View Full Version : Robbie Grossman

05-16-2016, 06:46 PM
Grossman was just granted his release from the Indians, and should be a guy we target right away IMO. With our relatively thin outfield depth he would seem to be a great fit as a 4th outfielder and possibly even more.

05-16-2016, 07:38 PM
No thanks. If you want another 4th OF, promote Adonis. If Grossman wasn't playing well enough to crack their lineup with Brantley and Chisenhall out, how much help could he possibly offer?

05-16-2016, 07:43 PM
No thanks. If you want another 4th OF, promote Adonis. If Grossman wasn't playing well enough to crack their lineup with Brantley and Chisenhall out, how much help could he possibly offer?

Garcia has proved that his bat can't make up for his defensive forthcomings in the OF.

05-16-2016, 08:02 PM
Garcia has proved that his bat can't make up for his defensive forthcomings in the OF.

That isn't accurate, Garcia's defensive forthcomings were at third outside of few plays after playing solely third for a while. He went a long time without an error in LF in the minors previous to moving to third. Plus he had a 1 DRS in LF in MLB last year in 56 innings. He was probably mostly rusty after moving from third without much practice. Plus he really didn't want to move back to the OF so that probably didn't help either. He's actually made some nice plays in the OF for Gwinnett so no reason not to give him another shot.

05-16-2016, 08:23 PM
Let me guess.

Sign him on the cheap in hopes to get some meaningless draft pick via trade later on?

05-16-2016, 08:23 PM
I'd be okay with Grossman and Garcia in Atlanta's OF mix. Not to put too fine a point on it, but we need to game Mallex's service time and get him down to AAA. Especially if he's going to platoon with Francoeur. Grossman is nothing spectacular, but he's been productive enough in the majors and minors to be worth a shot on a 25-man roster at age 26.

Still disappointed we jettisoned Stubbs. He was making the MLB-minimum and is hitting 267 / 340 / 400 on the year as a guy who can play CF.

05-16-2016, 08:54 PM
I'd be okay with Grossman and Garcia in Atlanta's OF mix. Not to put too fine a point on it, but we need to game Mallex's service time and get him down to AAA. Especially if he's going to platoon with Francoeur. Grossman is nothing spectacular, but he's been productive enough in the majors and minors to be worth a shot on a 25-man roster at age 26.

Still disappointed we jettisoned Stubbs. He was making the MLB-minimum and is hitting 267 / 340 / 400 on the year as a guy who can play CF.

I like your idea dak, I just don't think the Braves FO care about that based on reports and what we've seen and heard from them. As far as Stubbs goes, I am sure he is happy we let him go because now he's in Texas playing for a winner with one of the best young managers in the game in Jeff Banister. Personally, I'd rank Jeff as the best among newer managers in MLB and believe he got a well deserved AL Manager of the Year last year. Those who say a manager cannot make a difference didn't follow Texas last year as he made a huge difference. He made more of difference than even I thought a manager could. So I am sure Stubbs loves leaving Fredi and the worst team in MLB to go there. I sure would and I'm a native from Atlanta, Georgia. I also noted Stubbs got a big game winning homer for them recently so he seems to be having fun there.

That said, I hope I am wrong and we save the year on Mallex but I sure wouldn't bet on it.

05-16-2016, 09:20 PM
The point is that you can still "game" Mallex' service-time clock (if you do it pretty quickly) without signing another bench piece. Call Garcia back up, call Jace back up and play KJ in the OF, etc..

Signing someone from outside the organization requires you to create a 40-Man Roster spot and release someone. Why do that for someone who doesn't actually help in some way like a 4th or 5th OF or another RP?

If Grossman would somehow make things better, I could see the argument. Unfortunately, slightly (maybe) upgrading the bench to save a year of control over Mallex Smith doesn't seem to do much in that regard IMO.

05-16-2016, 09:41 PM
I like your idea dak, I just don't think the Braves FO care about that based on reports and what we've seen and heard from them. As far as Stubbs goes, I am sure he is happy we let him go because now he's in Texas playing for a winner with one of the best young managers in the game in Jeff Banister. Personally, I'd rank Jeff as the best among newer managers in MLB and believe he got a well deserved AL Manager of the Year last year. Those who say a manager cannot make a difference didn't follow Texas last year as he made a huge difference. He made more of difference than even I thought a manager could. So I am sure Stubbs loves leaving Fredi and the worst team in MLB to go there. I sure would and I'm a native from Atlanta, Georgia. I also noted Stubbs got a big game winning homer for them recently so he seems to be having fun there.

That said, I hope I am wrong and we save the year on Mallex but I sure wouldn't bet on it.

As in the case of Swisher, I'm glad we let Stubbs go. I'd be open to Grossman. He may have so room left in his development and we've got plenty of candidates currently on the 40-man who could (and probably should) be DFAd.

05-16-2016, 09:49 PM
As in the case of Swisher, I'm glad we let Stubbs go. I'd be open to Grossman. He may have so room left in his development and we've got plenty of candidates currently on the 40-man who could (and probably should) be DFAd.

My comments on Stubbs wasn't a complaint on us letting him go, just commenting on how it was a move that worked out best for him. I didn't really care all that much either way since I'd rather have a younger 4th outfielder who could potentially help our bench next year too. I'd be open to Grossman for that reason too and exactly the other reasons you stated. That said, my main statement was to agree with dak on saving the year on Mallex while also being realistic about it the chances of it happening.

