View Full Version : What the hell is Fox doing?

03-28-2017, 10:18 PM
"Pierzynski joins a 2017 FOX MLB team that has signed several former players over the last several weeks, including Alex Rodriguez, Nick Swisher, Pete Rose and Frank Thomas."

Is there something in the new collective bargaining agreement that says only asshole ex-players are allowed to be hired by Fox Sports?

“With Opening Day right around the corner, this is always a great time of year,” Pierzynski said. “I’m really looking forward to what should be a very exciting MLB season and to being a part of the FOX Sports team again.”

A.J., could you be a little more forthcoming with your thoughts with us, one of your primary audiences?

03-29-2017, 07:01 AM
Don't know if you're joking or not, but I think A.J. will do well in this role. He's opinionated and can be sarcastic. I think he'll be a hit with a lot of fans and his takes will be lauded by some and decried by others because there likely won't be any middle ground and that can make for good television.

Anthony J. Pierzynski
03-29-2017, 10:19 AM
Fox Sports has an institutional preference for hiring outspoken and controversial ex-players. Bickering and controversy sells, but they've clearly identified a need to have some sober and restrained analysis from a grounded figure who's not going to bring a lot of ego to the table.

I've gotten so many questions about this that I probably need to put false modesty aside and kick some truth to the youth.

Sometimes you have a team full of talented but lazy underachievers who need a kick in the ass from a certified alpha Silverback. That's what I did for the World Champion 2005 White Sox, that's what I did for the Braves, and that's what I'll do for Fox Sports. Let's look at what they're working with: I carried Frank Thomas in Chicago and turned Nick Swisher into my Mich Ultra caddy in Atlanta. Alex Rodriguez finished second to me every year for most hated player in MLB, and if they hate you, they fear you, right? Pete Rose? A slap-hitter who isn't even in the Hall of Fame. You want a winner at the track? Ask Pete. You want a winner on the diamond, ask AJP. Since the spreadsheet dweebs running MLB clubs now didn't want to offer me a job, I figure I'll wait my mandatory 5 years before HoF induction by building another legacy. Buckle up, buttercups.

03-29-2017, 04:59 PM
Fox Sports has an institutional preference for hiring outspoken and controversial ex-players. Bickering and controversy sells, but they've clearly identified a need to have some sober and restrained analysis from a grounded figure who's not going to bring a lot of ego to the table.

I've gotten so many questions about this that I probably need to put false modesty aside and kick some truth to the youth.

Sometimes you have a team full of talented but lazy underachievers who need a kick in the ass from a certified alpha Silverback. That's what I did for the World Champion 2005 White Sox, that's what I did for the Braves, and that's what I'll do for Fox Sports. Let's look at what they're working with: I carried Frank Thomas in Chicago and turned Nick Swisher into my Mich Ultra caddy in Atlanta. Alex Rodriguez finished second to me every year for most hated player in MLB, and if they hate you, they fear you, right? Pete Rose? A slap-hitter who isn't even in the Hall of Fame. You want a winner at the track? Ask Pete. You want a winner on the diamond, ask AJP. Since the spreadsheet dweebs running MLB clubs now didn't want to offer me a job, I figure I'll wait my mandatory 5 years before HoF induction by building another legacy. Buckle up, buttercups.

Just body slam Harold Reynolds for me, would you?

03-29-2017, 05:43 PM
Idk how AJ will do, but I will say I enjoyed ARod and Rose last year during the playoffs. They had pretty good chemistry IMO. Hopefully he works out for them

03-29-2017, 05:46 PM
If they hired Swisher, then they fulfilled their buffoon quota.

03-29-2017, 05:53 PM
Fox Sports has an institutional preference for hiring outspoken and controversial ex-players. Bickering and controversy sells, but they've clearly identified a need to have some sober and restrained analysis from a grounded figure who's not going to bring a lot of ego to the table.

I've gotten so many questions about this that I probably need to put false modesty aside and kick some truth to the youth.

Sometimes you have a team full of talented but lazy underachievers who need a kick in the ass from a certified alpha Silverback. That's what I did for the World Champion 2005 White Sox, that's what I did for the Braves, and that's what I'll do for Fox Sports. Let's look at what they're working with: I carried Frank Thomas in Chicago and turned Nick Swisher into my Mich Ultra caddy in Atlanta. Alex Rodriguez finished second to me every year for most hated player in MLB, and if they hate you, they fear you, right? Pete Rose? A slap-hitter who isn't even in the Hall of Fame. You want a winner at the track? Ask Pete. You want a winner on the diamond, ask AJP. Since the spreadsheet dweebs running MLB clubs now didn't want to offer me a job, I figure I'll wait my mandatory 5 years before HoF induction by building another legacy. Buckle up, buttercups.

Never change, big guy.

03-29-2017, 06:51 PM
What is wrong with Frank Thomas? I will always respect him for basically begging for steroid testing way back in the 90s. Pretty much unheard of by a player back then.

03-29-2017, 07:00 PM
AJ was on I believe the TBS or MLB Network broadcast team 2 years ago during the postseason and I thought he was very good. Made a lot of good points and a smooth delivery.

I just wish that we could get rid of Chip.

03-29-2017, 08:49 PM
Arod was surprisingly excellent last post season. Very insightful and explained things very well.

03-30-2017, 05:26 PM
Idk how AJ will do, but I will say I enjoyed ARod and Rose last year during the playoffs. They had pretty good chemistry IMO. Hopefully he works out for them
Yeah because they both cheated the game.

Anthony J. Pierzynski
04-28-2017, 01:58 PM
Thought you guys might like to see how I'm crushing my new gig.