View Full Version : Democrat Debate?

10-13-2015, 07:59 PM
Anybody watching?

10-13-2015, 08:11 PM
I was but keep nodding off, they can bore you to death.

10-13-2015, 08:17 PM
Hillary trying to hit Bernie on guns.

10-13-2015, 08:19 PM
Keep the updates coming if you don't mind the torture of watching.

10-13-2015, 08:28 PM
Actually, I think it's about time the DNC stopped trying to censor debate and let us hear from someone besides Hillary or Bernie.

10-13-2015, 08:29 PM
Did Bernie comb his hair? And is Hillary wearing her pants suit?

10-13-2015, 08:31 PM
Yes and yes.

10-13-2015, 08:33 PM
Love Webb calling Anderson on his bull****.

10-13-2015, 08:44 PM
Isn't this past Bernie's bed time?

10-13-2015, 08:45 PM
Keep the updates coming if you don't mind the torture of watching.

Put it this way, they are very hard to understand. It is actual torture and Clinton is the only one on the stage that can actually sound like a president. They fumble their words, catch themselves before they blurt something stupid.

Sanders is a borderline loon.. He talks/screams like a mad doctor doing an experiment. He said he isn't a pacifist. I couldn't laugh any harder. He is right though about greed permeating and killing our country.

10-13-2015, 08:46 PM
As someone said, Webb is running for a Democrat Party that doesn't exist anymore. Poor guy.

10-13-2015, 08:47 PM
Put it this way, they are very hard to understand. It is actual torture and Clinton is the only one on the stage that can actually sound like a president. They fumble their words, catch themselves before they blurt something stupid.

Sanders is a borderline loon.. He talks/screams like a mad doctor doing an experiment. He said he isn't a pacifist. I couldn't laugh any harder. He is right though about greed permeating and killing our country.

And her "style" annoys the crap out of me. I don't see how you stand it. You're a good man AA.

10-13-2015, 08:51 PM
Hillary's laugh makes me want to kill myself or vote for Count Cruz so he'll kill her. Anyone else feel the same way?

10-13-2015, 08:52 PM
It's a hideous cackle.

10-13-2015, 08:56 PM
When will Anderson ask these fine people how they plan to pay for all these great endeavors.

10-13-2015, 08:58 PM
Just saw a photo of the beauty contestants - goodness, blinded by the white.

10-13-2015, 08:58 PM
Interesting that Bernie keeps talking about income inequality happening over the last 40 years.

When did we get off the gold standard again?

10-13-2015, 09:03 PM
When will Anderson ask these fine people how they plan to pay for all these great endeavors.

When have we ever paid for anything? Lol.

10-13-2015, 09:04 PM
Clinton taking a drubbing right now. She is tough to like

10-13-2015, 09:04 PM
Average age of the contestants - 65.

10-13-2015, 09:07 PM
Wish Elizabeth Warren was on stage with them, then they would at least have a Native American candidate.

10-13-2015, 09:22 PM
Average age of the contestants - 65.

I thought Republicans were a party of old angry "white" men.

10-13-2015, 09:24 PM
And her "style" annoys the crap out of me. I don't see how you stand it. You're a good man AA.

She sounds like a blueblood and entitled.........errr at least she knows how to talk.

Sanders seems to spit when he talks, Christopher Lloyd (?) from Back to the Future he reminds me of.

10-13-2015, 09:26 PM
Actually O'Malley who intrigues me. Calling the Repub a circus was pretty good though. I had to laugh at that.

But he is a moderate, don't let him fool you if you are sheeple Democrat like Steak Sauce.

10-13-2015, 09:27 PM
How much free stuff are they promising?

10-13-2015, 09:27 PM
How much free stuff are they promising?

Constipated just answered your question.


10-13-2015, 09:29 PM
Sanders with Nixon/Trump like gyrations. You can see the spit come out of his mouth.

O'Malley is smooth.

Chafee? The Dem version of Scott Walker.

10-13-2015, 09:31 PM
Actually O'Malley who intrigues me. Calling the Repub a circus was pretty good though. I had to laugh at that.

But he is a moderate, don't let him fool you if you are sheeple Democrat like Steak Sauce.

O'Malley is running for VP. Next time out he'll subvert Sanders.

10-13-2015, 09:33 PM
I actually like Webb but he doesn't have a snowballs chance.

10-13-2015, 09:36 PM
AA, who's "constipated" and what freebies did he/she offer?

10-13-2015, 09:36 PM
I actually like Webb but he doesn't have a snowballs chance.

He looks constipated up there but yeah he is not that bad.

He is a moderate as well.

Clinton is the centerpiece.

10-13-2015, 09:36 PM
AA, who's "constipated" and what freebies did he/she offer?

He said Congress is not going to pay for that.

And he is right.

10-13-2015, 09:37 PM
He wrote a good book - "Born Fighting," about the Scot Irish in America.

10-13-2015, 09:39 PM
He wrote a good book - "Born Fighting," about the Scot Irish in America.

