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02-10-2017, 09:42 PM
Making a single thread to contain my rage against the police.

Here is the link for the story I talked about in another thread. Literally made me so mad I was shaking.


This is a good look at our kangaroo court system. What kind of justice system intimidates people so much that they will plead guilty to felony drug charges when they dont even do drugs. Also highlights how the Houston PD ramped up the war on drugs when we got a lot of black people from Katrina. Remember, we need to pay 35k a year to imprison drug users so they arent a drain on society. Modern day slavers is what they are.

02-10-2017, 09:48 PM

Heroes heroically sick their dog on a 82 year old grandma in her shed. She is hard of hearing and doesnt speak english. The cops "feared for their life" thinking power tools could be used against them so they sent in their attack dog. Once they heard a female scream they knew something wasnt right. So they dragged her to the police car in handcuffs, this is supposedly after they realized their mistake. Thankfully no officers were injured.

02-10-2017, 10:22 PM

Here is some more insight into how cops operate thanks to a 360 camera they cant turn off. They make every effort to block filming because they know it will be used in a lawsuit. What are they scared of? Thanks to the 360 camera they cant turn off we hear how they used the excuse of inventorying the vehicle as an excuse to conduct a warrantless search. You can clearly hear their intent is to find something they can charge them with for daring to peacefully protest their illegal actions. They look for every technicality they can to charge them. Where were the good cops?

02-10-2017, 10:28 PM

Yet another isolated incident of cops beating handcuffed people and lying on their police report to justify it. This is why cops should be filmed at all times and should not be considered unimpeachable witnesses in court. Assault, battery, and filing false police reports are all serious crimes. None of the officers were charged. Why does it take the video coming out for something to happen. Where were the good cops?

02-10-2017, 10:41 PM

Police raid a mans home after he criticized them for a viral video of one of their officers drawing a gun on a homeowner filming. The cops claim someone called 911 and said someone said they heard a woman scream from inside his home. When they bang on his door he answers his door and raises his hands so they cant justify shooting him. The cops said him raising his hands was suspicious so they handcuffed him and searched his home. Then finding nothing they can charge him with they release him. What about the 911 call you ask? Police refuse to release it. Refuse to even release a transcript. Funny how when the shoe is on the other foot they say "what do you have to hide".

02-10-2017, 10:47 PM

Cops raid wrong home and terrorize family in Georgia. Who do you call when cops are attempting to break into your house?

02-10-2017, 10:51 PM

Imagine waking up to cops chainsawing your door down in the middle of the night. Supposedly a drug raid... no drugs found. 3 year child probably traumatized. Thats ok, heres an apology and 10 bucks to fix the door.

02-10-2017, 10:56 PM

Cops falsify report to get no knock warrant and murder grandma who thought she was defending her home from burglars. The "informant" told them it was the wrong house beforehand and after the shooting the cops called him and tried to intimidate him into lying to protect them.

02-10-2017, 11:00 PM

Cops murder another homeowner in a raid on the wrong home in Georgia. Just another day at the office for these cops.

02-10-2017, 11:04 PM

Cops raid home because he had a basement hydroponic garden and found "plant material" in the trash which their field test said was pot. If they did nothing wrong why did they fight the homeowners attempts to find out why they were raided. They had to spend 25k just to find out why they were terrorized.

02-10-2017, 11:11 PM

Cops murder retired engineer in his own bed. The reason for the raid? They said they smelled chemicals down wind of the property and concluded it was a meth lab. Just more collateral damage.

02-10-2017, 11:14 PM

Cops murder Veteran in another wrong drug raid. They protected and served the **** out of him.

02-10-2017, 11:18 PM

More cops terrorizing people. Their excuse for hurting the kids is that the kid ran into the butt of his gun. Sure.

02-10-2017, 11:34 PM
One thing I always struggle with is the automatic reverence we have for police officers and soldiers. Undoubtedly there are incredibly brave people in both professions that do selfless work for the sake of their community/country, but there are also just a ****ton of terrible people that do not deserve my respect simply because they chose a job that is dangerous.

02-10-2017, 11:38 PM

DEA are caught with underage prostitutes paid for by drug cartels and the DEA's response is to send a memo to let their agents know thats unacceptable behavior. It might even get them fired.

02-10-2017, 11:41 PM

DEA refusing to admit the truth in front of congress.

02-10-2017, 11:58 PM

Good look at what the cops are protecting us from. Wouldnt you feel safer with these vicious criminals in a cage?

02-11-2017, 08:54 AM
Thanks for the captions Cajun.

I was pulled over and treated like schit by cops, once, as well. Fortunately I had a high ranking member of the most powerful company in town in the car with me or I don't think I would be with you all today.

I got an apology out of the ordeal because I and she demanded it. If we didn't I would be in that picture above.

02-11-2017, 09:11 AM

Police can get the wrong house, give no warning, break into your home, shoot you, kill your dog, shoot one of their own, and nothing happens.

If this happened at my house I would be dead and some of the intruding police would be dead. I'm not waiting to see who broke in and shot my dog before returning fire.

02-11-2017, 10:24 AM

If this happened at my house I would be dead and some of the intruding police would be dead. I'm not waiting to see who broke in and shot my dog before returning fire.

True dat! We don't ask around here, if you break in we shoot first and ax questions later.

02-11-2017, 09:17 PM
True dat! We don't ask around here, if you break in we shoot first and ax questions later.

If it's the cops who have broken in and you shoot first, I'm guessing you won't be axing anything later.

02-11-2017, 09:37 PM
If it's the cops who have broken in and you shoot first, I'm guessing you won't be axing anything later.

That's probably true but neither will some of them. If I know it's the police, etc., that would be different but that's not what we're talking about here, this is about those times when the cops broke into the wrong house (unannounced) and started shooting. What would you do?

02-12-2017, 05:16 AM
One thing I always struggle with is the automatic reverence we have for police officers and soldiers. Undoubtedly there are incredibly brave people in both professions that do selfless work for the sake of their community/country, but there are also just a ****ton of terrible people that do not deserve my respect simply because they chose a job that is dangerous.

If I can be serious for a minute. We really need to start teaching kids how to get arrested. We feed them all this freedom and liberty bull**** in school then when a cop stops them they think yelling about rights protects them. There are so many cases of false arrest where they give the cops a reason. Even if the arrest is false they get you on the resisting charge. The courts can not rule that resisting arrest is okay except in the most extreme cases because otherwise we would have all kinds of shootouts from jackasses who think they know the law. I see these people who bait cops to arrest them and they almost all act like complete jackasses. They give the cop some small justification for beating the **** out of them. You can tell a cop to **** off without cursing or raising your voice.

02-12-2017, 05:24 AM
Thanks for the captions Cajun.

I was pulled over and treated like schit by cops, once, as well. Fortunately I had a high ranking member of the most powerful company in town in the car with me or I don't think I would be with you all today.

I got an apology out of the ordeal because I and she demanded it. If we didn't I would be in that picture above.

The first cops I plan to go after are the ones who will arrest you for contempt of cop. Mass surveillance cam be a bitch for both sides. Its just going to get easier to catch them in crystal audio and HD video from 20 angles streamed to a remote location over wifi. I cant imagine what we could have available in 10 years.

02-12-2017, 05:26 AM
That's probably true but neither will some of them. If I know it's the police, etc., that would be different but that's not what we're talking about here, this is about those times when the cops broke into the wrong house (unannounced) and started shooting. What would you do?

Robber life hack - If homeowner sees you yell "Police Search Warrant".

Good luck having your wits about you at 3 am when you wake up to a flashbang.

02-13-2017, 08:15 AM

Cops raid wrong home and terrorize family in Georgia. Who do you call when cops are attempting to break into your house?

I'm typically pro-police. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt because it's basically a **** job and I'm thankful for the vast majority of them who I think are making the world a better place. Having said all that....

This no knock nonsense needs to be reined in A LOT. I get the need for it if you are breaking into some South American cocaine cartel headquarters where there are probably 50 bad guys with AKs on the other side. It's crazy to use it for smaller offenses, and there needs to be some type of triple check that they are actually at the correct address. Once one innocent person died this should have all stopped.

God help me and whoever is coming in if anyone ever breaks down my door. As a friend of mine said, I'll just assume it's a clever robber if anyone ever breaks in and shouts Police.

02-13-2017, 08:37 AM
80,000 swat raids a year. In a free country.

02-18-2017, 08:01 AM

TSA saving us from a 12 year old terrorist in a wheelchair.

02-18-2017, 08:03 AM

This is one of my favorites. Dont want to spoil it by telling you what happens.

02-18-2017, 08:16 AM

More proof that cops should NEVER be believed in a court of law unless there is video proof. These cops said they had to fire because the vehicle was trying to run them over but their own dash cam shows the vehicle steered away from them before they started firing. A judge just ruled the cops cant use qualified immunity. Sadly I doubt they will be put in the cage they deserve to be in.

02-18-2017, 08:47 AM
Interesting bit on Mother Jones website: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization

02-18-2017, 09:11 AM

Another bully with a badge.

02-18-2017, 09:51 AM
Interesting bit on Mother Jones website: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization

The officer safety argumeny offends me the most. I dont have the right to shoot people anytime I fear for my life. Why dont I have the same right to be safe and protect myself?

Thr breakdown in trust between the people and cops is largely because cops refuse to police their own. They cant strictly enforce the law on everyone else and apply a different standard to themselves and other cops without losing the trust of the people.

02-18-2017, 10:03 AM

Another bully with a badge.

We have one like that down here in Mccurtain county, he has a reputation for being a major ahole. There are several other really nice ones down here, just the one jerk.

This on is up in Creek County, up SW of Tulsa and Sapulpa. Also, my brother in law studied to become an EMT several years back and he said one of the things he learned was that in OK an ambulance doesn't have any legal right to speed and that the authorities could give them a ticket any time they did speed if they just wanted to.

02-18-2017, 10:04 AM

02-18-2017, 10:06 AM
We have one like that down here in Mccurtain county, he has a reputation for being a major ahole. There are several other really nice ones down here, just the one jerk.

Are they still nice ones if they stick up for and protect the bad ones?

02-18-2017, 10:09 AM

Police protecting and serving in Austin. Filthy jaywalkers think they own the streets. She is lucky the cops didnt rape her.

02-18-2017, 10:17 AM
Are they still nice ones if they stick up for and protect the bad ones?

Sure there can be. It's the leadership and the police unions who make things worse when they say "let's wait until all the facts are in" and then they quietly cause it to go away after people forget. Also, all those "I support all LEOs that you see on Facebook, etc., making you out to be unpatriotic or some kind of trouble making ahole if you try to hold that bad 1% to the same standard that the other 99% already follow.

02-18-2017, 11:17 AM
I think its a lot more than 1%. I agree the police unions are a big part of the problem. The code of silence is the biggest problem and its a lot more than 1% enforcing that. I think 90% of cops would cover for another cop who murdered someone on duty.

02-18-2017, 11:58 AM

Here is a cop actually being held accountable. I bet he only gets probation though. Put a cop in handcuffs for flipping you off then kick him and you are going away for 20+ years.

