View Full Version : Americans should get behind Bernie Sanders...

10-11-2015, 10:19 PM
The same way many Americans got behind the Tea Party. I was never turned off more by the liberal party than the way they treated the Tea Party. In my opinion the Tea Party is the best thing that's happened to American politics in a long time. Disagree with their politics all you want. I get it. But the Tea Party screwed up the system. They won a battle and you know what, suddenly we find ourselves with Trump, Carson and Fiorina as leading candidates for the pub primary and who would have ever guessed that? You may hate these candidates, but they all represent a real change and I personally welcome that. Also, suddenly we find ourselves with a completely messed up Republican House of Representatives, and I think that's great. I feel like this is the first real change we've seen in American politics in a long time. Again, it may not be the change certain folks want, but we should all welcome this change, because it's the best representation of democracy that I've seen in my lifetime.

So that brings me to Bernie and why I support him. I want the democrats to go for change. I would much rather see Bernie as president than Jeb, Hillary, Biden, Rubio, etc... You disagree with conservative positions, I get it, but it's time for democrats to mess up the system the way pubs have. Vote for Bernie. Vote to screw up the system. Create your own freedom caucus.

10-11-2015, 10:24 PM
Well it seems like it's either, let's keep putting the same old same old in office and nothing really happens or we put the crazies into office and they can't really do anything because well they don't like to compromise. So compromise and don't do anything or don't compromise and thus you can't do anything.

Six one, half a dozen another.

10-11-2015, 10:36 PM
Well it seems like it's either, let's keep putting the same old same old in office and nothing really happens or we put the crazies into office and they can't really do anything because well they don't like to compromise. So compromise and don't do anything or don't compromise and thus you can't do anything.

Six one, half a dozen another.

Exactly, which is why I think Dems should support the Tea Party even though they disagree with them. This is why I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. He goes against most of my personal beliefs, but I support him because I want to see the system messed up in a completely legal way. I will vote for Bernie over Jeb, Rubio, etc.

10-12-2015, 12:24 AM
Bernie vs Trump would not be business as usual.

10-12-2015, 04:27 PM
Bernie vs Trump would not be business as usual.

San Andreas will happen.

10-12-2015, 05:45 PM
San Andreas will happen.

Maybe that's exactly what this country needs

10-13-2015, 06:22 PM
Electing a jew will surely change how our elites behave.

10-13-2015, 06:47 PM
Electing a jew will surely change how our elites behave.
We'll find out tonight if he can convince the media he's for real or not. If he does, H's in trouble.

10-13-2015, 09:50 PM
Free this, free that, make the rich pay for it.

Ain't happening.

I do agree with how Wall Street and banking is cornering the market. Probably the only thing I agree with Mr. Christopher Lloyd. Maybe I despise greedy people but I can't stand lazy people just as much and want everything giving to them.

10-13-2015, 10:05 PM
Free this, free that, make the rich pay for it.

Ain't happening.

I do agree with how Wall Street and banking is cornering the market. Probably the only thing I agree with Mr. Christopher Lloyd. Maybe I despise greedy people but I can't stand lazy people just as much and want everything giving to them.

It's funny you would put it that way because that's exactly the opposite to how it's been done since the reign of Lord Reagan in the 1980s. Of course they package it differently but anyone who cares to look can see how the middle class has been destroyed since then and you don't have to be a bloodhound, or Sherlock Holmes, or on Criminal Minds to track down where that wealth has gone. All you have to do is look, but of course most people won't because it would knock them out of their warm and fuzzy slumber and probably feel like "less than great Americans". I don't know if we need the wild and crazy Bernie or the wild and crazy Trump, but a little wild and crazy would sure as hell do this country a hell of a lot of good.

10-13-2015, 10:12 PM
It's funny you would put it that way because that's exactly the opposite to how it's been done since the reign of Lord Reagan in the 1980s. Of course they package it differently but anyone who cares to look can see how the middle class has been destroyed since then and you don't have to be a bloodhound, or Sherlock Holmes, or on Criminal Minds to track down where that wealth has gone. All you have to do is look, but of course most people won't because it would knock them out of their warm and fuzzy slumber and probably feel like "less than great Americans". I don't know if we need the wild and crazy Bernie or the wild and crazy Trump, but a little wild and crazy would sure as hell do this country a hell of a lot of good.