So the Hillbilly's guide to America?

Sorry can't help myself.

10-13-2015, 09:39 PM
He said Congress is not going to pay for that.

And he is right.

Free college? Free cars? Free car insurance? Free marijuana?

10-13-2015, 09:39 PM
He sounds like a marine.

He has no chance but you can see the brevity in his voice. Commendable.

10-13-2015, 09:40 PM
Free college? Free cars? Free car insurance? Free marijuana?

Pretty much and he said no chance that will fly.

10-13-2015, 09:40 PM
So the Hillbilly's guide to America?

Sorry can't help myself.

Let's not talk about hillbillies and Clinton in the same thread. :-)

Still think Arkansas is in their makeup.

10-13-2015, 09:42 PM
Kasich and Webb are guys that would probably serve us the best but neither has that snowball's chance in Hades. And that's sad to me.

10-13-2015, 09:45 PM
Kasich and Webb are guys that would probably serve us the best but neither has that snowball's chance in Hades. And that's sad to me.

Yes, Centrists.


10-13-2015, 09:51 PM
Missing our big libs tonight. Was actually wanting to hear their take.

10-13-2015, 09:55 PM
Would you talk about that sad crap we laboriously went through?

1. O'Malley - Mr. Smooth
2. Webb - A proud marine
3. Billary - she invoked the great con artist in charge all night (politcal savvy)
4. Sanders - mad man
5. Scott Walker - Chaffee, forgotten

This is how I rank them.

10-13-2015, 10:00 PM
I probably liked Webb the best. I'd say O'Malley and Sanders probably "won." Hillary got crushed.

10-13-2015, 10:00 PM
Missing our big libs tonight. Was actually wanting to hear their take.

As a big lib, I'm not watching. Primarily because I know where I stand. Sanders may be the closest big party candidate to me, but I'm way closer to the Green Party.

10-13-2015, 10:05 PM
I wish McSame was like Webb. You can see it in his mannerisms on how proud he was.

Gosh they are slobbing over Billary. They really want her to win.

10-13-2015, 10:05 PM
Trump has won this debate and he's not even in it. What a smart move to comment on the debate live on twitter.

10-13-2015, 10:07 PM
I was hoping that Sanders would win me over, instead I'm sitting here shaking my head WTF he's talking about and where his principles stand.

Webb I liked, would be a great leader but doesn't stand a chance.

I'd vote for OMallery but he doesn't stand a chance.

Gold help this country if Hillary wins.

And why was Coffey there? My god I could be in a coma and add more to the debate than he did.

10-13-2015, 10:07 PM
Trump has won this debate and he's not even in it. What a smart move to comment on the debate live on twitter.

Yeah, was just reading them - they are a hoot!

"@realDonaldTrump they make Jeb Bush look like the energizer bunny #DemDebate"

The Chosen One
10-13-2015, 10:08 PM
I watched the debate but wasn't too much into it.

I'd rather see Bernie eviscerate the Republican nominee head on.

10-13-2015, 10:11 PM
I watched the debate but wasn't too much into it.

I'd rather see Bernie eviscerate the Republican nominee head on.

That's what I like - the fighting spirit!

10-13-2015, 10:12 PM
Not surprisingly, CNN giving Hillary a Melvin...

10-13-2015, 10:16 PM
I watched the debate but wasn't too much into it.

I'd rather see Bernie eviscerate the Republican nominee head on.

Not sure he's capable of eviscerating anyone... Hilary kind of ate his lunch today.

I like Bernie - seems like an honest guy. I think he's a moron when it comes to financials. But I wasn't impressed with his debate ability... This is the first I've ever really listened to him

10-13-2015, 10:32 PM
Not sure he's capable of eviscerating anyone... Hilary kind of ate his lunch today.

I like Bernie - seems like an honest guy. I think he's a moron when it comes to financials. But I wasn't impressed with his debate ability... This is the first I've ever really listened to him

Mad man. Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future.

10-13-2015, 10:35 PM
"I think @MartinOMalley taught us all a great lesson tonight. If one wants to look presidential, stand beside Lincoln Chafee."

10-13-2015, 10:36 PM
I swear I thought it was Scott Walker.

10-13-2015, 10:38 PM
Average age of the contestants - 65.
Average age of your comments in this thread: 12 years old?


10-13-2015, 10:44 PM
Martin is no moderate. There's not a moderate anywhere near this debate. Not in the audience, the moderator or the candidates. Well I might have to cut Webb some slack. He might be. Who knew the dems were church going gun supporters. LOL. The same party that booed Jesus at their convention 4 years ago. After taking a left on Keystone and TPP earlier in the campaign Hillary again veered left on guns and immigration in this debate. Overall the 'crats are cowards. Not a single one of them was willing to take on Mrs Bill Clinton on anything. The entire thing is a dog and pony show. Bernie's just looking for a book deal or a talk show similar to Herman Cain. None of them want to be pres. I wish Pocahontas had been on the stage as well. Although she isn't really a Native American.