The Chosen One
02-18-2017, 02:01 PM
Cajun was this you? And if it wasn't, how many times have you pleasured yourself to it?


02-18-2017, 02:34 PM
I would be surprised if that was not fake/staged. That said I think what the guy filming did was stupid and dangerous. 9 times out of 10 the cop pulls that guy over. Speeding 20+ miles over the speed limit can get your license suspended. When I worked as a driver I saw police commit traffic violations all ghe time. While it bothers me that they are hypocrits when it comes go traffic laws thats small potatos. I would never initiate contact with a cop. When I say I fear for my life when I see a cop I mean it. I wont pass a cop no matter what speed theg are going and I usually pull over if I see one.

Now this might shock you but I would commend the officer for not beating that guy up and arresting him. Yeah I know thats pretty low to set the bar but a lot of cops go nuts if you question them. I am not about harrassing cops. I want cops who care about protecting instead of finding every technicality they can to arrest as many people as possible. People who will enforce any law just because its da law are dangerous. This cop seemed chill. Props to him for not overreacting.

02-18-2017, 02:40 PM
Cajun was this you? And if it wasn't, how many times have you pleasured yourself to it?


Dude there are some questions you just shouldn't ask, just in case the other person actually answer them. ;)

02-18-2017, 03:08 PM
I am actually incredibly respectful of cops when I deal with them. I dont say sir or maam but I shut the hell up and do what they say. I dont support people acting like assholes to cops. Theres a lot of videos I dont post because the victim does stupid **** that gives the cop slight justification like refusing to show ID. If a cop is in the wrong I would just state that I dont consent but I will comply if the cop plans to arrest me if I dont. I can file a lawsuit afterwards. The only problem I have with that is that when it comes time for the city/state to pay you get less if the cop doesnt beat or shoot you. I think that is ghr wrong way to go about it and I intend to change that. Why should I only get 25k for a cop violating my rights because I complied and another guy gets 3 mill cause he is brain damaged after getting beat up for not complying to an unlawful order.


this is a good example of one I would not post because the victim did stupid ****. Jesus ****ing Chrisy just show them your ID even if the cops are in the wrong.

02-18-2017, 04:09 PM

I wonder how long until SWAT raids this house and charges this Father with multiple felonies and puts his daughter in a foster home where she wont get the care she needs.

Remember, the federal government says it has no medicinal value and thats why its a schedule 1 drug. They say we need more studies before rescheduling but studies cant be done because its a schedule 1 drug. Thank god Hillary didnt win.

02-21-2017, 05:39 PM

Over half the people in Texas now support legal weed. I doubt the crooks responsible for keeping prohibition going will ever be held accountable, I guess I can only hope history will remember them in the same breath as Hitler and Stalin. Maybe I should just write books, this is going to be a fascinating transition period.

02-21-2017, 05:50 PM

Heres some heroes in action. Teen was opening the door for the 2 plain clothes cops and they bum rushed him because they suspected he had some pot. Fractured his skull, collapsed lung, and suffered kidney failure. Will never live a normal life now. He had no pot on him and the cops blamed the victim saying he was trying to run away. Dont worry, they will just give his family some of your tax money. Thugs need to be held accountable, if the courts wont do it we need real patriots to do it for us.

02-22-2017, 05:30 PM

House bill to make Federal law on Marihuana compliant with state laws. I swear to Jeebus if this goes to Trump and he vetos it I will lose my ****, find it, then lose it all over again. Still wont regret Hilldog losing because she took way too many bribes from anti-legalization groups. So I know she would veto it.

02-22-2017, 06:45 PM

another old favorite of mine. False arrest and sexually assaulting this woman by male officers which I think everyone here knows is against policy and illegal. This is what just doing your job looks like.

02-22-2017, 07:54 PM
Cajun, what did a cop ever do to you for you to hate them so much? Something had to happened somewhere

02-23-2017, 03:45 PM
"I do believe you will see greater enforcement of it" Spicer says in response to Q about whether DOJ will enforce recreational pot laws.

02-23-2017, 03:50 PM
Spicer: DOJ will be "taking action" against states that have legalized recreational marijuana.

02-23-2017, 03:54 PM
AG Sessions is a great pick.

02-23-2017, 04:00 PM
"I do believe you will see greater enforcement of it" Spicer says in response to Q about whether DOJ will enforce recreational pot laws.

Spicer: DOJ will be "taking action" against states that have legalized recreational marijuana.

i love that it came just after him talking about states rights too

AG Sessions is a great pick.

yeah, what a great pick.

02-23-2017, 04:06 PM
this all won't end well I'm afraid.

Soldiers requesting papers at airports, cops randomly enforcing drug laws, President advertising his business from the White House , rumors of Russian Mafia and round ups

At some point something will snap
history says it always does

02-27-2017, 09:32 PM
nothing in here of the off duty cop who drug a teenager to his yard and then fired his weapon when friends finally tried to step in to save him in Anaheim?

02-27-2017, 09:45 PM
The media would have you believe cops are pulling black kids out of cars and shooting them. Police shooting unarmed black people is just not very common.

There are bad cops. The guy in New York selling cigarettes. The dumb ass in Oklahoma who shot someone thinking he was holding a taser. The guy in South Carolina firing at a guy running away.

These cops are often put in incredibly tense life or death situations. The media doesn't seem to show when a cop pulls someone over on the interstate, they fire bullets into him and drive away because that doesn't get clicks.

02-27-2017, 09:54 PM
The media would have you believe cops are pulling black kids out of cars and shooting them. Police shooting unarmed black people is just not very common.

There are bad cops. The guy in New York selling cigarettes. The dumb ass in Oklahoma who shot someone thinking he was holding a taser. The guy in South Carolina firing at a guy running away.

These cops are often put in incredibly tense life or death situations. The media doesn't seem to show when a cop pulls someone over on the interstate, they fire bullets into him and drive away because that doesn't get clicks.

Everyone should watch this video before criticizing cops in regards to shooting unarmed suspects. It's pretty disturbing, but adds some important context.

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1150706/WARNING-GRAPHIC-Police-officer-shot-dead-Vietnam-veteran.html)

02-27-2017, 09:56 PM
Most who criticize cops would cry before they stepped foot in places like east new York or chicago. Monday morning qb bull**** if you ask me.

02-27-2017, 10:16 PM
Everyone should watch this video before criticizing cops in regards to shooting unarmed suspects. It's pretty disturbing, but adds some important context.

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1150706/WARNING-GRAPHIC-Police-officer-shot-dead-Vietnam-veteran.html)

no it doesn't

02-27-2017, 10:16 PM
Most who criticize cops would cry before they stepped foot in places like east new York or chicago. Monday morning qb bull**** if you ask me.

didn't cry before going into either of those places

02-27-2017, 10:46 PM
As a police officer....

03-01-2017, 04:01 AM
this all won't end well I'm afraid.

Soldiers requesting papers at airports, cops randomly enforcing drug laws, President advertising his business from the White House , rumors of Russian Mafia and round ups

At some point something will snap
history says it always does

Thats what I am hoping for. Enough people pissed off and revolting that we can overwhelm the riot squads. We need the government to start fearing the people instead of the other way around.

03-01-2017, 04:18 AM
Most who criticize cops would cry before they stepped foot in places like east new York or chicago. Monday morning qb bull**** if you ask me.

Its amost like those areas are warzones.

03-01-2017, 06:10 AM
Its amost like those areas are warzones.

Whose fault is that?

03-01-2017, 09:23 AM
Whose fault is that?

Probably the people waging war against US citizens.

03-01-2017, 10:45 AM

More heroes in action. Protecting us from that dangerous cash. Nothing better than a street gang.

03-01-2017, 12:12 PM
Whose fault is that?


03-05-2017, 02:34 PM

Israel has now decriminalized pot. Legalization has been proven to save lives both figuratively and literally since everywhere it is legal sees a noticeable drop in drunk driving and pill abuse. Why is it murder to shoot someone in the face but perfectly legal to let people die every day because Tobacco, alcohol, private prisons, and pill companies bribe politicians?

03-05-2017, 09:06 PM

Israel has now decriminalized pot. Legalization has been proven to save lives both figuratively and literally since everywhere it is legal sees a noticeable drop in drunk driving and pill abuse. Why is it murder to shoot someone in the face but perfectly legal to let people die every day because Tobacco, alcohol, private prisons, and pill companies bribe politicians?

Because profit!

03-05-2017, 09:09 PM
Because profit!

Nah. Israel had to legalize it because every other country in the Middle East is into stoning.

03-05-2017, 09:22 PM
Nah. Israel had to legalize it because every other country in the Middle East is into stoning.

A pacified citizenry is easier to control.

03-05-2017, 11:16 PM
Nah. Israel had to legalize it because every other country in the Middle East is into stoning.


03-06-2017, 05:13 AM
Whose fault is that?


Nah. Israel had to legalize it because every other country in the Middle East is into stoning.

not sure which K joke is better

03-08-2017, 09:51 AM

Anyone want to try justifying this?

03-08-2017, 12:18 PM

7 cops literally driving around robbing people at gunpoint. If other cops knew about this and said nothing are they still good cops?

04-02-2017, 03:35 AM

Officer only demoted after lying about the law, threatening the victim with violence, and then illegally searching his vehicle. Maybe its not illegal for cops to threaten to beat you up over non existent laws but it is illegal to lie about the drug sniffing dog hitting on the vehicle in order to search it. I have seen so many cases over the years where they bring in the drug sniffing dogs and as soon as they are off camera they hit, then they search the car and find nothing. These drug sniffing dogs are pretty good. If they werent they would not be allowed to be used for probable cause to search a vehicle. These cops have it both ways. Its good enough for probable cause but if they dont find anything there is no oversight to see if the cops lied about the positive hit. They are all criminals. Every last one of them.

04-02-2017, 08:27 AM

Cops break into wrong home, terrorize 4 kids who were watching tv, assault the kids, when they get a chance to call their Dad he comes home to get assaulted by the cops, the cops murder their dog right next to one of the kids. And none of the cops will even face a trial, but it's okay, they just give away 200k of your tax money.

This could be your family one day.

04-02-2017, 09:01 AM

Another vicious criminal 83 year old man beaten up by police. They protected and served the **** out him.

04-02-2017, 09:06 AM

Its not all bad news around here. 2 Cops have been convicted and sentenced for murdering a 6 year old and attempting to murder his father. Cops said he was trying to run them over, the video shows him not moving with his hands out the window following all commands. This is why Cops fear cameras. Without cameras their testimony is considered fact in a court of law. Reality is they should be trusted about as much as crackheads.

Hopefully these vicious criminals with badges get sent to Angola. I actually do feel safer knowing they are in cages where they belong.

04-02-2017, 09:30 AM

Drunk driving cop shoots a small dog after he falls off his motorcycle. Only charged with reckless conduct with a gun. Funny how cops lose all will to enforce the law when its a cop breaking the law. Almost as if they are hypocrites of some kind.

