

03-29-2015, 04:36 PM
This thread is so weird.


To make it a bit weirder: I always love reading/hearing the British call it "maths".

03-29-2015, 04:49 PM
Well, a crossbow isn't a gun, right? ;)

No projectile weapons are allowed in my house. I don't care if this state say it is okay, you don't bring it in my house, it stays in your truck on it's rack.

03-29-2015, 04:50 PM

Telegraph is reporting that Lubitz's ex-gf is currently pregnant with his child.

Holy ****.

Poor child, there are some on here would not bother if she had an abortion now because the child would know what the father did.

03-29-2015, 04:54 PM
The New York Times reported over the weekend that Lubitz had sought treatment at Dusseldorf University Hospital for his eyesight.

The hospital confirmed that Lubitz had attended the hospital in February for an “evaluation” and then returned on March 10 for further treatment.

The hospital has refused to say why Lubitz had sought treatment but significantly ruled out claims it was for depression. That would lend weight to the claims that Lubitz had gone to the eye clinic, which is situated inside the hospital.

The New York Times quoted a source “with knowledge of the investigation” who had told the newspaper that “the authorities had not ruled out the possibility that the vision problem could have been psychosomatic”.

03-29-2015, 06:20 PM
I think it's pretty clear this could've been avoided.

03-30-2015, 12:54 PM
you start a lot of written sentences with "uh" and um"

depends on your definition of "a lot" i guess

03-30-2015, 05:26 PM
This thread is so weird.