How do the 'crats get away with loving the minorities when they've got some really pasty white people on stage?

I wish Biden would get in the race. He's got to carry water for the administration plus he's a the gift that keeps on giving.

If Bernie is the Back to the Future professor Chafee is the tall man from Phantasm.

10-13-2015, 10:45 PM
Lincoln Chafee wants to bring the metric system here.


10-13-2015, 10:46 PM
It is kind of funny that Webb takes a different stance on guns from the left, makes a viable point on affirmative action, and that gets him branded a "Republican."

10-13-2015, 10:55 PM
If Bernie is the Back to the Future professor Chafee is the tall man from Phantasm.

I need your address, you just got my keyboard fried from laughing so hard.

Let me address the "moderate" part. Martin and Webb will be more affable to deal with Republicans than the other two.

I think one of the Dem announcers called Webb a Republican in Dem clothing.

10-13-2015, 11:00 PM
Free school for illegals, high minimum wage, no way to pay for either, but no mention of crippled war veterans or taking care of them.

Dummicrats really politicizing.

10-13-2015, 11:07 PM
Average age of your comments in this thread: 12 years old?


Yay! I finally got a bite. Was beginning to wonder. :-)

You must admit though, some of them were pretty good. I'm especially fond of the Elizabeth Warren one.

10-13-2015, 11:11 PM
Vote Democrat - because pasty, old white farts pushing pasty, old, white, ideas know what's best.

The Chosen One
10-13-2015, 11:17 PM
Vote Democrat - because pasty, old white farts pushing pasty, old, white, ideas know what's best.

Dawww sounds like you're going to miss Obama when he leaves office.

10-14-2015, 07:08 AM

10-14-2015, 07:29 AM
Dawww sounds like you're going to miss Obama when he leaves office.

You know, I am. But hopefully we can elect a non-old, pasty, white fart with stale old ideas.

10-14-2015, 08:20 AM
"And we'll be able to do it because we'll make the wealthy pay for it!"

I don't know about anyone else, but this line made my skin crawl.

10-14-2015, 09:16 AM
"And we'll be able to do it because we'll make the wealthy pay for it!"

I don't know about anyone else, but this line made my skin crawl.

You and me both.

There is no way in hell that would fly though. The middle-class would have to pay for it.

10-14-2015, 09:22 AM
The media fawning over Hillary today is just disgusting. Apparently there was loud cheering from the media room when Sanders stupidly stated that he was tired of Hillary's email scandal. Hopefully the people will go with what they saw rather than what the media is telling them they saw.

10-14-2015, 09:27 AM
Sanders didn't seem prepared for Hillary to attack -- he actually didn't even seem prepared to debate. Clinton decimated him (and everyone else).

Is this the beginning of her rebound?

10-14-2015, 09:27 AM
"And we'll be able to do it because we'll make the wealthy pay for it!"

I don't know about anyone else, but this line made my skin crawl.

The line of thinking always amazes me. They always accuse the rich of finding ways to shaft the middle class. While that's true in some ways what makes her think the wealthy wouldn't wiggle around what she plans to do as well?

10-14-2015, 10:24 AM
The media fawning over Hillary today is just disgusting. Apparently there was loud cheering from the media room when Sanders stupidly stated that he was tired of Hillary's email scandal. Hopefully the people will go with what they saw rather than what the media is telling them they saw.

Further proof that Bernie is a kook. That whole server situation proves that Hillary is not fit to be president. Even if it's proven what she did was all legal what kind of an idiot treats classified info like this? She put our nation at risk with her stupidity.

10-14-2015, 12:45 PM
OK, you guys help me out here and make sure I have this down correctly. The top 10% of Americans own about 84.5% of all wealth in this country (which you can easily verify if you want to) this process has gotten MUCH worse since the 1980s, this leaves the bottom 90% of us, which would, I'm assuming, include each and every one of us NOT named Vol, to fight over the remaining 15.5%, so that would be 90% fighting over 15.5%. Since this process is just that, a process, this trend will continue unless something is done to reverse it, which cannot be done without violating numerous moral, ethical, religious, and socio-economic absolutes on a par with re-instituting human sacrifice so therefore it simply can't be done, and even if it were done the wealthy, who I'm assuming would have to be the source most affected by any changes, would simply "wriggle out of it". And worst of all since this is a democracy that is supposed to belong to "we the people, ie all the people" will not allow anything to be done about it which will lead to the whole damn place to come crashing down around our ears in the next, say 15-20 years we are absolutely, utterly, totally, and completely, powerless to do anything about it, except pontificate on message boards about how nothing can be done about it.

Is that fairly close?

