View Full Version : Gun Control

06-23-2015, 11:00 PM
First let me humbly apologize to Goldfly, I see where he answered the questioned I asked. Took a while to find it and I did and I agree with everything he said. But:

1. We have over 300 mil guns in the US alone and we can guess about 70% are illegal.
2. We can shut down all Gun making companies, which would put a lot of people out of work, can't do that, just make them for the military and police. Which leads to.
3. Black market which I know is there because my own family can procure weapons for me if I so desire them if I press enough. So in essence black on black crime will happen, but why? Observe the other issue.
4. Drug wars, gangs are all about the drug business. Yes, some of it, but like mafias they deal with prostitution, extortion and other things so it will not stop black on black violence, only having a father around or more importantly parents around to teach kids right and wrong which is something the liberals do not want to see. An educated black about politics is a dangerous black when they are not exploited.
5. Pass legislation is what I want on banning all automatic weapons. Six shooters and hunting rifles is okay in my book, people do not commit mass murder with those weapons. Force them to use machetes. Bloodier but just as effective but at least the attackee can run or fight back.
6. I agree with Goldfly and I think Weso said about making it an automatic 10 year sentence, MINIMUM, being caught with an illegal weapons is a really nice law if passed, I ADMIT. But the problem is that if those who have them and the police or feds come after them, I am afraid a lot of people will die. This is why I keep saying, there is no way you are going to retrieve those weapons without people dying. I would offer qtr of a mil for each weapon as what they are asking now is peanuts, be we are too poor to pay that. What is the actual price for a life?
7. I will never own a gun, EVER, I cherish my kids and there is no need for me to keep something in my house, no matter how much I put locks on it, they can get to it. Why lock up a gun when a burglar can get in and do what they want when your weapon is locked awa?. It is better my dog barks or attack and I have two swords to make mince meat out of them. There won't be any lights and I am black, so they won't see me stab or slash them.

So we can do what someone here advise and I like the thinking, but it all goes back to, will the blacks give up the guns and I know they won't. I don't want them dying or the police/feds dying if they carry it out.

You can say I don't want to do anything, because it is not true.

Well, since mass murders is usually committed by whites and yes I am being racist, lock the looneys up (Goldfly action which I agree) reopen the hospitals, give them counseling, do something., like tracking (Goldfly idea, the FBI track this stuff as much as they do Muzzies)

Black commit violence to obtain or control schit, that is all. We have our loons yes, but they do not go out and do crap like this. Even Sav background, Hispanics and other not white do not do stuff like this and if they do it is like blackfoot sightings.

06-23-2015, 11:46 PM
other than tougher sentencing you/we can't do anything else about gun control. You can't take them away and if you make a so and so type gun illegal in the U.S. It'll still find its way in from South America. Like you said Blacks won't give up their guns and the whites out in the country and in the northwest hills sure as hell won't either.

genetics and science is the key to understanding mental illness and why certain races act a certain way but you won't find many publications touching that subject for fear of being branded racist and such.

06-24-2015, 04:48 AM
other than tougher sentencing you/we can't do anything else about gun control


funny statement is funny

06-24-2015, 05:50 AM

funny statement is funny

What else can you do?

You can't take them away

06-24-2015, 08:01 AM
What else can you do?

You can't take them away

He can't answer the question. Either it would be too expsensive (buyback, just ask the Dems to pay for those weapons) or police/feds/National Guard getting killed.

If he can answer that, color me impress.

So since you want to be a little bitch Toma, answer his question, how are you going to get those weapons off the street without bankrupting the government or getting people killed? I think since it is a Democrat request they pay out of their OWN pockets for buyback, but hell will freeze over for that to happen. They spout a lot of bullarky but only want the other side to pay, no wonder they never volunteer or give to charity.

06-24-2015, 09:22 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Roof pass a background check when he bought the gun? He had one misdemeanor arrest that was apparently not enough to make him fail the check. He had no history of mental illness. People who knew him say he was a little "troubled" growing up...that describes a hell of a lot of teenagers. If anyone (Lindsey Graham) thinks the federal gov't is capable of tracking everyone in this country who is "quirky," "troubled," or a little "off," good luck.

