View Full Version : Bernie "Christopher Lloyd" Sanders

10-18-2015, 10:17 AM
His rhetoric is good, minus the spitting when he rages.

I saw his bill, wow, a lot of stuff not mentioned on cost.

1. He wants untenured teachers until tenured, but when tenured you want more money. Which leads to...
2. Tenured teachers are not going to get paid they want and will quit.
3. Universal healthcare is all fine and dandy but when you have those with existing conditions (strains a lot of hospitals and even putting some out of business) is not going to happen, so he is saying be like Denmark.... Which leads to
4. Since I lived in Europe for more than a decade and have an ex wife, a nurse practitioner, told me how this free system works.
4a. Not everyone gets the same care. You get the Dollar Store/Wally World treatment. Emergency is guarantee care but if you have something bad, you will get interns and docs that are not good. Germans do have medical insurance, shocked you, I know, she has it. It means if you have medical insurance, you get the best docs, the best care, the best beds and other things. Do I fault this system, no, I love it. Will it fly here, no. Why........Which leads to this
4b. We love to sue nation, most European countries will not give you 45 mil when coffee is spills on you. They have a limit, I think a little less than a 1 mil. They will offer medical for the rest of your life and give a lump sum thinking you can live your life out in comfort with that amount. Of course the lawyers (ours are the most money hungry in the world) will not allow it.
5. After saying that, we had a lot of docs leave, including 2 of our doctors, because Obamacare insurance is really slow in paying, not only to me but others and it is still slow.

So if we get the mad scientist in charge, we will have issues that are more worst than before.

Now, to make the Libs happy. I like his vision, but not his execution (taxes) because it will kill this country in every way. We would not be a superpower anymore that is for sure but we have an ocean to protect us so that is good, but controlling money is never going to happen again and I hope you would like that. All those CEO's, companies with oversea employees and imports, say bye bye. In some way I like that. We will lose it, but maybe those small businesses will rise again like we did in the first part of the 20th century.