10-14-2015, 01:34 PM
OK, you guys help me out here and make sure I have this down correctly. The top 10% of Americans own about 84.5% of all wealth in this country (which you can easily verify if you want to) this process has gotten MUCH worse since the 1980s, this leaves the bottom 90% of us, which would, I'm assuming, include each and every one of us NOT named Vol, to fight over the remaining 15.5%, so that would be 90% fighting over 15.5%. Since this process is just that, a process, this trend will continue unless something is done to reverse it, which cannot be done without violating numerous moral, ethical, religious, and socio-economic absolutes on a par with re-instituting human sacrifice so therefore it simply can't be done, and even if it were done the wealthy, who I'm assuming would have to be the source most affected by any changes, would simply "wriggle out of it". And worst of all since this is a democracy that is supposed to belong to "we the people, ie all the people" will not allow anything to be done about it which will lead to the whole damn place to come crashing down around our ears in the next, say 15-20 years we are absolutely, utterly, totally, and completely, powerless to do anything about it, except pontificate on message boards about how nothing can be done about it.

Is that fairly close?

It's called revolution. It's not exactly unfathomable and it's not always drastic. The Occupy movement put the disparity of wealth in this country on the mind of virtually every citizen. I can't help but think we're working in a positive direction in terms of reform (or, at least, awareness) in that area -- obviously we put that progress in danger if we elect a shill like Clinton or Bush. I don't buy the one way track to hell sentiment. You can't produce another contemporary model which would even remotely support it. Seems kind of like that dude who predicted the apocalypse two years ago and has kept modifying the date ever since.

The masses are asses, though. One should never discount the sheer and unforgivable ignorance of an electorate (or individual) who would support a candidate like HRC.

The Chosen One
10-14-2015, 01:40 PM
Bernie isn't a shill for Hillary. He's not going to beat her by going negative and attacking he'll have to beat her by policy and rhetoric.

Going negative backfired for Hillary against Obama big time. Bernie's people are smart. They didn't jump Hillary in the polls this much by being incompetent.

10-14-2015, 02:23 PM
Bernie isn't a shill for Hillary. He's not going to beat her by going negative and attacking he'll have to beat her by policy and rhetoric.

Going negative backfired for Hillary against Obama big time. Bernie's people are smart. They didn't jump Hillary in the polls this much by being incompetent.

He doesn't have to go negative, just stay neutral. He gave Hillary her best moment of the night.

10-14-2015, 02:28 PM
Bernie isn't a shill for Hillary. He's not going to beat her by going negative and attacking he'll have to beat her by policy and rhetoric.

Going negative backfired for Hillary against Obama big time. Bernie's people are smart. They didn't jump Hillary in the polls this much by being incompetent.

No, they aren't.

There was no excuse for him not going head to head with her when she went negative (which was like, what, the first question?). This is the weakest that Hillary has been in her entire political career and to not take advantage of that reality was just sheepish and a wasted opportunity. They all tip-toed around it -- but nobody was going to take her on directly, because she would have accused them of engaging in a GOP-esque witchhunt, and given that the room was clearly chock-full of Clinton supporters, that would have looked bad on TV.

Ironically, Clinton was the only one on the stage who acted like she had balls. She was concise, eloquent, and oozed confidence. It was painfully evident to me that somebody had told Sanders, 'When it gets rough -- go to the issues' ... so the dude rambled incoherently about his platform but it was all out of place and involved a lot of frustrated looking gesticulation, eye-popping, vocal intonation. He was drastically ill-prepared to defend himself on some MAJOR issues (like the Brady Bill fiasco or the Social Dem. thing [really, you can't think of a better answer than: Look at Sweden, Norway, and Finland!]) I was hoping Jim Webb would whip out a little of the crazy on her, but knew he was in for a rough night when he couldn't remember how many children he had (and really, what the **** was the point of naming them? Who gives these people jobs?)

Anyways, I think Sanders could absolutely beat Clinton on the issues, and I have no idea why he wasn't more inclined to aggressively delineate what was DIFFERENT between his viewpoints and the rest of the people on stage.

He had his lunch handed to him.

10-14-2015, 08:27 PM



10-14-2015, 08:33 PM
Not to piss on your parade, but Ron Paul won a lot of Internet polls too and we saw where that got him.

That said, it wasn't the dominant landslide CNN and others are claiming.

10-14-2015, 08:45 PM
Not to piss on your parade, but Ron Paul won a lot of Internet polls too and we saw where that got him.

That said, it wasn't the dominant landslide CNN and others are claiming.

Yeah but that was because Ron Paul fans were the only republicans young enough to be able to use the internet

10-14-2015, 08:51 PM
I haven't watched it but just find it interesting how big media and the Repubs here seem so stuck on Hillary.

10-14-2015, 09:06 PM
I haven't watched it but just find it interesting how big media and the Repubs here seem so stuck on Hillary.

If you watched the debate you would know why.

Entertaining....not, torture, but she was the only one who didn't fumble and answer presidential but she is full of schit.

Hillary - the Head Bitch in charge and shown it
Sanders - Bumbling, froth mouthing, raging lunatic who has no clue how the modern world work.
Jim Weber - stand up marine with brevity and it showed but he looked like he wanted to take a schit in the middle of it.
O'Malley - smooth operator and after going over his stuff today, total BS, all show no substance.
Chafee - Scott Walker clone that look like one of the people from a 70's horror movie.

