05-07-2015, 02:30 AM
Versus NL short stops the last 7 days, Simmons is
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11067705_10152908878782831_4656492988077959514_n.j pg?oh=4b696dd6a9e849bb7fc0d1dd539a8e23&oe=55DFEBDC
His offensive stats are right up at the top and everyone knows his defense is unmatched.
So far this year, he deserves it. Let's get it done, people.

106 plate appearances and only 5 strikeouts.

Others candidates? Freeman, Miller

05-07-2015, 03:44 AM
If Simmons keeps hitting, it will be impossible to keep him off the NL roster. Gotta figure Cozrt and Crawford will cool down. Biggest threats will be Tulo and Peralta.

Freeman is having a terrific yea so far, but it will be tough for him to get a selection with the production the NL is having at the 1b position. A-Gon, Goldy, Rizzo, Votto, and Lind are all having killer years.

If Miller keeps pitching the way he is, he will should definitely get selected.

05-07-2015, 06:41 AM
guy in work always tries to tell me galvis is the best defensive SS there is. i can't tell if he's actually serious.

05-07-2015, 07:01 AM
Dude has been killing the ball all year .

05-07-2015, 07:03 AM
guy in work always tries to tell me galvis is the best defensive SS there is. i can't tell if he's actually serious.

Galvis is a really good one but Simmons is all time

05-07-2015, 07:58 AM
Galvis is a really good one but Simmons is all time

that's what i tell him. galvis is REALLY good. simmons is one of the best ever. i'm surprised galvis isn't in top-10 for DRS.

05-07-2015, 08:25 AM
guy in work always tries to tell me galvis is the best defensive SS there is. i can't tell if he's actually serious.

I take it you're from Philly?

05-07-2015, 08:54 AM
I take it you're from Philly?


05-07-2015, 09:01 AM
His contact rate is crazy. Seitzer has done a great job so far with this offense.

05-07-2015, 09:53 AM
His rates are pretty much how they've always been in terms of direction, swing%, contact%, how hard he's hit the ball, etc. He's swung at a little bit less pitches outside of the zone and a little more pitches inside the zone. He's also seen a huge increase in percentage of pitches actually thrown in the zone. Simmons is also 25, so its not out of the realm to expect some improvement. I'm not sure I see anything to point to Seitzer as helping Simmons make more contact.

For whatever reason, Simmons is seeing more pitches thrown into the zone and we all know he can do damage on those. Its laying off pitches outside of the zone that has been his issue and if he can continue to improve on that, he will put up some good numbers.

05-07-2015, 09:58 AM
His rates are pretty much how they've always been in terms of direction, swing%, contact%, how hard he's hit the ball, etc. He's swung at a little bit less pitches outside of the zone and a little more pitches inside the zone. He's also seen a huge increase in percentage of pitches actually thrown in the zone. Simmons is also 25, so its not out of the realm to expect some improvement. I'm not sure I see anything to point to Seitzer as helping Simmons make more contact.

For whatever reason, Simmons is seeing more pitches thrown into the zone and we all know he can do damage on those. Its laying off pitches outside of the zone that has been his issue and if he can continue to improve on that, he will put up some good numbers.
An increased walk rate is a good proxy to show that he's laying off pitches outside of the strike zone (despite seeing more strikes as you said).

05-07-2015, 02:39 PM
I wouldn't give up Simmons, when hitting like he currently is, for any player in baseball not named Mike Trout.

I believe he is, right now, better defensively than any player in baseball history, at any position.

05-07-2015, 02:45 PM
If he continues to hit even close to this level, he's going to be in the MVP discussion and probably deserve to win it.

05-07-2015, 04:21 PM
If Ozzie Smith made the all star team every year then why the hell not Simmons? Both are pretty similar players to this point in their careers.

05-07-2015, 04:33 PM
If Ozzie Smith made the all star team every year then why the hell not Simmons? Both are pretty similar players to this point in their careers.

The game has changed since then. When offense became a thing for SS then defense first SS took a back seat as far as All-star apperances go.

05-07-2015, 04:48 PM
The game has changed since then. When offense became a thing for SS then defense first SS took a back seat as far as All-star apperances go.