04-02-2017, 09:41 AM

The DEA has stolen 3.2 Billion over the last 10 years committing armed robbery. What do we do when the Government just legalizes crime for themselves? Its sad we live in a country where if you try and defense your hard earned money from a cop they have the right to murder you and call you the criminal/bad guy.

04-02-2017, 10:50 AM

Here is a fun one. Cop steals a womans dog and sells it on Craislist. Steals about 65k from her and when she files a complaint he comes to her house and tries to murder her.

04-02-2017, 10:57 AM

Here is one I actually have personal experience with. This guy records jail staff sitting on their asses doing anything but work. I have been arrested a few times for refusing to pay protection money and every time I am in the last holding cell waiting to be released it takes exactly 8 hours to get released. Apparently 8 hours is the maximum they can hold you there. It takes about 15 minutes to fill out the paperwork and everything needed to release someone. I know this because I saw someone freak out and get restrained. They put him in the final holding cell about 1 hour after me and he was released by himself in 15 minutes. From inside you can see the cops doing nothing. They chat, call relatives and play on facebook. God help you if your within an hour of shift change.

04-04-2017, 08:40 AM

Prescription pill deaths down 25% in states with legal weed. 33,000 people die every year from prescription pills, thats almost 10k people a year that could be prevented by legal weed.

Cops dont give a **** about those 10k people but I am supposed to feel bad about this.


Mother****er worked as a defense attorney for cops and gets a job as a part of IAD. What a joke. I am safer with him dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

04-04-2017, 08:58 AM
Prescription pill deaths down 25% in states with legal weed. 33,000 people die every year from prescription pills, thats almost 10k people a year that could be prevented by legal weed.

But at least the big pharma folks "gots paid" for those prescription pills, even if they got on the market illegally they were paid for them at some point. John Oliver did some great stuff on this the other night. And hey, I'm not even a fan of pot, but the way we treat "right and wrong" in this country sometimes goes off on a bat****e crazy tangent and if you'll check I think you'll find there's always a money connection in there somewhere.

04-04-2017, 08:59 AM

Drunk driving cop shoots a small dog after he falls off his motorcycle. Only charged with reckless conduct with a gun. Funny how cops lose all will to enforce the law when its a cop breaking the law. Almost as if they are hypocrites of some kind.

I'm not in favor of cops shooting people (OK sometimes I will make an exception) but when they start shooting dogs that's where I draw the line.

04-04-2017, 10:26 AM

How do you feel about shooting an unarmed autistic kid and lying to justify it. And icing on the cake the states attorney helps to try and cover it up. Bare minimum shouldnt this cop be charged with filing a false police report and fired? This is yet another situation where you come to understand why cops hate cameras on them. Without cameras they can say you turned into Puff the Magic Dragon and tried to breath fire on them so they feared for their life and the DA and judges will believe it.

04-04-2017, 10:32 AM

Or how about when a cop responds to a medical emergency, tries to murder their dog and hits a 4 year old girl instead? There is no conceivable way that if you or me as an ordinary citizen in this same situation would not be charged with a crime. At the least it should be reckless firing of a gun and he shouldnt be allowed to have a gun anymore.

04-04-2017, 10:40 AM

I know I posted this in another thread at some point but its a great example of how above the law cops are. Cops are called on an autistic kid holding a train. The black man is the kids behavioral therapist trying to do his job. He follows all cops commands right away and tells them exactly what is going on. The cops response? They shoot him. Laying on the ground hands in the air and the shoot him. Their excuse was that they were trying to murder the autistic kid because they said they thought the autistic kid was going to shoot the black man. Thats right, they shot a black man and claim they were doing it to protect him. Clearly thats why they check him for weapons and handcuff him long after its clear he has never done anything wrong. Charges? Oh no, these are cops, they are above the law.

04-04-2017, 10:44 AM
I'm not in favor of cops shooting people (OK sometimes I will make an exception) but when they start shooting dogs that's where I draw the line.

Then you should be happy to know that cops can shoot dogs if it moves or barks. I delivered pizzas for 10 years. If I shot every dog that came running at me or barked at me I would have shot over 1k dogs. 99.9999999999999% of the time they are just excited and want to play or be petted. Cops treat it as if a dog gets within 5 feet of them its a danger to their life. If its reasonable for a cop to fear for his life if a dog runs up to them why isnt it for everyone else?


04-04-2017, 10:49 AM

Heres another great example of a cop bring forced to shoot a dog because he "feared for his life". Can we all agree if you fear for you life in this situation you should not be a cop or be allowed to own a gun? This cop was knocking on the door to let them know they left their car door unlocked. Ask yourself if you would not be charged with any crime if you, being a good Samaritan, shot that dog in the same exact scenario.

04-04-2017, 11:10 AM

Heres another good example of 2 cops who need to catch bullet to the head itis. This man was arrested for resisting arrest, thing is he really only resists slightly and after the cops attack his dog who is playfully jumping around and waging his tail. I think we would all get upset in a situation like this. The suspect the cops were looking for was over 6 foot man with long red hair with a bulldog. This guy was minding his own business walking his dog and how these assholes want to put him in a cage and make him a second class citizen for the rest of his life. And they never had any cause to arrest him in the first place. How can you be charged with nothing but resisting arrest?

04-04-2017, 11:25 AM

This is why I fear for my life anytime a cop is around me. This wasnt even a traffic stop. The guy was pulling over because he had a minor traffic accident with the trailer ahead of him. There is no reason for the cop to assume this is a dangerous situation. That said, this is the type of response I expect to see from a cop who wrongly shoots someone. What really grinds my gears is when you have situations like this where the cop shoots the man again because he is writhing in pain on the ground. Its hard to remain perfectly still when you just got shot like that. I know in one of the more recent shootings cops stand 5 feet away from a man they shot and then shoot him over and over because he cant stay still. They could have at any time approached him and checked him for weapons but choose to keep firing until he stops moving, ie dead. The other thing that grinds my gears is when they handcuff the victim and try to charge them with a crime to cover their asses. All that being said, if I shoot an unarmed person mistaking their wallet for a gun I go to prison 99 out of 100 times.

04-04-2017, 11:30 AM

Here is the one I talked about in the last post. After shooting the man they stand 5 feet from the man and wait for him to slowly put his hand down his pants then shoot him again. Even if the man had a gun in his pants there is no way he could grab it and fire it at officers before they shoot him. Literally 5 feet from this man and they dont just go up and cuff him.

04-04-2017, 11:38 AM

This time its a 10 year old shot because a coward attempted to murder a dog. No accountability is why people hate cops. If I go to prison for it so should they.

04-04-2017, 11:41 AM

How do you feel about shooting kittens in front of little kids.

04-04-2017, 11:46 AM

Remember Brandon Backe? He and the rest of the wedding party got the **** kicked out of them after someone called the cop for an open container of alcohol...... at a wedding. Who are the terrorists again?

04-04-2017, 11:51 AM

Cops rape 2 women on the side of the road because they smell pot in the car. One got fired and the other suspended but no charges filed against them. They actually found a little pot in their car so they already had cause to arrest them. Apparently rape isnt a crime so long as you have a badge.

04-04-2017, 11:55 AM

Off duty cop runs over a little girl then shoots the father when he attacks the cop out of rage. Maybe you can justify the shooting but why doesnt the cop get charged for running over a child? Because he is a cop. You and me would be in prison for a long time if we did this.

04-11-2017, 08:37 AM

Shutout to our heroes keeping us safe.

04-19-2017, 09:36 AM

Cleveland Cops beat the **** out of a black man and tore apart his car looking for drugs. Then they locked him in a storage closet for 4 days with no food, water, or toilet. Dont worry though, no cops were charged with a crime. The city is now forced to use 10 million of taxpayer money to settle the lawsuit. What kind of society do we live in where we let cops brutalize and torture people then pay the victim off with out own money.

04-19-2017, 09:42 AM

Cleveland cop raped 2 women in a traffic stop.

04-19-2017, 10:04 AM

This is a good writeup of why I contend the federal government has no legal authority to criminalize marijuana. They justify prohibition by the 10th amendment giving the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce. You know, because if I grow a marijuana plant in my house and smoke it that is interstate commerce. Not moving to a different state or even selling it.

04-19-2017, 10:14 AM

I dont just hate thugs, I also hate CPS. This is from Canada but its very similar to our CPS. These foster kids were removed because the foster parents refused to teach the kids that the Easter bunny was real. As bad as some parents are it is almost always worse for the child if you remove them from their birth parents. It really is child abuse. Sometimes its necessary but CPS takes things to a whole nother level.

04-19-2017, 10:17 AM

Cop curb stomps hand cuffed man. Surprise surprise, no charges filed.

04-19-2017, 10:44 AM

Anyone remember this case? The cops beat the ever loving **** out of this man and charged him with resisting arrest and felonious assault on a police officer. The only resisting he did was trying to cover his head when one cops starting viciously beating him and I guess bleeding on the officers was the assault of a cop. Anyone want to justify this?


Now the town is raising taxes to pay the 1.4 million settlement the man received. If you own a property valued at 40k you would be paying 140$ extra to help cover the police beating people.

Here is a video of the cops making fun of the victim in front of him while wiping his blood off their uniforms and before taking him to the hospital. He had broken ribs and was punched in the head about 15 times in a row. Wait, I got it, they charged him with assaulting the cops fist with his face. That must be why he got the assaulting a cop charge.


When asked to turn over all videos they conveniently forgot this one. Its funny how there is never a good cop around. I hear the majority are good cops but apparently no cop ever commits a crime when a good cop is around. Funny how that works.

There is a little bit of a happy ending here as the officer was charged and convicted but how many Dents are in prison right now because there was no video of their arrests? Does anyone doubt that if there was no video Dent would be serving a long prison sentence based solely on the word of these officers? This is why cops are scared of cameras. It threatens their power because courts will always take their word over anyone elses. Cops are about as honest as crackheads.


04-19-2017, 01:15 PM
https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2017/04/18/kansas-cop-kills-army-veterans-service-dog-then-issues-him-two-citations/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=Carlos%20Miller&utm_content=Kansas%20Cop%20Kills%20Army%20Veteran% 27s%20Service%20Dog,%20then%20Issues%20him%20Two%2 0Citations

Another cop murdering a dog. This time a service animal for an army get. The dog passed tests to become a service dog which required him to show no signs of aggression. The cop says the dog opened the door and charged at him. The neighbors say they saw the cop open the door, enter the house, start kicking and beating the dog with his baton and then shoots it.

Try shooting a dog and telling the cops you feared for your life. Unless you have a badge your going to jail 99% Of the time. Where do they find these people who fear for their life from everything.

04-19-2017, 01:44 PM
I know what your thinking, Cajun, why blame cops for enforcing the law? Well here is an article from Minnesota detailing the cops lobbying efforts to fight medical marijuana and requiring a conviction for them to steal your money. Why are they fighting this? Funding. These mother****ers do not care how many lives they destroy so long as they get their overtime and military grade toys. They are the enemy of freedom and the constitution. ISIS will never be able to take your freedom from you but cops actively fight for more reasons to incarcerate innocent people. We should be fighting a war against cops and not ISIS.