Bunch of clowns and old men and I thought Republicans were painted as such.

10-14-2015, 09:07 PM
Yeah but that was because Ron Paul fans were the only republicans young enough to be able to use the internet

Oh, come on. The vast, vast majority of Bernie supporters are under the age of 35 or so. I'm just saying don't put stock in Internet polls. I don't think Hillary dominated the debate. Every challenge to her is an attack on women or a vast right-wing conspiracy. How many times does she have to justify she's a human? I thought her strongest part of the night was hitting Bernie on the gun issue. He clearly was not anywhere near ready for it. The Secretary of State line to Chafee was cute and played well in the auditorium, but anyone with half a brain knows Obama put her in his cabinet to neutralize her. They've never liked each other. And if there was an opening for her to run against him in 2012, she would have taken it.

And the argument that Biden lost the debate by not jumping in ahead of time is premature at best to me. People are too busy blowing Hillary and forget how spectacular a debater Biden is.

10-14-2015, 09:16 PM
Oh, come on. The vast, vast majority of Bernie supporters are under the age of 35 or so. I'm just saying don't put stock in Internet polls. I don't think Hillary dominated the debate. Every challenge to her is an attack on women or a vast right-wing conspiracy. How many times does she have to justify she's a human? I thought her strongest part of the night was hitting Bernie on the gun issue. He clearly was not anywhere near ready for it. The Secretary of State line to Chafee was cute and played well in the auditorium, but anyone with half a brain knows Obama put her in his cabinet to neutralize her. They've never liked each other. And if there was an opening for her to run against him in 2012, she would have taken it.

And the argument that Biden lost the debate by not jumping in ahead of time is premature at best to me. People are too busy blowing Hillary and forget how spectacular a debater Biden is.

Oh how I wish Biden was there. Them it would have been a "big ****in deal!"

10-14-2015, 10:01 PM
Oh how I wish Biden was there. Them it would have been a "big ****in deal!"

But alas there still wouldn't have been a clean and articulate candidate like once upon a time.

10-15-2015, 04:51 AM
this thread has got me like


10-15-2015, 10:15 AM
LINK: Yes, Bernie Won Every Poll on the Internet. Hillary Still Won the Debate. (http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/10/14/bernie_won_polls_not_the_debate_hillary_won_the_de bate.html)

10-15-2015, 10:18 AM
I haven't watched it but just find it interesting how big media and the Repubs here seem so stuck on Hillary.

Perhaps because she's currently the clear nominee with a 20 point gap between her and the rest of the motley crew? Basically the same reason that Trump is being given the time of day.

10-15-2015, 11:09 AM
Speaking of her "motley crew" and scandals, hows bout Denny Hastert? There are no Hilary scandals.

10-15-2015, 11:13 AM
Surprised y'all didn't learn anything from the doctored videos. Nah, not really

10-15-2015, 11:40 AM
There are no Hilary scandals.

Damn son. Edewkate yoself: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/tracking-the-clinton-controversies-from-whitewater-to-benghazi/396182/

10-15-2015, 11:44 AM
like I said, thought you'd learn . Hey, look at that Shiney thing

10-15-2015, 11:47 AM
I envy your blissful ignorance, I really do.

I want to be blind.

10-15-2015, 12:07 PM
Hilary is one of the most disgusting front runners I can ever remember. She is a joke and can't be trusted at all. The fact that she is beloved by so many on the left tells me all I need to know about their judgement.

But they sure can make some good memes!

10-15-2015, 12:18 PM
To be clear, I favored Obama to HRC last time out and favor Sanders to HRC this time.
I am hardly what you would call one who "beloves" her.
She is a Goldwater Girl and will always be, a Goldwater Girl

I would wager HRC is / was the most investigated person in history.
Yet, Denny Hastert goes to jail before her ?
Took a plea so, the dirt doesn't come out.

The "videos" is a scandal -- the 7 Committees concerning
Benghazi to many is a scandal. Time & money wasted on Whitewater was a scandal

Talking about "motley crews". Hastert is a scandal. Paid hush money to his victims of underage sex
Was it boys or girls ? Never read far enough.

But hey, that means I fit in here - right ?

Some other scandals ?
Outing of Valarie Plame
2008 collapse

more ?

A manufactured PR stunt does not rise to the level of malfesience the above.

Her emails had classified info -- ooooohhhhh
Do you know where and what that means ?

Shoot, I once had a Top Secret Clearance.

10-15-2015, 12:21 PM
Hilary is one of the most disgusting front runners I can ever remember. She is a joke and can't be trusted at all. The fact that she is beloved by so many on the left tells me all I need to know about their judgement.

But they sure can make some good memes!


It is fair to disagree with her on policy. I do too. But to call her disgusting and can't be trusted without saying what was disgusting or untrustworthy is
childish and why you get taken less seriously every day.