But it's changed back. I would argue defense has never been valued more than it currently is, particularly at SS. Simmons should be an All-Star every year. His defense alone is worthy of it.

05-07-2015, 05:33 PM
If he can keep his AVG around .270 with his defense he better be there. There's no SS in the game that is even remotely close to him defensively and with even a little offense, he's wayyyyy better.

05-07-2015, 05:44 PM
But it's changed back. I would argue defense has never been valued more than it currently is, particularly at SS. Simmons should be an All-Star every year. His defense alone is worthy of it.

I would agree with that.I just think the overall fan vote is going to put in the guy who is hitting really well at the time. There is no excuse for him to not be selected by the managers, etc though

The Chosen One
05-07-2015, 06:10 PM
How fortunate are we to get to see probably the best defensive shortstop in major league history almost every night, and also the beginnings of a manager who will go down as one of the all-time greats when all is said and done?

05-07-2015, 06:38 PM
I wouldn't give up Simmons, when hitting like he currently is, for any player in baseball not named Mike Trout.

I believe he is, right now, better defensively than any player in baseball history, at any position.

I am not sure if I consider him a better defensive player than Andruw was in his prime. But it's really close. Essentially a once in a generation defensive players.

05-07-2015, 06:45 PM
I am not sure if I consider him a better defensive player than Andruw was in his prime. But it's really close. Essentially a once in a generation defensive players.
Speaking of Andruw's greatness, after watching him for all those years I had forgotten that it was possible for CF's to miss very catchable balls like the one Maybin missed last night. I don't ever recall him missing anything like that. Druw would've made that catch without a slide.

The Chosen One
05-07-2015, 06:47 PM
I am not sure if I consider him a better defensive player than Andruw was in his prime. But it's really close. Essentially a once in a generation defensive players.

Really hard to compare SS and CF, also considering Andruw played behind 2 of the best pitch-to-contact pitchers in the modern era (Glavine and Maddux).

Andrelton in another year or two will be on even level with Andruw IMO. Andruw sustained elite defense for almost an entire decade. Andrelton's been doing it going on his 4th season in the bigs (3rd whole because of injury in 2012).

05-07-2015, 07:16 PM
I agree. I mean comparing the two positions is hard. But Andruw is the best CFer I have ever seen and Andrelton is the best SS I've ever seen. It's like combining Ozzie's range with Shawn Dunston's arm. Andruw had sustained greatness for a decade. We've seen people from time to time have amazing DRS seasons but sustaining it is very difficult. Andrelton is well on his way though.

05-07-2015, 07:22 PM
I am not sure if I consider him a better defensive player than Andruw was in his prime. But it's really close. Essentially a once in a generation defensive players.
I was this close in calling you out on recency bias, but then I realized how non incredulous that statement was. Andrelton is amazing.

05-07-2015, 07:34 PM
I agree. I mean comparing the two positions is hard. But Andruw is the best CFer I have ever seen and Andrelton is the best SS I've ever seen. It's like combining Ozzie's range with Shawn Dunston's arm. Andruw had sustained greatness for a decade. We've seen people from time to time have amazing DRS seasons but sustaining it is very difficult. Andrelton is well on his way though.

I agree with this. Andruw was just absurd and one of my favorites ever. Here, I've been persuaded some by the advanced metrics. They say Andruw was one of the best few ever, and still Simmons has put up a couple of years as good as or better than anything Andruw did.

The Chosen One
05-07-2015, 08:00 PM
Speaking of Andrelton...
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/422275477282496512/OaGqAU_a_normal.jpegAndrelton Simmons @Andrelton (https://twitter.com/Andrelton) · May 1 (https://twitter.com/Andrelton/status/594341655391707137)

Congrats to foltynzwighvdumfkn$&? on his firs @Braves (https://twitter.com/Braves) W
1,198 retweets1,840 favoritesReply

05-07-2015, 09:54 PM
Andrelton isnt falling over on every swing. He is much more balanced. That is why he is hitting better.

05-07-2015, 10:05 PM
How fortunate are we to get to see probably the best defensive shortstop in major league history almost every night, and also the beginnings of a manager who will go down as one of the all-time greats when all is said and done?