We can post the Onion article over and over, but that doesn't mean there is some simple solution here. So often after these tragedies I'll see proposed solutions that would not have applied to the tragedy at hand.

06-24-2015, 09:37 AM
why do you keep expecting "simple solutions" ?

06-24-2015, 09:44 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Roof pass a background check when he bought the gun? He had one misdemeanor arrest that was apparently not enough to make him fail the check. He had no history of mental illness. People who knew him say he was a little "troubled" growing up...that describes a hell of a lot of teenagers. If anyone (Lindsey Graham) thinks the federal gov't is capable of tracking everyone in this country who is "quirky," "troubled," or a little "off," good luck.

We can post the Onion article over and over, but that doesn't mean there is some simple solution here.

Apparently he did. A lot of conflicting information has been presented over the past week. I've read that his father gave it to him as a birthday present, that Dylann purchased it himself using birthday money that his father gave him, that he purchased it from a gun shop in Columbia, that he purchased it from a gun shop in Charleston ... and then there's the whole issue of his SLED record apparently having a typo which listed the drug possession charge as a felony instead of a misdemeanor, which was only fixed after the shooting.

While I'm supportive of taking the necessary steps to better control guns in the US, the notion of a federally operated 'mental health database' makes my skin crawl.

06-24-2015, 09:46 AM
I think the simplest way to start is strict minimum jail times for crimes committed with a gun, illegal gun sales, and getting caught with an unregistered gun, severe crimes if you're caught with an illegal firearm.

Then we have to as a nation, as a people, stop buying into the 24 hour fear mongering news machine. They're selling us fear. They're the reason we think we need to have a gun to be safe. Get off the hamster wheel, things are pretty good out here.

I would recommend to those who haven't seen it lately to see Bowling for Columbine with fresh eyes. While i'm not a huge Moore fan, I think he touched on a good deal of issues in that documentary. I don't think banning guns is the only solution. It certainly is one but I don't think stopping law abiding citizens from getting guns makes it harder for criminals to get one.

06-24-2015, 09:49 AM
I don't expect simple solutions, 57, but when the President comes out 3 days ago and tells me maybe this could have been prevented if only we passed some "common sense gun safety reforms after Newtown," it suggests to me that he might.

06-24-2015, 09:58 AM
I would recommend to those who haven't seen it lately to see Bowling for Columbine with fresh eyes. While i'm not a huge Moore fan, I think he touched on a good deal of issues in that documentary. I don't think banning guns is the only solution. It certainly is one but I don't think stopping law abiding citizens from getting guns makes it harder for criminals to get one.

"fresh eyes"

06-24-2015, 10:15 AM
"fresh eyes"

Yes fresh eyes, meaning regardless of your opinion of Moore or previous opinions of the documentary ,watch it again as if you know nothing about it. When you prejudice content it can often backfire.

06-24-2015, 10:36 AM
I'm much more amenable to ideas that involve stricter penalties on those who do wrong than I am to ideas that either take away or prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns.

09-01-2015, 09:22 PM
I resurrected a thread that has been buried.

Count me in with the gun control nuts, so be it, this is totally senseless. But at least the state had enough gonads to arrest the father and this should be happening more. (http://news.yahoo.com/records-show-washington-school-shooter-planned-killing-230740866.html)

If I was a parent of one of the teenagers killed, I would have decapitated the parent. No ballistics would see I would be the culprit either. Our children are young so we don't have to watch them, but when puberty sets in, we will be like hawks. My ex was with the eldest and applied 3rd degree policies to her few boyfriends (my ex doesn't play around and she said my influence taught her better) were not of the kind to kill her or shoot everyone. Kind of hard in Germany to get weapons and ammo and leave a range. They actually check you.

09-01-2015, 10:21 PM
Count me in with the gun control nuts, so be it, this is totally senseless.
I already knew you were a "nut", but welcome to the group. It would be a lot worse than nutty to give up without even trying, like a few suggest is the best way. I think it would be a lot easier than people realize. If a serious campaign started to turn in guns to be destroyed you wouldn't have enough trucks to carry them all.