10-15-2015, 12:33 PM
For the record I think the whole party won . Because people will compare the substance of discussion and demeanor of the candidates with their (R) counterparts.

No one told Jim Webb to shut and then remind him he only had 1%..
Or called Rosie O'Donnell a pig.

Or blathered on like Carson or was as smug as Huckabee.

There was no kids table

Or people that ran business' into the ground

(R) may have lost the Congress at that debate

10-15-2015, 12:51 PM
There was just:

a) a guy who couldn't remember how many children he has, but writes some damn good erotica.
b) a guy who voted for Glass-Steagall because his 'dad just died'.
c) a guy who arrested 1 out of every 6 people in his city
d) a guy who voted against the Brady Bill (5 times) and screamed 'it's complicated!' when asked why.
e) a gal who has been embroiled in scandal the past year, passes her flip-flopping off as 'evolution', and carries about as much baggage as you would expect an opportunist career politician to carry.

10-15-2015, 12:53 PM
Talking about "motley crews". Hastert is a scandal. Paid hush money to his victims of underage sex
Was it boys or girls ? Never read far enough.

But hey, that means I fit in here - right ?

Did you pay for underage sex? I don't get it.

10-15-2015, 01:19 PM
I get free sex, I'm a registered Democrat

a) granted. Killed a guy too
b) poor "Linc" . I read somewhere he spent the night looking like he lost his yacht keys
c) Tommy Carcetti
d) hate to say it but that is why he won't be elected. Interesting - JFK was the first sitting Senator to be elected for generations and Barrack was the next. Senators live in the policy weeds. Where they admit things like "it's complicated " because, bills are kinda --- complicated. Plus they have a voting record which has them on defense. Defense always looks bad
e) no, she is not embroiled in a scandal. She is is embroiled in a PR scheme gone wrong
there are policy notions she is off on. But scandal, no. You gotta do better than that.

10-15-2015, 01:29 PM
Hilary is one of the most disgusting front runners I can ever remember. She is a joke and can't be trusted at all. The fact that she is beloved by so many on the left tells me all I need to know about their judgement.

But they sure can make some good memes!

I don't get why anyone loves her as a candidate/politician. Baffling.

10-15-2015, 01:38 PM
I agree with you that the Brady Bill (as with most bills) was extremely complicated. That said, you gotta know what your opponent is strapped with, and to not see a better response was really disappointing to me. I know Sanders had a good reason, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would take such an important decision so lightly. So tell us about it. The 'it was complicated' response is one of those sound-bites that the Clinton campaign will use ad infinitum.


It's a scandal to me (and maybe that's a definition you need to acquaint yourself with), and further, turnabout for the blood on her hands involving her gross negligence in Benghazi.

And if it was just a 'PR scheme' (and I could honestly care less what it's labeled) it's certainly worked. People know who Bernie Sanders is because of the e-mail fiasco. She's spent 6 months and countless dollars trying to crawl out of a hole. Seems like Gowdy deserves a pat on the back for a job well done. That said, I don't think we've heard the last from him or that the e-mail chapter is fully closed.

10-15-2015, 01:57 PM
The fact that the Obama administration and the FBI is investigating Hilary should be all we need to know whether it is a "scandal" or not.

I could only imagine what 57's thoughts would be if it were the republican front runner.

Hell, he thought the "47%" comment was a scandal.

10-15-2015, 02:04 PM
Did you pay for underage sex? I don't get it.

That's why you get elected to Congress, you don't to pay for it anymore.

10-15-2015, 04:08 PM
It's called revolution. It's not exactly unfathomable and it's not always drastic. The Occupy movement put the disparity of wealth in this country on the mind of virtually every citizen. I can't help but think we're working in a positive direction in terms of reform (or, at least, awareness) in that area -- obviously we put that progress in danger if we elect a shill like Clinton or Bush. I don't buy the one way track to hell sentiment. You can't produce another contemporary model which would even remotely support it. Seems kind of like that dude who predicted the apocalypse two years ago and has kept modifying the date ever since.

I would LOVE to think you were right on this but who are we saying might be working on this? In spite of what some people on this very board think regarding nobody is really busy trying to make things worse for the (formerly) middle class, or are busy trying to make the top 10% richer, it's just happening, it's just the system, nothing can be done!!!

The only people with the power, other than the American voter (and your second paragraph covers them very accurately) to make any positive changes are the ones actively effing stuff up now, they have to reason to want to fix it. It'd be like the oil companies voluntarily working on a "free to the public" clean and renewable energy source.

The masses are asses, though. One should never discount the sheer and unforgivable ignorance of an electorate (or individual) who would support a candidate like HRC.

I'm just officially giving notice to you here and now, I'm definitely plagiarizing the hell out of this paragraph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :icon_biggrin:


10-16-2015, 01:48 PM
Randomly scanning the internet I ventured into RedState and found where y'all are getting the notion of gun confiscation.