04-21-2017, 09:56 AM

Here we have 2 violent thugs escalating to violence where none was necessary. According to the officer it requires sticking his whole arm into a window to give someone a ticket. The woman even sticks her hand out the window so he can physically place the ticket in her hand. Instead he breaks the window with his bare hands and charged her with battery of a cop and resisting arrest with violence. He literally charged her with resisting with violence because he chose to break her window barehanded rather than give her the ticket. Thank God we have brave officers out there protecting us from these vicious people who only roll their window down half way. Most of you won't even pay enough taxes this year to pat for her years of incarceration. Then she will get out and likely be unable to find a job because of the arrest record. Will probably end up leeching off the government the rest of her life because this cop decided to ruin her life for the gruesome crime of halfway rolling down a window.

04-21-2017, 11:01 AM

Here is a 42 minute compilation of two things, Cops caught on camera that proves their lied in their police report to beat and falsely arrest people and case of cops arresting and/or beating people for filming them. In all of these cases the video was the difference between criminal conviction and the charges being dismissed. If not for the video many of these people would be serving prison sentences for felony convictions based solely on the testimony of a police officer. Is it any wonder why many cops feel so threatened by cameras? Theses cops know that no amount of eye witnesses to their crime will outweigh their testimony but videos threaten their ability to commit crimes without consequences.

Police are a criminal organization. Notice how all these cases where more than one cop is present no "good cop" comes forward. These people are far more dangerous to American citizens than ISIS or al-qaeda.

04-22-2017, 03:36 PM

Here is another heartwarming tale of police heroism. This teen being arrested for public intoxication is killed by police officers. They use a law that says they don't have to turn over records of what happened if there is no conviction. There obviously is no conviction or even trial because he is dead. It takes the parents years to get the records and you know when they fight so hard to not release records that they know it is damning. The video shows the cops beating and taxing the kid to death. Multiple cops taxing him multiple times including several times in the testicles. One cop can even be heard saying "mother****er I am going to kill you". The cops claim they were trying to stop him from hurting himself. That's right they beat and taxes a teen to death to prevent him from hurting himself. He was already handcuffed, how hard could it possibly be to restrain him if he was hurting himself. The cops claim they had to put him in a restraint chair after getting to the jail. Video shows the teen limp when they take him out of the cop car. They wait 2 hours before calling an ambulance. Don't worry, no cops were charged. I know I feel safer knowing these cops are roaming the streets of my state.

04-22-2017, 03:44 PM

Government admits that 91% of IRS civil forfeiture was from innocent people who obtained their money legally. Even shows that they refused to return the money even when presented with evidence proving the person was innocent and had done nothing wrong.

04-23-2017, 01:27 AM

Cops send their dog to maul and infant. They claim the infant lunged at them and they feared for their life. Dont worry, no officers were harmed. Just an infant mauled.

04-24-2017, 08:19 PM

Cops randomly decide to aggressively search every student in a school for drugs. Guess what race the cops were. Now guess which race the students were. No drugs were found. These moter****ers were just shopping for slaves.

04-29-2017, 09:38 AM

Watch these heroes do nothing as a fellow cop waves her gun around in a rage and threatens to kill her sister in law 5 times. You or me did this and they would fear for their life their entire clip into us. These same cops fear for their life over the slightest thing but feel perfectly safe in this situation? Pretty sure waving a loaded weapon around and threatening to kill people in public is a crime. At the least disorderly conduct. It is well passed time we stand up to these people who want one set of laws for us and a separate set of laws for them.

04-29-2017, 01:59 PM

Another red coat down. Streets a little safer now.

04-29-2017, 02:54 PM

Kansas man raided by police for growing cannabis to stop his seizures. I for one am glad this vicious criminal is no longer a productive member of society and his kids deprived of a father. Now he is having seizures daily in a cage where he belongs. When is enough enough?

04-29-2017, 04:12 PM

Another red coat down. Streets a little safer now.

You need help

04-29-2017, 04:43 PM
Oh lawd please protect the heroes raping and pillaging communities. Nothing says "good guys" and "free country" like being second only to North Korea in incarceration rate. They wage war against my freedoms so I will not wish them well. Fact is millions have died and been incarcerated due to the war they fight. They could have stood up and said this is wrong and helped changed the law a long time ago but they continue to lie and deceive to protect their own financial interests. They are in business for themselves and not for the good of the community or the country. Please explain to me why I want more people roaming the streets who want to put me in a cage because I enjoy a blunt when I get home from work? I will not root for people who wish to do me harm. That would be insane.

From the time you were young you have had propaganda nailed into you that the police are the good guys. Its hard to overcome something that is drilled into you over and over again at such a young age. When you take any kind of objective look at it the cops are the bad guys. Many of them do have good intentions but good intentions are often twisted into doing evil.

04-29-2017, 08:03 PM
Oh lawd please protect the heroes raping and pillaging communities. Nothing says "good guys" and "free country" like being second only to North Korea in incarceration rate. They wage war against my freedoms so I will not wish them well. Fact is millions have died and been incarcerated due to the war they fight. They could have stood up and said this is wrong and helped changed the law a long time ago but they continue to lie and deceive to protect their own financial interests. They are in business for themselves and not for the good of the community or the country. Please explain to me why I want more people roaming the streets who want to put me in a cage because I enjoy a blunt when I get home from work? I will not root for people who wish to do me harm. That would be insane.

From the time you were young you have had propaganda nailed into you that the police are the good guys. Its hard to overcome something that is drilled into you over and over again at such a young age. When you take any kind of objective look at it the cops are the bad guys. Many of them do have good intentions but good intentions are often twisted into doing evil.

I understand where you are coming from Caj, but the onus is on people doing the crime. Don't do the crime you won't do the time. I take it there are a few bad apples amongst the police but it is the individuals above them we need to target.

04-29-2017, 09:01 PM
I understand where you are coming from Caj, but the onus is on people doing the crime. Don't do the crime you won't do the time. I take it there are a few bad apples amongst the police but it is the individuals above them we need to target.

cajun wouldn't last long in my neck of the woods if he gets off that a cop gets murdered.

04-29-2017, 09:07 PM
cajun wouldn't last long in my neck of the woods if he gets off that a cop gets murdered.

So you live in a mostly white area then?

04-30-2017, 10:24 AM
I understand where you are coming from Caj, but the onus is on people doing the crime. Don't do the crime you won't do the time. I take it there are a few bad apples amongst the police but it is the individuals above them we need to target.

This is a fallacy we need to get over. Unless there is a victim or intended victim there is no crime. They can make any law they want but victimless crimes are not valid. If in 20 years marijuana prohibition is ruled unconstitutional then was it not unconstitutional now? Was an interracial couple criminals for getting married when that was illegal? Were run away slaves criminals?

This man gave his life fighting for my freedom. My freedom from the tyranny this cop enforces. There is a reason I call them red coats. Because I am a criminal much in the same way George Washington was a criminal. The same way all our founding fathers were criminals. The only reason history does not remember them as criminals is because they won. You could say the founding fathers beef wasn't with the res coats but those above them too but it's the red coats enforcing the tyranny.

And it is not a few bad apples. It is institutionalized corruption from top to bottom. If it's a few bad apples why do cops get fired for reporting crimes by other Cops? Why do cops fear for their lives if they report other cops? Why is there a code of silence? They aren't here to protect anyone but themselves and their own self interests.

04-30-2017, 07:02 PM

Here is a case where a teen shoots cops thinking they were burglars and fearing for his life and is charged without a second thought. Now contrast this to if those cops shot him thinking he was a burglar and fearing for their life. The cops wouldn't face charges. 2 sets of laws. They want the right to kill us even if they mistakenly perceive us to be a threat but when it's the other way around you don't see them giving citizens that kind of leeway. Why are untrained citizens held to a higher standard than cops? It's supposed to be the other way around.

04-30-2017, 08:21 PM

4 cops brutally beat a man. If it's only a few bad apples then how can 4 out of 4 cops be bad apples? That would be one hell of a coincidence. Now we are on the hook for 5.5 million to the victim.

05-01-2017, 09:00 AM

4 cops brutally beat a man. If it's only a few bad apples then how can 4 out of 4 cops be bad apples? That would be one hell of a coincidence. Now we are on the hook for 5.5 million to the victim.

Yes a few bad apples (maybe 5% of the police force are crooked maybe less), of course you are going to vent and put out articles like this to show that ALL cops are bad apples in YOUR eyes. Look I see your angle and agree with you some but life happens, this happens and more videos like this is not going to change what has occurred or happen in the future, nothing will, if it isn't the cops it will be government troops doing it (they do it, we just don't see it as prevalent as this)

05-01-2017, 03:45 PM
I'd like to see Cajuns ideal country where all drugs are legal and there's no cops.

05-01-2017, 06:58 PM
his name was Jordan Edwards
he was 15


05-02-2017, 05:08 PM
I'd like to see Cajuns ideal country where all drugs are legal and there's no cops.

Glad you asked. This isn't what I call a perfect scenario but it's closest to what I want to see that has been tried in modern times. All drugs were legal until about 100 years ago.


As for cops I support cops when it comes to crimes with a victim. Rape, murder, theft, I support cops. She it comes to victimless crimes they are the ones committing a crime because their actions have a victim. The heart of the problem is they have been given too much power and it has gone to their heads. I want to see the real accountability when it comes to false arrests. As it stands now there is no situation in which a cop can't arrest you. They use vague laws like disorderly conduct, trespassing, and obstructing justice to make an arrest where they have no cause then just drop the charge after booking you in jail. Many times it's trap so they can try and stick you with resisting arrest. Most normal people are going to resist a little when a cop falsely arrests you. It's human nature.

I just want cops to live by the same rules and laws they want to enforce on me. I can't shoot someone because I mistake a wallet for a gun. 10 times out of 10 I go to prison for that. I don't get any benefit of the doubt on that. If there is no video my word doesn't get taken as fact. If I shoot a dog that runs up to me I go jail. If I try to claim I feared for my life I would be laughed at in court. We have trained cops that they just need to say "I feared for my life" and they get away with anything. That's bullcrap. It would be like a firefighter refusing to fight any fire because they feared for their life. Imagine there is a small fire in a trash can and a firefighter said he isn't gonna try and put it out because he feared for his life. Exact same thing. A large part of the unsafe situations for cops are because of the lucrative black market for drugs. If we had legitimate businesses selling them there wouldn't be street gangs shooting people. It's the drug money they use to buy guns and attract kids to that lifestyle. Imagine being a dumb 17 year old kid with the option of working at McDonald's for minimum wage or making big money selling drugs.

Edit - let me add I want cops to have to purchase liability insurance out of their own pocket. Few things will get bad cops off the streets faster than this. Taxpayers should not be subsidizing police brutality. Cops have to have some kind of stake in this. So many times when I see a case where someone wins millions in a lawsuit it's against a cop who has already caused numerous costly lawsuits. I wish I could commit crimes and the I my punishment was paid leave and the victim getting someone else's money.