05-16-2016, 10:04 PM
Why get Grossman? He's never been good and never had the pedigree.

05-16-2016, 10:09 PM
Why get Grossman? He's never been good and never had the pedigree.

He is still young enough that he could improve and he's also a switch hitter. Nothing special, just someone I'd have no issue giving a shot. If he stinks just DFA him and try someone else.

The Chosen One
05-16-2016, 10:14 PM
Let me guess.

Sign him on the cheap in hopes to get some meaningless draft pick via trade later on?

Hopefully he is worth something and doesn't suck as bad as your boy Stubbs, who you wanted us to pick up despite him being useless.

05-16-2016, 10:15 PM
He is still young enough that he could improve and he's also a switch hitter. Nothing special, just someone I'd have no issue giving a shot. If he stinks just DFA him and try someone else.

Again, Grossman might not be a bad 5th OF, but who are you going to release to create a spot for him?

05-16-2016, 10:30 PM
Again, Grossman might not be a bad 5th OF, but who are you going to release to create a spot for him?

Weber, d'Arnaud, and Brignac all spring to mind.

05-16-2016, 10:38 PM
Again, Grossman might not be a bad 5th OF, but who are you going to release to create a spot for him?

I find it funny you ask this question as if we don't have multiple candidates including Brignac and Frenchy. Plus I'd obviously send Mallex back down to get that extra year and as soon as D'Arnaud goes cold (he will as he's not good either) there's another candidate. So that's four players right there you could make an argument to replace him with and three you could DFA at various points.

05-16-2016, 10:39 PM
Weber, d'Arnaud, and Brignac all spring to mind.

Weber would be a mistake, plus he's a pitcher. But yea Brignac and d'Arnaud make sense and I'd be fine letting Frenchy go too at some point.

BTW, it looks like we're at 39 on the 40 man including Simmons and Winkler on it. Winkler could be moved to 60-day DL for room when needed and Simmons is already on the 40-man. So it's not like our 40-man roster is that tight.

PS: Correction: Braves 40-man is at only 38 as Olivera isn't on it anymore for now at least and I had counted him.

05-16-2016, 11:25 PM
I find it funny you ask this question as if we don't have multiple candidates including Brignac and Frenchy. Plus I'd obviously send Mallex back down to get that extra year and as soon as D'Arnaud goes cold (he will as he's not good either) there's another candidate. So that's four players right there you could make an argument to replace him with and three you could DFA at various points.

At least Frenchy and Brignac were considered top prospects at one point. Grossman has never been anything.

05-17-2016, 08:11 AM
Hopefully he is worth something and doesn't suck as bad as your boy Stubbs, who you wanted us to pick up despite him being useless.

I didn't want the Braves to pick Drew up. I was glad they did though. He doesn't get any playing time. Can't expert him to perform when he isn't allowed to.

05-17-2016, 08:19 AM
I didn't want the Braves to pick Drew up. I was glad they did though. He doesn't get any playing time. Can't expert him to perform when he isn't allowed to.

I never thought much of Stubbs as a player. You strike out that much, you better hit a sh*tload of HRs. But he's become a player--like many other players--who has to play every day to be any good but he's not good enough to play every day. He's in a perfect position on an AL team that needs a guy who can play all three OF positions and hit the occasional (very occasional) dinger. He's a useful spare part with no room for any growth. I'm not sold on Grossman, but he's someone you could roll the dice on.

05-17-2016, 09:07 AM
I didn't want the Braves to pick Drew up. I was glad they did though. He doesn't get any playing time. Can't expert him to perform when he isn't allowed to.

He played quite a bit when he was on the team but he's been off the team for quite a while

05-17-2016, 09:37 AM
I could maybe see releasing Brignac to pick him up, but I'm not so sure how well he fits even if you send Mallex down for a little bit to manipulate his clock. Adonis is tearing the cover off the ball. The concern I'd have is that you get "too many cooks in the kitchen" by adding another guy to the OF mix - especially if he isn't an everyday guy.

I have no issues with sending Mallex down, but he's adjusting pretty well. I still believe you have to handle it the right way (for his confidence) if you do it, and that's going to be tough to do now that he's been a much bigger part of the few wins we've had and he's become a much bigger part of the team and the clubhouse. I (like most everyone else) find it more than annoying that Fredi's not playing him against lefties, but that's something that the brass is going to have to fix (apparently). Just think it sends an odd message when the brass says "we're sending you down because we want you to get consistent ABs against lefties" when they're in charge and Fredi runs Inciarte out there against them.

Assuming Adonis keeps hitting, you're already getting close to having too many OFs as it is. Markakis and Inciarte are going to play everyday. Mallex and Garcia need to play everyday. While we all like to poke at Frenchy at times (and he IS expendable), he's been pretty productive. If you hope to build any trade value at all for Jeff and KJ, they need to be getting consistent ABs - meaning you're going to need to force Fredi to play both of them more. I'd bet we all figure that if you hand Fredi someone like Grossman and he gets several hits, the chances of him doing that on his on greatly diminishes since he'll keep going to him in an effort to win games.

I'm sure I'd view it differently if I believed Grossman could become the everyday guy in LF for the rest of the year, but I just don't see that happening.

05-17-2016, 05:35 PM
He played quite a bit when he was on the team but he's been off the team for quite a while