09-01-2015, 10:33 PM
I already knew you were a "nut", but welcome to the group. It would be a lot worse than nutty to give up without even trying, like a few suggest is the best way. I think it would be a lot easier than people realize. If a serious campaign started to turn in guns to be destroyed you wouldn't have enough trucks to carry them all.


Yeah, you are right, I always advocate no guns since I don't have or will ever have any but I can carry if I want (I have a license and now it is even easier if I didn't). I just think my Katanas (safer, kids can't get to them) are better in the dark if someone is stupid enough to come in my house (bullet holes is harder to fix than finding someone's head on the floor. Probably have to replace the carpet, oh well). I just always pointed out it would be hard to confiscate them without deaths and that is something I can't swallow.

BUT, there is good news. If we can get an anti-gun nut to say, turn in all assault rifles or lock them into ranges with checks like they do in Europe and pay them for it, I think it could be a hit. Now the conservatives will eat me alive with this, but as I said all along, I don't liberals because they like to infringe on individual rights, but I don't like conservatives either due to greed and gun proliferation.

09-01-2015, 10:34 PM
I already knew you were a "nut", but welcome to the group. It would be a lot worse than nutty to give up without even trying, like a few suggest is the best way. I think it would be a lot easier than people realize. If a serious campaign started to turn in guns to be destroyed you wouldn't have enough trucks to carry them all.


I personally use losses to determine the worst pitcher in baseball.

09-02-2015, 12:55 AM
Then we have to as a nation, as a people, stop buying into the 24 hour fear mongering news machine. They're selling us fear. They're the reason we think we need to have a gun to be safe.

Then they're also the reason we think we need to ban guns to be safe too.

I'll deal with the dangers if it means I get to keep my freedoms. It's just part of the price you pay. It's the same way I don't need the government to spy on me to "protect" me from terrorists. I'd rather deal with the threat and have my privacy.

09-02-2015, 01:25 PM
"Freedoms" ...... how is regulating weapons and a background check threatening to your "freedoms"
Any more than registering your dog and getting a background check to procure a dog license ?

To my mind if anything it reinforces them.

As in the frredom to go to the mall
the freedom to send kids to school
Freedom of having policemen that can help kittens out of trees -- rather than have their heads on a constant swivel

The Chosen One
09-02-2015, 05:51 PM
More stats.


09-02-2015, 06:13 PM
Do you liberals really not understand that the majority of gun related homicides are committed by people Using illegal guns?

No laws on gun control can or will change that fact.

09-02-2015, 09:02 PM
Do you liberals really not understand that the majority of gun related homicides are committed by people Using illegal guns?

No laws on gun control can or will change that fact.
100% untrue. Criminals killing each other will always make up the majority of gun deaths, but it's the senseless deaths of everyone else that needs addressing.

A 180 degree change in the approach to non-sporting guns would have a huge effect on society at large and in the criminal world too.

09-03-2015, 08:52 AM
100% untrue. Criminals killing each other will always make up the majority of gun deaths, but it's the senseless deaths of everyone else that needs addressing.

A 180 degree change in the approach to non-sporting guns would have a huge effect on society at large and in the criminal world too.

While I agree with you, but krg brings up a good point, what about the illegal guns. This is what I was targeting as first priority and then parenting as the seconnd. This kid got his fathers weapon. This is why I will not have guns in my house, period. One, not needed, two, tragedy can happen and I would be responsible.

For the illegal guns, only offering to buy them back no questions ask is the only safe way, but police wants to put them in prison for having the illegal weapon. The police and the populace have to understand you can't have your cake and icecream at the same time. So they are not going to take that offer. Trying to confiscate will get a lot of police, marshalls or even military dead.

09-03-2015, 12:58 PM
"Freedoms" ...... how is regulating weapons and a background check threatening to your "freedoms"
Any more than registering your dog and getting a background check to procure a dog license ?

To my mind if anything it reinforces them.

As in the frredom to go to the mall
the freedom to send kids to school
Freedom of having policemen that can help kittens out of trees -- rather than have their heads on a constant swivel

I never said regulation and background checks threatened my freedoms. I was referring to making guns illegal to own.

09-03-2015, 01:17 PM
No one that dwells in reality is talking about making guns illegal