05-02-2017, 05:12 PM
Yes a few bad apples (maybe 5% of the police force are crooked maybe less), of course you are going to vent and put out articles like this to show that ALL cops are bad apples in YOUR eyes. Look I see your angle and agree with you some but life happens, this happens and more videos like this is not going to change what has occurred or happen in the future, nothing will, if it isn't the cops it will be government troops doing it (they do it, we just don't see it as prevalent as this)

I disagree on the number. I think it's together way ariund. 5% are good cops. That's about the never of ones who speak out about crimes committed by their own department or speak out against prohibition. There are cops who are less bad but if they witness severe wrongdoing by other cops and say nothing or help cover it up they are not good cops.

As a Libertarian what you say is a big reason why I advocate for a smaller government. I am not going to turn a blind eye to thugs abusing power just because there are other thugs abusing power. The only government agents I see on a daily basis that are threats to my freedom and safety are cops. I know the federal government will do horrible horrible things to protect its crimes and secrets but it's a lot easier to steer clear of that.

05-03-2017, 01:23 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18198391_1610433055634914_5468134022061338660_n.pn g?oh=b9a47476f3c4743f7cd116ec18f39efa&oe=59B920DF

05-03-2017, 03:19 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18198391_1610433055634914_5468134022061338660_n.pn g?oh=b9a47476f3c4743f7cd116ec18f39efa&oe=59B920DF

The police didn't "force" her to do anything. She chose to be an informant rather than serve the time.

05-03-2017, 07:24 PM
The same way a person with a gun to your head didn't force you to give them your money. But whatever, the AG in this country would have executed her himself if he could.

05-03-2017, 08:39 PM

Here is a story of how small towns use traffic laws as a form of armed robbery to fund their town. One towns had 77% of it's revenue from traffic tickets. This **** goes on in the small town I am from. If the cops see an out of state license plate they follow you until you make a mistake. Whole town knows it. They see stealing from out of state people as a legitimate revenue source.

05-04-2017, 09:23 AM

Here is a story of how small towns use traffic laws as a form of armed robbery to fund their town. One towns had 77% of it's revenue from traffic tickets. This **** goes on in the small town I am from. If the cops see an out of state license plate they follow you until you make a mistake. Whole town knows it. They see stealing from out of state people as a legitimate revenue source.

This is true.

My grandpappy admitted as much. The stuff he confiscated, ie Moonshine, lots of different liquors (open container liquor law, you can take all their liquor). He gave the weed away. He just gave them a ticket for speeding or whatever driving condition and pretty much help the individuals out by not pressing for harsher laws (possession, open container stuff that will put you in jail).

The newer cops try to do that to me until they see my last name and back off. Pretty much I can't be touch if I do something wrong....and that is a big if (don't want to be shot for being black).

05-04-2017, 09:28 AM

Here is a story of how small towns use traffic laws as a form of armed robbery to fund their town. One towns had 77% of it's revenue from traffic tickets. This **** goes on in the small town I am from. If the cops see an out of state license plate they follow you until you make a mistake. Whole town knows it. They see stealing from out of state people as a legitimate revenue source.

Stringtown, OK, Melissa, TX, just to name a couple I know of. Calera, OK (where I used to live) has a fairly bad rep but given the BIG Choctaw casino nearby I think they've dialed it back a bit. You don't want too bad of a reputation if you want to draw the tourists in.

05-05-2017, 07:36 AM

Another shout out to the heroes in blue, this time they protected us from a dying cancer patient who was taking a legal drug with THC in it prescribed by a doctor. Now she is going to lose 2 days of the life she has left which will also cause her to miss chemo therapy. Hope they give these cops a medal. Or a noose. Absolutely disgusting.

05-06-2017, 12:50 AM

Cops lying about receiving 911 hangup calls from homes in order to search. Illegally searching homes without a warrant is a crime. No officers prosecuted. Where are the good cops to arrest these criminals?

05-06-2017, 01:04 AM

Court clerk calls cops because a kid paid a fine in quarters. Cops arrive and assault the kid who has broken no laws then charge him with resisting arrest and assaulting officers. This is a common thug tactic. Falsely arrest someone you have no cause to arrest then if they resist in even the slightest bit charge them with resisting and assault. This is a big part of the problem I have with cops. This kid is not a criminal. They escalated a situation by using violence against a peaceful person then blame the victim for resisting their violence. Where was the 95% of good cops?

05-06-2017, 01:14 AM

Here is another one from Georgia. Female teacher calls cops because she thinks there is an intruder in her house. Cops show up and mace and taze her repeatedly as she begs for mercy. Police need to be reigned in one way or the other. Violence against peaceful people is not okay.

05-07-2017, 08:08 PM

Cop rapes and urinates on a woman and gets 6 years probation........

05-08-2017, 10:54 AM

Here is a story where a newscrew rode along with cops and found out that cops will lie to pull over vehicles so they can search it. First example is a cop SUV driving close to a civilian SUV. When he can't find a legit reason to pull him over he says the SUV was swerving and went over the white line. Now the newscrew had a helicopter following them and it showed the SUV never swerved or crossed the white line. In fact it showed the cop SUV driving erraticly, swerving, and crossing the white lines.

05-08-2017, 10:58 AM

Someone point out the good cops in this video. Is it the ones that rush the man doing absolutely nothing wrong nd start beating the **** out of him? Is it the cops who charged him with assaulting an officer and claimed the horse kicked him? So many officers involved. What are the odds that out of all of those cops none were of the 95% good cops? Don't worry, no cops charged with a crime. Not even filing a false police report. If not for this camera this innocent man would be in prison serving a lengthy sentence based solely on the testimony of these cops who the courts treat as beyond reproach. This is why cops fear cameras.

05-09-2017, 02:55 AM

Here is a lovely story about cops locking up witnesses in jail. This one guy put in jail with the same guy who tried to murder him. In Houston recently we had the DA order a rape victim locked up where the guards beat the ever loving **** out of her. Someone should fight a war against these people.

05-09-2017, 02:59 AM

Here is a story about cops raiding a state legal medical marijuana business and robbing them because they wanted their money. Year later and no one has even been charged with a crime. Not only did they steal their money at gunpoint but they froze their personal assets. Moter****ers broke in with ducking sledgehammer when they could have walked through the front door. Are these the good cops I keep hearing about?

05-09-2017, 08:57 AM
Promise me something Cajun, when you around police, behave yourself. I am seriously worried about your mental state. Being black I know how to act around them to diffuse any situation. You on the other hand is prone to do something to provoke them. Again, be wary of your surroundings. I came to a conclusion about police that what you stated is never going to change and if it does, it will be worse, government troops using martial law tactics and you do not want to go there.

05-10-2017, 03:17 AM
I am not one of those morons who antagonize cops. I know they will get violent real quick. I know rights and the law does not nothing to protect me in the moment when dealing with cops. I do everything I can to avoid giving the cop an excuse to use for murdering, beating, or arresting me.

I think a big part of the reason we have idiots challenging cops is what we teach in schools. We teach people they have rights and that we live in a free country. Then they think that will protect them. We need to teach kids in school how to deal with cops

I am going to fight a war on cops but I am going to play the game that is the system. I am working on getting my law degree and a plan/system to expose the criminal cops. We are at a point where with technology that I can load a car up with audio/video and built in Wi-Fi to send it to a server somewhere else so they can't destroy the evidence. When I watch videos of people trying to bait cops they almost all do it wrong. What I am going to do is go after cops who falsely arrest people for contempt of cop, k-9 officers that lie about their dog alerting to search vehicles, and cops who plant drugs.

05-10-2017, 12:29 PM
I am not one of those morons who antagonize cops. I know they will get violent real quick. I know rights and the law does not nothing to protect me in the moment when dealing with cops. I do everything I can to avoid giving the cop an excuse to use for murdering, beating, or arresting me.

I think a big part of the reason we have idiots challenging cops is what we teach in schools. We teach people they have rights and that we live in a free country. Then they think that will protect them. We need to teach kids in school how to deal with cops

I am going to fight a war on cops but I am going to play the game that is the system. I am working on getting my law degree and a plan/system to expose the criminal cops. We are at a point where with technology that I can load a car up with audio/video and built in Wi-Fi to send it to a server somewhere else so they can't destroy the evidence. When I watch videos of people trying to bait cops they almost all do it wrong. What I am going to do is go after cops who falsely arrest people for contempt of cop, k-9 officers that lie about their dog alerting to search vehicles, and cops who plant drugs.

I like reading this. More power to you, brother.

05-11-2017, 07:52 AM

Someone explain to me what these bikers did to get assaulted and how what the cop did here is not a crime.

05-11-2017, 10:19 AM

Here is a good example of cops that need to be in a cage so they can't hurt anyone else. The cops arrest this lawyer for remaining silent when asked "do you know why I pulled you over". She provided her papers and answered all questions legally required to answer. After assaulting her he tells her she has the right to remain silent. Definition of irony right there. This is one of the purest cases of using arrest as a means to punish people for contempt of cop when no crime has been committed. Once booked she is released but the damage is already done. She has been assaulted, kidnapped, and her car towed and then they just let her go with no charges because she did nothing wrong. Put a cop in handcuffs and your looking at 20 years for a violent felony.

05-12-2017, 03:27 AM

Here we have cops caught conspiring to falsely cite a man. You can hear their conversation where they come up with the idea to make a false claim that there were witnesses against the victim but that they didn't want to stay to make a statement. Filing a false police report is a crime. These cops are not an exception, this is the norm for police. They know if they go to court and it's cops words vs a civilians word the civilian will lose every time.

05-12-2017, 03:30 AM

Here a co is caught on dashvam driving recklessly by crossing over the center line to oncoming traffic. This motorist honor at the cop and the cop turns around and comes back and stops the motorist and gives him a ticket claiming the motorist was over the center line. If not for this man's dashcam he would lose every time in traffic court because cops word is seen as gospel by judges.

05-12-2017, 11:36 AM
with sessions going back to old failed policies

you should have a bunch of good videos for this thread and stories of communities and families being ripped apart and prisons filling up for a plant

i also look forward to you continuing to say there was difference between the two candidates

05-12-2017, 10:25 PM

Hey guys I found a good cop.

05-13-2017, 04:31 AM
Ryan J. Reilly‏Verified account @ryanjreilly

Jeff Sessions orders federal prosecutors to pursue harsher sentences whenever possible

Matthew Yglesias‏Verified account @mattyglesias 22h22 hours ago

Matthew Yglesias Retweeted Ryan J. Reilly

Okay but Hillary said "superpredators" once twenty years ago so it's a wash.

05-13-2017, 06:05 PM
So my vote was between sessions who ordered prosecutors to seek the harshest my punishments or the Clintons who severely increased minimum and maximum punishments in the first place.

05-13-2017, 07:14 PM

Cop rapes and urinates on a woman and gets 6 years probation........

I would give him 10 years in gen pop.