I know he won't get the free stuff. But if he can put Wall Street and banks in their place? I won't mind him.

But his foreign policy. That is some scary schit coming out of his mouth.

If you seen the movie Serenity and look up the planet Miranda, that sounds like him as president.

10-13-2015, 10:17 PM
I know he won't get the free stuff. But if he can put Wall Street and banks in their place? I won't mind him.

But his foreign policy. That is some scary schit coming out of his mouth.

If you seen the movie Serenity and look up the planet Miranda, that sounds like him as president.

What is scary about his foreign policy?

10-13-2015, 10:26 PM
What is scary about his foreign policy?

Does he really believe that Climate change is our biggest national security threat or was it a gaffee or did he mishear or misunderstand the question because, well....um....that's baffling.

He is like a made scientist though, so maybe he's got a missle that he shoot off at climate change. "Damn you for screwing with us, climate change, now you must pay the price!"

10-13-2015, 10:29 PM
What is scary about his foreign policy?

Pack up and leave philosophy.

The big picture, we won't have a say in policy on anything in the world and geopolitics is more than putting troops on the ground which I agree with him. He wants us to not be anywhere and there are some bad people out there that would take over the super power mantle if we aren't around.

Yes you can cite, well we can still conduct business in the world. Yes, we can, under their rules and they will not be favorable for us.

And I am all for getting out of the Middle East, but we got crazies there, Russia, China, North Korea. If we leave, it will be a vacuum they will gladly take position and the world markets would SUFFER greatly.

As a nation we can be an isolationist and be okay, but the big business will not like it at all.

Geopolitics is a quagmire in itself and there are pros and cons. He is a pacifist and rather lie down and get butt humped than keeping our status amongst the world.

10-15-2015, 05:46 AM
i don't want a freedom caucus or a fractured party that only cares about fetuses etc

i want an actual political and cultural revolution in this country

i agree with your subject of this thread though

10-15-2015, 08:02 AM
i don't want a freedom caucus or a fractured party that only cares about fetuses etc

i want an actual political and cultural revolution in this country

i agree with your subject of this thread though

Really, a culture of cowards, getting bent over?

Sanders is a certified loon, did you not see the spit coming out of his mouth when he just went crazy?

10-15-2015, 09:20 AM
Really, a culture of cowards, getting bent over?

Sanders is a certified loon, did you not see the spit coming out of his mouth when he just went crazy?

I applaud him for "going crazy" and even though I don't care for Trump, I applaud him for doing the same. At least they aren't pre-programmed arse-kissing yes men/women of the establishment, the same establishment that is slowly choking the life out of most Americans.

10-15-2015, 09:56 AM
I applaud him for "going crazy" and even though I don't care for Trump, I applaud him for doing the same. At least they aren't pre-programmed arse-kissing yes men/women of the establishment, the same establishment that is slowly choking the life out of most Americans.

Trump is a loon as well. Sanders have a great vision of wanting the rich to give up everything, but everyone and their brothers knows it ain't happening. But us packing up and leaving and just stay in our country will destroy the nation as all those rich will go elsewhere and spend money elsewhere. The big picture is working with them, not against them. The politicians who actually are in bed with them are just as bad as that. I think Trump is just a loon as Sanders, maybe more, but will work with them and take some of their money but not in the way Sanders and scare them off.

Yes I would love for Wall Street to go, banks to go, the Fed Reserve to go, but the end game would make 1920's look like nothing. Yes we could reboot our nation, but the repurcussions and things that will happen would be a nightmare to imagine.

So if there is a way to take all the money from the rich and distribute it to the poor and pay for free education, free medical, free food, free housing, higher wages. I like to see how he could do that without running everyone off in the process or doctors/teachers quitting because their salaries reduced or people like me who would like the same pay raise increase and for small business that is not possible.

He has this grand idea, but do not even have a plan to implement it.

Yes everyone will get $15 dollars, my pay raise should be the equivalent by percentage, no small business can afford it. I have a degree, a programmer, so a burger flipper gets an almost 100% raise, I deserve the equivalent because I went to school and not sit on my ass and smoke pot, flunk out or just dumb.

10-15-2015, 02:56 PM
Really, a culture of cowards, getting bent over?