They did qualify their ramble by saying
" Never mind that it would be unconstitutional under current understanding of the Second Amendment. "

But this is the kicker
" If she wins, she’d simply appoint people to the Supreme Court who disagree with the Heller decision and are prepared to throw it out. That decision solidified the second amendment as an individual right."

Forgetting that those she appoints do have to go through confirmation hearings
but hey, that doesn't make for as colorful reading.
Does it ?


Why not just say she'd suspend the Constitution, declare martial law herself Queen and Grand Poo-Bah for Life ...

I'd be embarrassed to take RedState as serious

10-16-2015, 01:57 PM
Randomly scanning the internet I ventured into RedState and found where y'all are getting the notion of gun confiscation.

They did qualify their ramble by saying
" Never mind that it would be unconstitutional under current understanding of the Second Amendment. "

But this is the kicker
" If she wins, she’d simply appoint people to the Supreme Court who disagree with the Heller decision and are prepared to throw it out. That decision solidified the second amendment as an individual right."

Forgetting that those she appoints do have to go through confirmation hearings
but hey, that doesn't make for as colorful reading.
Does it ?


Why not just say she'd suspend the Constitution, declare martial law herself Queen and Grand Poo-Bah for Life ...

I'd be embarrassed to take RedState as serious

i don't think it's unreasonable for someone to not have faith that supreme court is capable of upholding the constitution... both ACA and Gay marriage were preposterous decisions that violate the 10th amendment

10-16-2015, 05:22 PM
i don't think it's unreasonable for someone to not have faith that supreme court is capable of upholding the constitution... both ACA and Gay marriage were preposterous decisions that violate the 10th amendment

Actually the 10th Amendment and Gay Marriage go right out when it comes down to the 16th Amendment. If you're gonna collect income tax and part of income tax code is marriage, then Gay marriage 100% is covered by the constitution. I'd largely agree about ACA but Robert's opinion on it being a tax was the difference maker.

Personally I find citizens united to be a much bigger abortion of justice, as I don't consider giving money to politicians speech, nor do I consider corporations or unions to be people.

10-16-2015, 07:10 PM
Actually the 10th Amendment and Gay Marriage go right out when it comes down to the 16th Amendment. If you're gonna collect income tax and part of income tax code is marriage, then Gay marriage 100% is covered by the constitution. I'd largely agree about ACA but Robert's opinion on it being a tax was the difference maker.

Personally I find citizens united to be a much bigger abortion of justice, as I don't consider giving money to politicians speech, nor do I consider corporations or unions to be people.

Wasn't the court's decision on gay marriage based on the 14th amendment?

10-16-2015, 07:15 PM
Wasn't the court's decision on gay marriage based on the 14th amendment?

Well 14th is another reason why as well. You do have issues with one state allowing someone and crossing over to another state, getting in a car accident and his or her spouse won't be recognized and afforded the same rights as other states would.

10-16-2015, 07:59 PM
I don't get why anyone loves her as a candidate/politician. Baffling.
I don't think it's that baffling. She always had great name recognition, arriving on her husband's coattails as she did, even though she was on a political course herself. And without a long history of past failures/gaffes/scandals that she likely would've incurred had she risen up through the ranks on her own. And even though plenty of dirt has been scraped up from the dark corners by Rep enemies, the Clintons are still standing, at least for now. You can't say she hasn't been vetted and you can't accuse her of being just a flash in the pan, unlike a few other female politicians I could name.

And now she has a real chance to be the first woman president. Of course people love her. The question is: why don't you like her? Methinks if she had an (R) by her name you'd be fawning over her like the 2nd Coming. We have all seen you brush away flaws by the bushel load from candidates on your side.

10-16-2015, 08:09 PM
Those aren't reasons to "love" her. Love the concept of getting a female president isn't the same thing as loving her. Tipping the hat at her savvy, balls, cunning, staying power, etc., isn't "loving."

For starters, she's an irritating speaker. She's adept at lying. She's an enabler of Bill's horn-dogging. She's foulmouthed. She's flip-flops. She's a crony capitalist and will be a tool of Wall Street. She's a hawk that got us into Libya, as if. She's pro-abortion. She's got a track record of horrific treatment of subordinates....

Now, since you've all seen me "brush away flaws by the bushel load from candidates on" my side - that I assume you think I support, please give me examples.

10-16-2015, 08:51 PM
Those aren't reasons to "love" her. Love the concept of getting a female president isn't the same thing as loving her. Tipping the hat at her savvy, balls, cunning, staying power, etc., isn't "loving."

For starters, she's an irritating speaker. She's adept at lying. She's an enabler of Bill's horn-dogging. She's foulmouthed. She's flip-flops. She's a crony capitalist and will be a tool of Wall Street. She's a hawk that got us into Libya, as if. She's pro-abortion. She's got a track record of horrific treatment of subordinates....

Now, since you've all seen me "brush away flaws by the bushel load from candidates on" my side - that I assume you think I support, please give me examples.
I don't know what you mean by "love" and why that's important. She's running for President; Americans love a good horserace; people just want to be on the winning side.