05-14-2017, 04:23 AM
So my vote was between sessions who ordered prosecutors to seek the harshest my punishments or the Clintons who severely increased minimum and maximum punishments in the first place.

if you think what you just said is the same in 2017

then you're an idiot

05-17-2017, 11:10 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18446596_10209430639344006_425097736199268468_n.jp g?oh=574a55a6596e2c86d278639cdc31cda6&oe=59AFFC67

05-23-2017, 12:29 PM

good 42 minutes of why cops should not have the benefit of the doubt.

05-24-2017, 02:38 AM

Jail cops firing a nova round at a mentally ill man. On their reports they say he backed away from the door and when they fired it bounced off the floor and hit him. Video shows that was a lie. Nova rounds specifically state not to fire at a person or even an animal. Last time I checked it was a felony to file a false police report. These pigs didn't even get suspended with pay.

05-25-2017, 09:58 AM

Kid commits suicide after a school cop threatens him with child pornography charges and being a registered sex offender because he audio recorded himself having sex with a girl the same age. We really need to get the **** over kids having sex with each other. Its nothing more than people with sticks up their ass who trick stupid people into agreeing with them because they think they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives. According to the laws both the kids could be charged with sexually assaulting each other. This is those religious ****tards that would make premarital sex illegal for everyone if they could. Sex in highschool is normal. Get the **** over it and stop persecuting innocent kids for doing nothing wrong. It doesnt bother me as much now that I am not under 18 but kids are not slaves, they have rights too.

05-29-2017, 04:00 PM

Here is a case where lawyers for Orange County social workers claims they should be exempt from prosecution because they did not know that it was illegal or wrong to lie in court and manufacture evidence to take someone kids away.

05-30-2017, 02:44 AM

Flint Michigan man wins 36 million for wrongfully being beaten and pepper sprayed in jail. The cops involved said they would all do the same thing again if they had to do it over. Why are they not under arrest? Why are there one set of rules for you and me and another set for them? Why are we forced to pay our tax money for them to brutalize us? This right here is why I feel safer every time a cop is killed. They need to be brought to heel.

05-31-2017, 12:15 AM

The cop who murdered Philando Castille is going to trial. I wish there was a special prosecutor because I don't trust the ones that work with cops every day to not throw the case on purpose but a trial is all I ask for. This man told the cop he had a legal permit for a gun, the cop asks for his ID then shoots him for trying to take out his ID. This is all over a broken tail light. This man was a cafeteria worker at a school. No one can convince me this cop shot him because he is just super scares of black people. I am going to him out on a limb here and say no cop has ever been killed by a legal weapon that the victim told him about. The fact that he told the cop about the gun should he enough to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't going to try and murder this cop.

06-09-2017, 02:50 AM

Here is more on a story where Cops in Worth County Georgia warrantlessly searched every student in a high school for drugs without permission. Over 900 students. These searches included touching and manipulating underage girls breasts and genitals, inserted fingers inside girls bras and partially exposing their bare breasts, amd touch girls underwear by placing hands inside their waistband or reaching up their dresses, touched girls vaginal area through their underwear, and groped boys genitals.

Now I am no expert but if I do this to an underage girl I am looking at 20 years in prison and being labeled a sex offender. Sexual assault doesn't become okay because someone wears a shiny badge. These cops should be charged with 900 counts of sexual violence against a minor because they were armed and there was the perceived threat of violence if they didn't comply.

The cops say they can do this with permission from school administrators. The school admins say they didn't give permission. Now there is a class action lawsuit. Why is it if a cop is determined to have done something illegal it's not treated as a crime?

06-09-2017, 02:54 AM
https://youtu.be/cL1yAVx9HuI is another good one. Long story short this black man pulled over to a parking lot because it was raining really hard. A cop stops him because black man in public is probable cause. He has a very generic name and it matches someone they are looking for. The cops arrest him, beat him in the jail cell, and then charge him with bleeding on their uniforms when they discover the guy was right and they had the wrong person. This is not a joke, they charged him with destruction of government property for having the gall to bleed on their uniforms while they beat him.

06-09-2017, 07:56 AM
Y'all want to know why I have no sympathy for murdered cops or their families. Listen to the woman in this video react to her husband being murdered by a cop. Atleast cops families aren't told its their loved ones fauktbyhey are dead and then know that the murderer is still patrolling the streets. That's terror and I hope cops families get to know that feeling.


06-09-2017, 08:05 AM
what a horrible sentiment

to " hope cops families get to know that feeling."

06-09-2017, 08:06 AM
what a horrible sentiment

to " hope cops families get to know that feeling."

I can't imagine someone actually having those thoughts.

06-09-2017, 08:11 AM
I can't imagine someone actually having those thoughts.

Cajun has posted that numerous times.

06-09-2017, 08:21 AM
I am an eye for an eye kind of guy. What's crazy is letting cops rape and pillage communities with near impunity and wishing them well. I view cops the same as a gang member. How many of you feel sorry when gang members get killed? Cops choose to harm innocent people and use violence against peaceful people who are threats to no one just like a gang member chooses. Don't come crying to me when your spouse who is a cop gets killed while in the process of doing evil.

Quite frankly anyone who tries to enforce laws they themselves are not forced to obey themselves then they are not law enforcement. They are just thugs who oppress people. I don't view them any different than Nazi guards at concentration camps.

06-09-2017, 08:27 AM
I am an eye for an eye kind of guy. What's crazy is letting cops rape and pillage communities with near impunity and wishing them well. I view cops the same as a gang member. How many of you feel sorry when gang members get killed? Cops choose to harm innocent people and use violence against peaceful people who are threats to no one just like a gang member chooses. Don't come crying to me when your spouse who is a cop gets killed while in the process of doing evil.

You said you hope the families of cops have to experience that pain. That's a very sad statement cajun. I hope all is well with you.

06-09-2017, 08:33 AM
Anyone who is cool with what happened in that situation I posted I hope gets a taste of it. Not just having your loved one murdered but having to watch their killer walk free not even facing a trial.

Let me tell you about this one cop who taunted the family of someone he murdered on Facebook. Family gets 100k settlement and the cop taunts them saying that their kids life was only worth 100k. This myth that cops are good people needs to end. They are in it for themselves and will murder, rape, and kidnap to protect their authority. This isn't a small percent. The small percentage is the good cops.

I Don't see my wishes as any different than sending soldiers to war. Should we mourn the death of Nazi soldiers? Should we mourn the death of ISIS soldiers? There are good and bad people on both sides of every war ever fought.

06-09-2017, 08:51 AM
This place is getting weird

06-12-2017, 02:29 AM

Anyone want to even try and justify This? Cop won't even be charged because the supreme court ruled that it's legal for cops to murder your dog if it does anything a dog normally does like bark or move.

I delivered pizzas for years, is there anyone here who thinks I wouldn't be charged with a crime if I shot a dog playfully running up to me? By the standard of this cop I could have murdered hundreds of dogs.

06-12-2017, 02:39 AM

Mom calls cops to help her mentally ill son. Cops show up and beat him then execute him. Now she gets 3.3 million if our tax money. Don't worry, no cops were harmed.... or charged..... or fired.....

06-12-2017, 07:55 AM
Believe it or not most police departments are not required to release the number of people or dogs they kill every year. I believe only a few do and thats because their state or city passed a specific law requiring them to. Here is a good site that attempts to track all the killings. Up to 534. It provides a link to the new story about each story. What you wont find in any of those is sympathy from cops for the victim. I am sure some of those shootings were justified but you run into stories like a 75 year old man who was diagnosed with cancer whose son had died in an accident the previous year. Someone called the cops saying he was suicidal so they showed up and did it for him. What nice guys those cops are. Dont kill yourself, thats our job!


06-13-2017, 02:29 AM

Families of the dead red coats trying to sue social media. If their family members had a conscience they would still be alive. You can't hurt people for a living then be mad people fight back.

06-13-2017, 09:09 AM

The prison guards who tortured this mentally ill man in prison for a non-violent crime won't even go to trial. Absolute joke of a justice system we have. But God forbid anything bad happen to these wonderful people.

06-13-2017, 10:58 AM

For all you dog lovers out there. This is 2 videos. First one a coward murders 3 dogs for running up to him. Second video is about 2 cops who murdered a 7 pound dog on a familys front porch. How much of a pussy do you have to be to fear for your life from a 7 pound dog. Much less when there is 2 of you. They seriously tried to tazer a 7 pound dog and then put 3 bullets in it. My favorite thing about all this is in the first video after the officer murders the home owners 3 dogs and he tells her to drop the scissors. She is like 100 feet from the cop. Wtf is she going to do with scissors.

I wonder why police departments don't release the number of pets they kill. Probably because the number would piss people off. I wouldn't be surprised if the estimate of 500 a day is accurate. Who cares about ISIS when we have terrorists with badges roaming the streets.

06-15-2017, 12:25 PM

Cops bang on the wrong door in the middle of the night then murder the occupant because he answered the door with a gun in his hand. Cops lied that they announced they were cops until they learned there were witnesses. Then they changed their story. The cops won't even face a trial. If the occupant saw the cops gun and shot them first he would be in jail eight now awaiting a trial for murder. The system is rigged against us. You don't hear any sympathy from the cops for their victim from them.

06-15-2017, 12:56 PM
I thought about you yesterday Caj. I was out in my garden working on stuff and about 3 different times a helicopter came up seemingly from nowhere, did not actually cross directly over my property, but go right to the edge of it (but still behind the tree line) and then went back the way they came. They came up, hovered and swooped around, then went back the way they came from 3 different directions. I assume they were looking for the unique heat signature of pot though I can't be sure.

06-15-2017, 02:09 PM
As far as I know it is not legal to use the infrared heat technology without a search warrant. The supreme court ruled 5-4 that it violated the 4th amendment in Kyllo v US. What cops do to get around this is use it to find grow operations and then use fake anonymous tips to get a search warrant to use the infrared tech to get a search warrant to raid the home. An anonymous tip is not enough to get a full raid search warrant because anyone could make an anonymous tip about anyone they didn't like to get police to raid their home. I don't think it's a common practice though. I think it's mostly done when they get desperate for cash and hope to find a cash in the grow house they can seize. Most likely they are just flying over homes looking for plants in people's back yards which the courts have allowed.

06-15-2017, 11:08 PM
As far as I know it is not legal to use the infrared heat technology without a search warrant. The supreme court ruled 5-4 that it violated the 4th amendment in Kyllo v US. What cops do to get around this is use it to find grow operations and then use fake anonymous tips to get a search warrant to use the infrared tech to get a search warrant to raid the home. An anonymous tip is not enough to get a full raid search warrant because anyone could make an anonymous tip about anyone they didn't like to get police to raid their home. I don't think it's a common practice though. I think it's mostly done when they get desperate for cash and hope to find a cash in the grow house they can seize. Most likely they are just flying over homes looking for plants in people's back yards which the courts have allowed.