Sanders is a certified loon, did you not see the spit coming out of his mouth when he just went crazy?

where have i said that?

no he isn't but passion on things destroying the middle class should be celebrated when trying to bring attention to and fix them

10-15-2015, 03:18 PM
I applaud him for "going crazy" and even though I don't care for Trump, I applaud him for doing the same. At least they aren't pre-programmed arse-kissing yes men/women of the establishment, the same establishment that is slowly choking the life out of most Americans.

I wish people would quit equating Sen Sanders with Trump.

One has spent his life in public service and the other runs hotels and is a wanna be TV Star

10-15-2015, 03:20 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11224618_789132979860_6935973829196125295_n.jpg?oh =d9392628f59b759a288594a73c3acb2f&oe=56D00409

10-15-2015, 03:41 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11224618_789132979860_6935973829196125295_n.jpg?oh =d9392628f59b759a288594a73c3acb2f&oe=56D00409

1. Bernie is going save our lives??? Wow

2. How is Trump trying to "rewrite history in his favor?"

10-16-2015, 09:38 AM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12088086_10154293967792908_3413485201836343242_n.p ng?oh=347f8cb35022e162becbd45b36684085&oe=56CBC3C6

10-16-2015, 10:19 AM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12088086_10154293967792908_3413485201836343242_n.p ng?oh=347f8cb35022e162becbd45b36684085&oe=56CBC3C6

The only thing he can do is bankrupt the country and kick all the rich out. You cannot Eminent Domain confiscating their money to pay those who are poor.

I want to hear his plan on paying for education without dropping teachers pay. I want to know how to give us universal care without losing good doctors. I sure in hell would not want an intern looking at me. I want to know how businesses can afford raising the wages to $15 but those like us have to keep the same pay range. I wonder how the middle-class can afford that and don't you say $15 people is going to go there for goods or services, they will go to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Wallyworld and actually try to save money while small business lose even more people because they can't afford the wages. I am not going to sacrifice my pay for some GED, non grad who did not want to go to college burger flipper. I worked hard to get where I am and he is doesn't like or see that he is killing the hard working Americans who spent around 100 grand for school.

Hey Christopher Lloyd can I be recompensed for all my schooling?

10-16-2015, 11:40 AM
You don't have Google where you live ?


10-16-2015, 12:50 PM
You don't have Google where you live ?


What's in the Bill?

Is it going to be one of those, "let's pass it first and see what happens?", then find out the debt will go up another 5 Tril?

The onus is on you to explain to me how they are going to fund this without increasing our already out of control debt?

10-16-2015, 12:58 PM
Found the Bill.

As I thought more taxes. We are taxed enough and it is not totally free. And then the teachers are not even fully qualified. It is like getting taught to work at Wally World. Plus forcing the states to pay as well. Hell, most of them are in debt and can't even pay their own teachers now.

Also, you do know that the countries he wants us to be like have the most highest taxes in the world.

10-16-2015, 01:09 PM

10-16-2015, 02:01 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/12138533_10153387303928001_3427861976622177043_o.j pg

10-16-2015, 02:34 PM
Here is a damning article on Bernie's lack of understand of economic affairs... when he invokes that we should be more like Denmark, he really has no clue what Denmark is...

Here is a snippet - but IZ would encourage you to read the whole article

Denmark has been marching in the direction exactly opposite socialism for some time. Our friends at the Heritage Foundation rank its economy the eleventh most free in the world, one place ahead of the United States, reflecting Denmark’s strong property rights, relative freedom from corruption, low public debt, freedom of trade and investment, etc. Don’t tell Senator Sanders, but Denmark’s corporate tax rate is a heck of a lot lower than our own.

Senator Sanders is not very serious about imitating Denmark. Denmark has a large and expensive welfare state, which Senator Sanders envies. He doesn’t envy the other part of that handshake: Denmark pays for that large and expensive welfare state the only way that you can: with relatively high taxes on the middle class, whose members pay both high income taxes and a value-added tax. If Senator Sanders were an intellectually honest man, he’d acknowledge forthrightly that the only way to pay for generous benefits for the middle class is to tax the middle class, where most of the income earners are. Instead, he talks about taxing a handful of billionaires to pay for practically everything. Rhetorically, he’s already spent the entire holdings of the billionaire class many times over.