She's now a politician. That should cover pretty much all your criticisms. "Foulmouthed"? Hell, I hope so.

She actually resembles a Republican male politician. She's quite conservative (lower case "c") in her manner and action. She's very establishment, pro-business and pro-strong military. She could turn herself into a moderate Republican with very little policy change, abortion notwithstanding.

You've sung the praises of everyone from Sarah Palin on down at one time or another. I stand by the assertion that if Hillary were a Republican, you would LOVE her, warts and all.

10-16-2015, 09:28 PM
I'm mean, "really, really like and get all excited by." I know that there are those so moved - maybe even you. She's got what, a 40% favorability rating? I just don't feel it. She's does for me what Ann Coulter does. Irritates the fool out of me. Sorry.

Cover my criticisms? Okay. Doesn't make them go away for me. For you maybe - that's fine. If you want to ra-ra for her, knock yourself out.

"Sung the praises of everyone from Sarah Palin on down"... Yeah, whatever.

Stand by it as you like. And I'll make and stand by the assertion that you like Miley Cyrus "music." Both about as equally likely.

10-16-2015, 10:02 PM
And I'll make and stand by the assertion that you like Miley Cyrus "music."
Miley Cyrus makes music??? That's news to me.

Whether you like Hillary or not, she's clearly the most qualified, experienced and formidable candidate in the field. I don't think it's even debatable. But I personally don't like her, never have. I saw her deliver a commencement speech back in the early 80's and wasn't moved at all, though I was clearly in the minority and was smart enough to keep my mouth shut at the time.

10-17-2015, 07:08 AM
Miley Cyrus makes music??? That's news to me.

Whether you like Hillary or not, she's clearly the most qualified, experienced and formidable candidate in the field. I don't think it's even debatable. But I personally don't like her, never have. I saw her deliver a commencement speech back in the early 80's and wasn't moved at all, though I was clearly in the minority and was smart enough to keep my mouth shut at the time.

If lying is a quality, I think our nation is trending in the wrong way. Obama now Hilary. Obama mentor was a terrorist who attacked Americans, his speeches of change, passing a Bill that was passed and not looked at, granted some things are good, well only one thing, other is not and has caused rates to go up which he lied about. If you want to put those qualities on CLinton and want a slimy American in charge go ahead, that is your vote. I won't vote for liars, con-artists, people that work with terrorists and what not. Bill lied, but I loved him as a president, it was sex. A lot of American lie to get the coochie, not a bad thing and considering his wife I don't necessarily blame him. I would never cheat and as a pro basketball player I had groupies but I had friends on my team that did everything in their power to get them to leave me alone. Just to make you laugh, I got a jock strap, painted it with crabs and told the players to give it to groupies and still some of them wanted me....that is GROSS.

But her against the field, she SOUNDED the most qualified. I thought O'Malley was until I did a fact check on him, snakeoil salesmen came up. Webb, brevity and all, is too stiff, but I don't think he would be bad, but I notice when watching again, he and others, along with Christopher Lloyd fumbled a lot on their speeches and Clinton never flinched.

She schooled them.

10-18-2015, 07:14 AM
They nailed it.


10-18-2015, 07:26 AM
They nailed it.


I don't watch SNL but thank you Runnin for this. Awesome!!

10-18-2015, 07:34 AM
You nailed it Runnin. This was spot on. I got ragged on by telling each member on how they acted and why Clinton schooled them.

They did a remarkable job echoing it.

10-18-2015, 09:37 AM
Miley music can be fun in a club etc

doesn't make it good music or have to like it

but it can have it's time and place

how the **** are we talking about Miley Cyrus music in this thread? haha

10-29-2015, 10:43 PM
This is what they really said:


10-31-2015, 09:49 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12189672_1059206997445542_5925235504902032751_n.jp g?oh=cfe2f85c2c3f577e7a54c8895ceb95a2&oe=56CE6176

10-31-2015, 12:28 PM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12189672_1059206997445542_5925235504902032751_n.jp g?oh=cfe2f85c2c3f577e7a54c8895ceb95a2&oe=56CE6176

yeah,the 90s sucked

10-31-2015, 12:42 PM
They did indeed - rampant materialistic excess, urban sprawl, wasted resources, fattened banks, etc.

But the SC towns listed above probably saw very little of all that.

10-31-2015, 12:45 PM
yeah,the 90s sucked

You do know the 08 financial crisis was engineered by mid-90's policies,correct?

10-31-2015, 01:51 PM
You do know the 08 financial crisis was engineered by mid-90's policies,correct?

It was planted by mid-90s policies yes, but it was given several years of MiracleGrow/Steroids under the Cheney administration.

10-31-2015, 02:10 PM
You do know the 08 financial crisis was engineered by mid-90's policies,correct?

That certainly laid the groundwork.

You know that the egregious policy missteps that led to the collapse were de-regulatory in nature, correct?

10-31-2015, 03:05 PM
You do know the 08 financial crisis was engineered by mid-90's policies,correct?