You may well be right, but this here is OK, and McCurtain County OK at that. Around here they think the 4th amendment is a new hip-hop group and quite frankly they don't like it very much. :)

06-16-2017, 07:54 AM

Cops beat a truck driver nearly to death for refusing to sign traffic ticket. Fractured orbital bone, fractured ribs, beaten unconscious and neurological damage. Where are the people who condemn all violence when this happens. If that truck driver beat that cop like that they would be coming out of the woodwork to condemn violence.

06-17-2017, 05:55 AM
Michael Cohen‏ @speechboy71 7h7 hours ago

The Philando Castle verdict is awful, but think about the msg it sends to cops: no accountability if you shoot first & ask questions later

06-17-2017, 06:38 AM
Ashley C. Ford‏Verified account @iSmashFizzle

Philando Castile was murdered and apparently nobody did it.

06-17-2017, 09:20 PM

Can't make this **** up. Cops stage a kidnapping at a girls camp and tell people she was sold as a sex slave.

06-17-2017, 10:00 PM

Hey guys I found some good cops. If you told me a black man called 911 because his A.C. was out I would have guessed he would have been tazed and arrested. I have no problem giving cops credit when they actually protect and serve. It's the raping and pillaging I have a problem with.

06-17-2017, 11:00 PM
Elizabeth Yeampierre‏Verified account @yeampierre 7h7 hours ago

#PhilandoCastile = No Conviction

06-19-2017, 03:26 PM

Grantsville Georgia this time. Police chief issues beatdown order on a citizen he doesn't like. The good cops oblige by finding the man and beating the **** out of him. IAD rubber stamps it.

06-20-2017, 02:52 AM
Good news today as the cop who shot a 100% compliant black man/behavioral therapist who was attempting to help his 26 year old autistic patient was charged. This is the most clear cut case you can find. Officers used binoculars to determine the autistic man was holding a you train so there was no excuse. The officer told the man he shot that he was attempting to murder the autistic man to "save" him but missed and hit the black man. How pathetic can one person get.

The sad part of this is that the cops there are defending the attempted murder. This is why I say most cops are bad cops. If I shoot someone thinking they have a gun those same cops won't defend me. They would arrest and charge me with attempted murder.

06-20-2017, 03:01 AM

Here is a story about how corrupt District attorney's do everything they can not to charge cops. The report they filed on the case to not charge the crooks leaves out as much damning evidence as possible even claiming that his skin falling off was due to decpmposure instead of being boiled alive. Yeah, decpmposure an hour after death. Sure. This is why we need special prosecutors. If cops are above the law then we as citizens have every right to take up arms against them.

06-20-2017, 09:18 AM

Yet another example of good cops protecting and serving by giving their police chief a ride home after pulling him over for being drunk and driving 109 mph. I wonder what would happen if it was you or me being pulled over for the same thing.

06-23-2017, 02:32 AM

ACLU filed lawsuit alleging cops literally raped protestors arrested at Trumps inauguration. Even if your one the boot lickers who think cops are allowed to rape a will a lot of these victims were part of mass arrests where cops pick an area and arrest everyone that area because they can't determine who in that area did something.

06-23-2017, 02:51 AM

Shootout to our heroes keeping us safe from disabled people. No word yet on if they raped the disable people they arrested.

06-23-2017, 07:46 AM

Cop walks up to a man and punches him. Even if the guy was under arrest that's not a legal way to arrest a person. Can't wait for the cop to claim qualified immunity because how was he supposed to know he can't randomly punch people whenever he feels like it.

06-24-2017, 06:34 AM
An old Italian saying " a fish rots from the head down" :


06-26-2017, 02:48 AM
On average over 250 people will die today because of marijuana prohibition. Over 1000 will have their freedom taken from them under the threat of violence by police officers. Hopefully none of our fine upstanding officers who breaks into a home and threatens innocent people with assault rifles is harmed today.

06-26-2017, 03:11 AM

Yet another life saved from a bad cop by a camera. This black man just won court case after this cop lied to say the victim was agitated and threatening so he had to place him in a choke hold. The video clearly shows the cop as the aggressor and that no violence was necessary. Filing a false police report is a crime. Somehow I doubt this officer will be charged with the crime he committed.

06-26-2017, 03:16 AM

Lololol, black off duty cop tries to help and gets shot. Can't wait to hear how neither the victim or the shooter did anything wrong since they refuse to blame cops for these things.

06-26-2017, 03:20 AM

Cops torture a kid on a bad LSD trip to death then successfully keep their crime a secret until the statute of limitations runs out. Now that they can't be charged the release they finally release the video to his parents. These cops tazed this kid multiple times including purposely tapering him in the testicles. One of the cops can even be heard saying "mother****er, I am going to kill you".

I know I feel safer knowing there are cops out there who will tazer me in the nuts to death on camera and still get away with it.

06-28-2017, 02:47 AM

Man spends o0 days in jail after drug dog "alerted" and cops field tested drywall that registered as cocaine. Whoops. Lost 9 months of your life forced into chains and forcibly made a slave with the threat of violence and longer imprisonment if he resists. Lose your jobfor no showing for 3 months. Your bills aren't paid, probably get evicted while in jail. Car potentially gets repossessed or you are charged 3 months of towing/storage. What happens now that this man has been victimized for doing nothing wrong? Nothing. He is **** out of luck. The cops don't care they just ****ed him over. The k-9 cop won't be in any trouble for doing his job wrong and illegally searching the man vehicles based off a lie. The cops who ****ed up the roadside field test leasing to this man losing a quarter of a year of his life won't be punished. Thus is what I call raping and pillaging. These same cops thinj they deserve my sympathy if someone puts a bullet in their heads. Remember, violence is never acceptable unless you have a shiny badge.

06-28-2017, 02:51 AM

Here is some relatively positive news. As I have said before we need to start teaching kids how to deal with police. We fill kids heads with free country BS and they think rights protect them from cops then they end up getting shot or beat up by cops. We need to let them know early on we live in a police state and they will kill you and get away with it. They will get violent for the slightest reason and get away with it. It sucks that it's come to that but it is what it is. Until we win the war on drugs this is the easiest way to save lives.

06-28-2017, 06:49 PM

06-28-2017, 07:07 PM
The Tokyo Metropolitan area employs more police than New York City - in a country that had exactly 1 shooting death in 2015.

06-28-2017, 07:15 PM
cajun - the production value of these videos you have posted is ****ing horrible.

06-28-2017, 07:35 PM
The Tokyo Metropolitan area employs more police than New York City - in a country that had exactly 1 shooting death in 2015.

Wonder why that is.

06-29-2017, 06:08 AM
cajun - the production value of these videos you have posted is ****ing horrible.

Most of them are videos of locals news or cell phone videos of cops doing bad things. I don't know how you want that spruced up but I don't make them.

06-29-2017, 11:13 AM
Most of them are videos of locals news or cell phone videos of cops doing bad things. I don't know how you want that spruced up but I don't make them.

No, I'm talking about the ****ty narration/voice-overs.

06-30-2017, 02:34 AM

Former judge whose life was saved by medical marijuana regrets sending pot users to prison. Used to hate marijuana and those who used it.

Leaving marijuana as a schedule 1 drug is downright criminal.There are thousands of examples of lives being saved by medical marijuana and many thousands more whose symptoms were solved. Schedule 1 means there is no medicinal value. How can we be using marijuana for medicine in half the country and its still schedule 1.

06-30-2017, 02:37 AM

Cop kicks a guy in the jaw with a steel toe boot breaking his jaw. Then the cop throws the victims camera in a pond to try and destroy the evidence. No word on if the local DA will take time off from fellaciating the cop to charge him with the various crimes he comitted.

07-01-2017, 07:47 PM
The term Opiod Crisis rubs me the wrong way. This explains why

Did the media cover the crack epidemic in black and brown communities like they are currently covering the heroin/opioid/crystal meth crises in primarily white communities?


therefore the police and other authorities fall in line:

Despite the drug crises in white communities being the largest the United States has ever seen, dwarfing the crack epidemic of the 80s, white people — from every class status — have the benefit of never being negatively judged for their behavior; white communities have the benefit of not being raided by rabid police departments and S.W.A.T. teams; white people aren’t being rounded up and shuffled into prisons by the truckload; white communities and the people who reside in them aren’t being pathologized; no one is blaming white culture for this deviancy; no one is attributing this to the immorality of whiteness and white people; there’s even sympathy for babies born with opioid addiction; and they are sure to downplay crystal meth and hyper-focus on opioids-as-painkillers to ensure maximum sympathy. No, for white people, this is being treated as a health crisis from which they can be saved. And addiction, for white people, is being treated as an illness.

07-01-2017, 08:13 PM
What gets me is that legal weed causes a significant decline in opiod abuse and overdose yet people like Sessions cite the opioid epidemic as a reason to keep pot illegal.

07-07-2017, 02:19 AM

Criminal cop shoots himself and frames someone for it.

07-07-2017, 02:21 AM

Cop runs over a woman and kills her. He won't be charged. Now you, you wouldn't be so lucky. You don't have a shiny badge that gives you free license to kill.

07-07-2017, 02:27 AM

Next time a patriot kills some red coats and people spew the "violence is never acceptable" b.s. remember that those same people feel jaywalking is an acceptable reason to use violence on people.

07-07-2017, 02:30 AM

This is why cameras so important and why cops fight them at every turn. If not for these cameras this violent thug would still be roaming the streets victimizing people. You can clearly see from this video that the car at no point was any threat to him and the officer lied to cover up his crime. Sleepy right officer, you might not be able to sit comfortably anymore when they get a hold of you in prison. Hope they take every some from your immediate family to pay off the victims family . Maybe shouldn't have married a monster.

07-11-2017, 07:33 AM

For you dog lovers out there. Watch this cop scale a 7 foot fence and shoot 2 service dogs. Is there any of you who would side with the officer here? Can we all agree this is a criminal action? The dogs are 10 feet from him and not moving by the time he shoots them. If this cop actually feared from his life in this situation he needs to be off the streets before he shoots a toddler that he will swear reached for a gun.

07-11-2017, 09:42 AM

Two weeks in and they don't have enough weed to fund their school budget. The Governor endorsed a state of emergency. What a time to be alive.

07-16-2017, 10:00 AM

That awkward moment when you racially profile a states attorney and have to try and make up a reason for the stop.

07-17-2017, 11:55 AM

Australian woman calls cops thinking there was an assault going on in an alleyway. Cops show up and protect and serve her with a bullet to the head. What you wont see in any video are cops offering their condolences and sympathies to the family. You wont see any of that **** they demand when they are killed.