See, I know you're talking about Matheny...

The Chosen One
05-07-2015, 10:22 PM
See, I know you're talking about Matheny...

For better or for worse, I've probably been Fredi's biggest supporter here in this community.

05-07-2015, 10:54 PM
Andruw probably catches the ball that Maybin missed on his hip. He got the best jumps of any CF I've ever seen, and had an incredible knack for getting to the spot where the ball was hit.

We were spoiled by Andruw, for sure. I didn't think I'd soon see a player who was a force on the defensive side to that extent, but Andrelton is that guy. I saw Ozzie in his prime, and thought that Vizquel was every bit as good. Tron, so far, makes all the routine plays look boring, and still does things that neither of those guys could do. It's still early to try to place him in historical context, but I think he's beyond the hype. He's just that good.

05-08-2015, 02:27 AM
Andruw did something no other CF did, has done, he was able to read fast where the ball was going and run to the spot and catch it most of the time standing and barely moving if at all. I still remember a game where he was positioned to the LF side of center, a ball was hit that went to the wallhalf way between cf and rf. Andruw actually got to the ball at the wall, but it bounced off his glove. they gave him an error on the play. no other cf would have been with in 10 feet of that ball, only Andruw just about makes the catch. I saw Mantle, I saw Mays, I saw many come and go, but Andruw was the best, in his prime, to ever patrol cf. That said I would put Andrelton above him, I do not think even the great Ozzie Smith covered as much ground as Andrelton does, and do it so flawlessly.

05-08-2015, 02:18 PM
I didn't think I'd soon see a player who was a force on the defensive side to that extent, but Andrelton is that guy. I saw Ozzie in his prime, and thought that Vizquel was every bit as good. Tron, so far, makes all the routine plays look boring, and still does things that neither of those guys could do. It's still early to try to place him in historical context, but I think he's beyond the hype. He's just that good.

Co-sign all of this.

Question, though - Andruw still had the arm, and the jumps, and the routes, and the feel even after he'd lost two steps. To me, that's still a very good CF. Why did teams move straight to DH? I've seen BJ Upton, and I know Andruw was better than that at the end.

05-08-2015, 02:32 PM
Co-sign all of this.

Question, though - Andruw still had the arm, and the jumps, and the routes, and the feel even after he'd lost two steps. To me, that's still a very good CF. Why did teams move straight to DH? I've seen BJ Upton, and I know Andruw was better than that at the end.

The advanced metrics don't back that up. They say his last year in Atlanta was his best defensively since his 25-year-old season, but then there's a big drop-off in his first year in LA. He was moved away from CF after that year.

05-08-2015, 03:23 PM
Mostly is was knees which were competely shot as to why he didn't play CF that much after he left Atl.

05-08-2015, 03:25 PM
Simmons isn't going anywhere. As Brave fans we should both get used to it and love it.

05-08-2015, 03:33 PM
Speaking of Andrelton...
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/422275477282496512/OaGqAU_a_normal.jpegAndrelton Simmons @Andrelton (https://twitter.com/Andrelton) · May 1 (https://twitter.com/Andrelton/status/594341655391707137)

Congrats to foltynzwighvdumfkn$&? on his firs @Braves (https://twitter.com/Braves) W
1,198 retweets1,840 favoritesReply

I see a dumfkn in there.

05-08-2015, 04:29 PM
Went and looked up Andrew on fangraphs, cant stop drooling. Its weird that his defense went from Andrelton in 08 to average in 09 with the Dodgers. What did he do gain 200 pounds in one offseason?

The Chosen One
05-08-2015, 04:40 PM
Went and looked up Andrew on fangraphs, cant stop drooling. Its weird that his defense went from Andrelton in 08 to average in 09 with the Dodgers. What did he do gain 200 pounds in one offseason?

There has been some rumors about Andruw's actual age. Maybe the knees gave out. Do find it interesting he was DH'd instead of playing LF or RF.

05-08-2015, 05:21 PM
Went and looked up Andrew on fangraphs, cant stop drooling. Its weird that his defense went from Andrelton in 08 to average in 09 with the Dodgers. What did he do gain 200 pounds in one offseason?

Dodger dogs

05-09-2015, 06:29 AM
We should extent him again

05-09-2015, 11:25 AM
Went and looked up Andrew on fangraphs, cant stop drooling. Its weird that his defense went from Andrelton in 08 to average in 09 with the Dodgers. What did he do gain 200 pounds in one offseason?

Druw had back and knee issues. IIRC he had some weird knee injury in 08 with the Dodgers. But he also showed up 20 pounds overweight. I do think that had to do with his injuries though. I imagine it hurt his offseason work out and he's a man who likes his fattening foods. It's a shame how he aged. From 96-2007 he was a hall of fame level player. Bonds and A-Fraud were the 2 best of that era. Druw was in the Mix with Chipper, Rolen, Jeter, Edmonds, Thome, and Pudge. Depending on what you value.

The Chosen One
05-09-2015, 11:35 AM
Druw had back and knee issues. IIRC he had some weird knee injury in 08 with the Dodgers. But he also showed up 20 pounds overweight. I do think that had to do with his injuries though. I imagine it hurt his offseason work out and he's a man who likes his fattening foods. It's a shame how he aged. From 96-2007 he was a hall of fame level player. Bonds and A-Fraud were the 2 best of that era. Druw was in the Mix with Chipper, Rolen, Jeter, Edmonds, Thome, and Pudge. Depending on what you value.

It's why I have no doubts Druw will go into Cooperstown one day. Unfortunately may take a few years. More Saber writers will be amongst voters and druw's defense will be looked at and Be
appreciated more. I think he's already appreciated by baseball
purists as it is. 2007 was a pretty rough year for druw IIRC.

05-09-2015, 11:42 AM
07 was rough offensively, but strong defensively. He was still a productive player.

05-09-2015, 08:15 PM
Others candidates? Freeman, Miller

Can't believe that this tidbit was overlooked from MLBTR:

The Cardinals “will rue the day they made that trade” of Shelby Miller and prospect Tyrell Jenkins for Jason Heyward and Jorden Walden, in the words of one scout. Heyman feels this is a bit of a stretch, even though Miller has been outstanding for the Braves and Heyward has struggled for the Cards (and Walden is on the DL).

05-10-2015, 02:22 AM
Can't believe that this tidbit was overlooked from MLBTR:

I was one of the few who liked the deal (from a baseball standpoint) from the jump. I saw Shelby in September and knew he'd found something- in this case, a sinker that gave him the one more pitch he needed to keep them off his fastball. Then I saw some tape on Jenkins and got a woodie.

I loved Jason, but knew this was a good deal.

We bent the Cards over, straight up. And somebody's got a lot of work to do to fix Heyward.

05-10-2015, 06:17 AM
Can't believe that this tidbit was overlooked from MLBTR:

Well they did owe us for the Drew/Wainwright deal

05-10-2015, 06:21 AM
I was one of the few who liked the deal (from a baseball standpoint) from the jump. I saw Shelby in September and knew he'd found something- in this case, a sinker that gave him the one more pitch he needed to keep them off his fastball. Then I saw some tape on Jenkins and got a woodie.

I loved Jason, but knew this was a good deal.

We bent the Cards over, straight up. And somebody's got a lot of work to do to fix Heyward.

Heyward is slowly rounding into form. He is having a good May and I would expect it to continue. However, he is still not showing the power that everyone expects him to have. Give me 4 years of Miller and Jenkins over 1 year of Heyward plus a pick any day of the week.

05-10-2015, 06:40 AM
Well they did owe us for the Drew/Wainwright deal

Doubt that their motivation. It had more to do with them losing a projected starting OF in an off-season auto accident. Still, the Cards probably will rue losing Miller. So, it's nice for this forum to view a transaction from a positive perspective...for a change.

05-10-2015, 08:14 AM
Heyward is slowly rounding into form. He is having a good May and I would expect it to continue. However, he is still not showing the power that everyone expects him to have. Give me 4 years of Miller and Jenkins over 1 year of Heyward plus a pick any day of the week.

He hasn't been the same since getting hit in the face. It's sad.