On a side note a friend of mine had to quit his job this week. For the 8th time in 6 months he had the cops called on him while doing his job. He repairs and maintains ATMs. He is a 6'5 black guy probably over 300 pounds but its mostly fat. 6 out of the 8 times he had a gun pointed at him and was handcuffed. 3 times his entire vehicle was searched despite having his credentials readily available to the cop and the bank manager's permission/approval, they cops didnt even bother checking with the manager. This morning was the second time a responding cop threatened to shoot him. He has 3 kids and doesnt want to be Castille'd. Who knows when his luck runs out and a cop mistakes something for a gun or is just an outright murderous coward like the one that shot Philando. My friend is extremely clean cut and probably one of the whitest black people you would ever meet. I advised him to seek an attorney. I dont know how liable the PD would be because they are responding to what they are told and who knows what was said by the callers. I wish he could sue the callers but probably will have to sue the city. I dont know about the rest of you but if you were a black man with all thats going on lately I have a hard time seeing a court ruling against him. Its crazy that he has to choose between being threatened with a gun by cops on a regular basis as part of his job. Personally I dont think the cops would be as aggressive if I was working on the ATM as opposed to a black man. They clearly look for any other reason to arrest him even after he proved he was legit. I think its only a matter of time before he runs into one of those cops that beats the **** out of him and then charges him with resisting arrest for trying to cover up to protect himself from the beating.

07-17-2017, 06:11 PM
Cajun, this one's for you!!! (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/jeff-sessions-wants-police-to-take-more-cash-from-american-citizens/ar-BBECcJm?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)

07-18-2017, 03:04 AM
Witnesses say the woman was in her pajamas taking to the cop in the driver's seat when the officer in the passenger seat shot her through the driver side window. Wow. The police silence about this is alarming. When they refuse to release details to even immediate family members it's almost always because they are hiding something really damning. For example the cops who murdered a handcuffed teen by tasering him in the balls to death fought tooth and nail to keep all evidence from homes parents until after the statute of limitations ran out. Now the DA freely admits it was murder and he would have charged the cops.

Don't expect sympathy from me for the next cop that dies. They should be protecting and serving us from these kind of cops not defending them.

07-18-2017, 03:14 AM

102 synthetic weed overdoses in one county in one weekend. Thanks police. Thanks to your overwhelming support of prohibition and your massive bribes by your unions thousands of people could potentially die from synthetic weed.

07-18-2017, 05:22 AM
No words for these horrible acts.


07-18-2017, 08:50 AM
Witnesses say the woman was in her pajamas taking to the cop in the driver's seat when the officer in the passenger seat shot her through the driver side window. Wow. The police silence about this is alarming. When they refuse to release details to even immediate family members it's almost always because they are hiding something really damning. For example the cops who murdered a handcuffed teen by tasering him in the balls to death fought tooth and nail to keep all evidence from homes parents until after the statute of limitations ran out. Now the DA freely admits it was murder and he would have charged the cops.

Don't expect sympathy from me for the next cop that dies. They should be protecting and serving us from these kind of cops not defending them.

No comments about the link I posted 3 or 4 slots up from this one?

07-18-2017, 10:18 AM
No comments about the link I posted 3 or 4 slots up from this one?

I didn't see the link I am used to looking for a URL. Anyways, the tide is slowly turning and things like this only hasten it. I want the police mafia and policies like this linked with Trump. I feel like we will eventually see a well coordinated attack on the police that will really get the government to go full authoritarian. After that I expect a crackdown on what people say over the internet. That's probably the point where I would buy a gun.

07-18-2017, 10:59 AM
Wow I just had a close encounter with a Sheriff. As I am walking to my car a Sheriff in his car drives by
Tells me he is looking for a 6 foot black teenager wearing baggy pants and a black white/wife beater whatever it's called. I told him I did not want to talk to him. He asks for my ID. I asks him if he suspects me of being a black teenager (I am a white man in mid 30's). Asks to see my ID again. I asked him if he was asking me or ordering me. He said ordering me so I told him my ID was in my pocket in my wallet but I wasn't going to reach for anything. Told him I would comply but asked that he take it out of my pocket because I don't want to get shot today. He says "have a nice day" and drives off. He came back down my
Road a second time as I watched from my porch. Shoulda taken a picture. I will get it if he comes back a third time.

Kind of worried he is right outside the subdivision waiting to pull me over if I leave.

Ok, going to try and leave. Got my camera on my mph and the road on case he tries a bull**** reason to pull me over. Got a timer too. Going to stop at the stop sign for q0 seconds. Should be home in 2 hours, if I don't post then I am in jail.

Not today popo.

07-19-2017, 02:40 AM

Some good news to report. The cops who raided a peaceful state legal business who were caught eating pot brownies amongst various other things like stealing money and saying things like "I wanted to punch that one legged grandma in the nub" who claimed the video should not be admitted as evidence because they had a reasonable expectation of privacy lost. They actually argued they had a reasonable expectation of privacy because they thought they destroyed all the security cameras.

I don't see how anyone could watch this raid and call the cops the good guys here. This is an act of terrorism. This is no different than going to wal mart and pointing assault rifles at the employees and customers then taking all the money and helping themselves to the inventory. This is why cops fear cameras.

07-19-2017, 02:46 AM

This is an oldie but a good one. Cop thinks he paid with a 20. Despite all evidence to the contrary and the employee eve offering to be searched the cop pepper sprays her then arrests her. The officer was cleared of wrongdoing. This is why cops die and the fact that other cops cover for them is why they deserve to die too. The good cops are the ones that stand up to the thugs in their own departments like Chris Dorner.

07-19-2017, 07:45 AM

Man threatens to call police on little girls lemonade stand. How ****ing pathetic can this **** stain be. Doesn't sound like the police showed up so I am going to hope the 911 dispatcher told him to **** off and leave the girl alone.

07-19-2017, 10:31 AM

First official account is in. Apparently the officer was startled by a loud sound and the Australian woman approached the driver side window so he shot her through the driver's side window. The cop was a Muslim rookie cop and the victim a white woman. It's a perfect storm. What do cop boot lickers hate? Muslims. This cop gone fry. I can see the most hardcore cop defenders like that crazy sheriff blame BLM. Claim the officer was so scares because of BLM.

Almost forgot, the Muslim cop refuses to be interviewed by anyone. Won't even give his side of the story. He knows he is ****ed. For once they might just turn on their own.

07-19-2017, 11:13 AM

First official account is in. Apparently the officer was startled by a loud sound and the Australian woman approached the driver side window so he shot her through the driver's side window. The cop was a Muslim rookie cop and the victim a white woman. It's a perfect storm. What do cop boot lickers hate? Muslims. This cop gone fry. I can see the most hardcore cop defenders like that crazy sheriff blame BLM. Claim the officer was so scares because of BLM.

Almost forgot, the Muslim cop refuses to be interviewed by anyone. Won't even give his side of the story. He knows he is ****ed. For once they might just turn on their own.

There's something seriously wrong with the way police are being trained.

07-19-2017, 11:22 AM
big story breaking in Baltimore

where cops plant drugs and are caught on body camera (it saves 30 seconds without audio before they turn on their camera)

DA sat on the video for 170+ days knowing this info, kept the person arrested in jail cause they couldn't post the 50k bail

and even with the video of corrupt cops, was offering a 3 year plea deal plus time already served to the defendant for the drug charges

no charges yet for the cops or the da

other part of the story, it shows cops manipulating body cam footage etc

07-19-2017, 11:52 AM
thank god we got the small gov't business man in office


07-19-2017, 12:00 PM
DJT has never positioned himself as a small government. He's not, not in the slightest.

Can you at least be somewhat coherent every now and then?

07-19-2017, 12:18 PM
DJT has never positioned himself as a small government. He's not, not in the slightest.

Can you at least be somewhat coherent every now and then?

Then wouldn't this be a good time for him to stand up and jerk the choke chain of his own appointed law enforcement stud?

07-19-2017, 12:34 PM
big story breaking in Baltimore

where cops plant drugs and are caught on body camera (it saves 30 seconds without audio before they turn on their camera)

DA sat on the video for 170+ days knowing this info, kept the person arrested in jail cause they couldn't post the 50k bail

and even with the video of corrupt cops, was offering a 3 year plea deal plus time already served to the defendant for the drug charges

no charges yet for the cops or the da

other part of the story, it shows cops manipulating body cam footage etc

Who watches the watchers.

07-19-2017, 12:42 PM

not sure why you changed your post from the other post to that

07-19-2017, 01:11 PM

07-20-2017, 12:13 AM
Yes, this exactly. The other main type of corruption is falsely arresting people so they can charge them with resisting arrest. It's only natural for people to object to being arrested for nothing. A cop can arrest you everyday, take you to jail and hold you for 24 hours and let you go with no charges. He can keep doing that over and over with no consequence to him. They use vague laws like trespassing and disorderly conduct. They can and will arrest you for trespassing on your job or even in your own property. They will arrest you for disorderly conduct for contempt of cop or simply disagreeing with them. The charges won't stick but they get to assault and search you with no consequence to them.

07-20-2017, 02:50 AM

I think I posted this story about a Dallas cop who shot a black teenager driving away from a house party. The cop said the car was driving at him and he feared for his life. Video of the murder proved the car was driving away from him. Now the update which is that the murderous cop is also facing charges for an earlier incident where he threatened someone with his gun when he got into an car wreck off duty. Now the question becomes why was he allowed to return to duty. At the least he should not have been on desk duty. I doubt it happens but the bosses here need to face negligence charges.

07-20-2017, 02:58 AM

Here is video of the criminal cop planting evidence that was posted about earlier. Notice his 2 cop buddies right next to him watching. I bet these other 2 won't face charges. If cops turn a blind eye to crime by their own then they are not law enforcement they are just thugs. They want us to be accountable to the law yet want to be above the law. This is why there is a resistance movement. This is why cops are being ambushed. There is little difference between the bloods, the crips, and the cops. The
Illusion that they are the good guys is ending. I can't wait for the next resistance shooting. If it happens enough there will be change. If cops want to be safe then they need to turn on the criminals in their own ranks. So long as they protect criminals they won't be safe.

Almost forgot, this cop testified in court days after this tape was brought to the attention of the DA. The DA withheld this information from the defend which is a crime. I highly doubt his BFFs will charge him. This is why we have and need vigilante justice.

07-22-2017, 10:06 PM

Cops caught covering security camera. Surely they did this for no reason and not to cover up some wrongdoing.

07-24-2017, 02:24 AM

Interesting situation in Colorado. With legalization courts have now ruled that the smell of weed is not a cause to search a vehicle. The interesting part comes in that the current drug dogs are trained to alert for pot but they can't yell the red coat whic drug it smells.

07-24-2017, 02:32 AM

DEA agent pleading guilty for armed robbery. Shutout to the cops that got this criminal off the streets. Thats actually making me safer.

07-25-2017, 08:44 AM

Interesting wrongful death lawsuit for 150 million. Officer Burns killed Anthony Edwards by slamming his head into concrete then leaving him on the ground to die. You see, while he was dying the officers were calling dispatch saying it's really important they find out if the dying man was a convicted felon. When they found out he was not a convicted felon the officer said he was disappointed. Th is is all caught on audio. Later whole Edwards is dying the cops decide to check of he has warrants. They cheer when they find out he has a warrant but are again disappointed when they find out it's on a misdemeanor charge. Officer Burns is even caught on audio saying he slammed the guy into the ground when asked of he "slammed" or "dropped" the guy.

Also of note one of the officers involved is currently awaiting sentencing after being caught in a to catch a predator type sting and the killing officer is a competitive martial artist.