View Full Version : Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Third.

01-04-2018, 11:34 AM

The AP is reporting that Sessions will announce that he has rescinded the Obama policy of not going after legal pot in states that have legalized it. I know yall probably think this would upset me but I cant buy weed legally anyways. This isnt going to work out the way Sessions thinks it will and if we get federal cops raiding state legal pot users/sellers that **** will be all over the media. When people see raids like the one I posted below it will only accelerate the legalization process.



I dont want to hear any sympathy for any federal cops harmed in any of these actions. They have a choice to quit instead of violently attacking innocent people. If a group of citizens decide to shoot them to protect their local marijuana dispensary they will be completely justified.

Nothing says "good guys" like wearing masks, pointing assault rifles at cancer patients trying to get medicine, and smashing security cameras. Wouldnt want people to hear them talk about punching a one legged old lady in her nub.

01-04-2018, 04:33 PM
“You want to know what this was really all about,” Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, said in the interview after Baum asked him about Nixon’s harsh anti-drug policies.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Senior Nixon aide John Erlichman, 1994.

01-05-2018, 09:36 AM
I was curious how Trump supporters would respond to this. This might be the first issue where I see a significant portion of the Trump base openly crotisize the Trump administration. There's a clear attempt to redirect their anger away from Sessions as some are trying to say they should blame Congress for not legalizing it instea of Sessions enforcing laws. I hope they call it the Emancipation Proclamation 2.0.

It looks to me like the Trump base are going to push for Congress to end federal prohibition. Not exactly how I predicted this all to go down but I did say Sessions ramping up the war on pot would have a rubber band effect and speed up federal legalization.

If they legalize marijuana not only will I vote and donate to Trump but I will rejoin the Republican party. I don't care if the 2020 Democrat is pro legalization, democrats had 8 ****ing years to do this and they did not even try. Whatever party is on the wrong side of history here will forever be dead to me.

01-05-2018, 07:24 PM
I was curious how Trump supporters would respond to this. This might be the first issue where I see a significant portion of the Trump base openly crotisize the Trump administration. There's a clear attempt to redirect their anger away from Sessions as some are trying to say they should blame Congress for not legalizing it instea of Sessions enforcing laws. I hope they call it the Emancipation Proclamation 2.0.

It looks to me like the Trump base are going to push for Congress to end federal prohibition. Not exactly how I predicted this all to go down but I did say Sessions ramping up the war on pot would have a rubber band effect and speed up federal legalization.

If they legalize marijuana not only will I vote and donate to Trump but I will rejoin the Republican party. I don't care if the 2020 Democrat is pro legalization, democrats had 8 ****ing years to do this and they did not even try. Whatever party is on the wrong side of history here will forever be dead to me.

Judging by Trump's previous words, stance on most issues, etc., you have to think (or I do anyway) that he doesn't give a crap one way or the other about pot and would seem to be the type to say let the states regulate it or just flat out legalize it across the board. So why has he gone along with Sessions hard line draconian stance on the legalization of pot? Does he owe Sessions some sort of debt to let him call the shots on this? Is he just letting the demand for legalization build up to the "tipping point", or is he trying to get people so ramped up for legalization that they'll go along with a plan to legalize it as long as a GMO or 2 or 3 get to run the production and distribution stuff so they'll be able to claim most of the profits? Or is it something else entirely?

01-06-2018, 12:28 AM
My view on this is similar to my view on the 2nd Amendment, or immigration law. If you don't like it, change the law. But deciding whether or not it should be enforced is absurd. It's federal law, so of course Sessions should be enforcing it. Don't get mad at him for doing what the AGs of the previous administration should have been doing all along.

(For what it's worth, I think this should clearly be up to the states.)

01-06-2018, 06:59 AM
There are a lot of arcane laws on the books that have never been repealed. Do you think cops should be digging into 1800s laws that were never repealed to enforce? Its the law right? In Pennsylvania if your traveling through rural Pennsylvania at night you have to stop every mile and send up a rocket signal. Should we send SWAT teams to bust people committing the vicious crime of not sending up rocket signals every mile at night?

I am glad this happening, almost everywhere I go I see "dont blame them for enforcing the law, instead lets change the law and legalize it". Good. Now lets hold your elected officials accountable to that. Thing is many people have introduced legislation to end federal prohibition of marijuana but it always gets killed before even reaching the floor by bought and paid for congressmen. The media barely covers it when it happens and its usually a comedy news show that covers it. Now that this is front page news its time to get legalization legislation to a vote so we can get all the congressmen on record. Once we find out who the NO votes are the growing pot lobbyist groups can fund pro legalization candidates to replace them. Once the weed market gets big enough for the pot lobbyists to out bribe big pharma, police/prison unions, and the beer companies its all down hill from there. As people say, once the government gets a hold of that tax money they will fight tooth and nail to keep that revenue stream.

I would love to see a Governor with the balls to tie all police funding to the tax from legal pot sales and all civil asset forfeiture money goes to small business loans for new legal pot shops. Go ahead Police Chief, **** with the legal weed market and maybe we dont have the money to fund your pension now. Oops. Pot shop getting robbed? You better get your ass down there like its a donut shop because those robbers are taking your paycheck.

01-06-2018, 07:20 AM
Sessions needs to go. To devote needed resources to a foolish cause like this proves his incompetence.

01-06-2018, 08:15 AM
I am glad this happening, almost everywhere I go I see "dont blame them for enforcing the law, instead lets change the law and legalize it". Good. Now lets hold your elected officials accountable to that. Thing is many people have introduced legislation to end federal prohibition of marijuana but it always gets killed before even reaching the floor by bought and paid for congressmen.

Which is really how the system is supposed to work. We've become accustomed to congressional busybodies passing tons of laws to look good and reward supporters, but the bill to law process was designed to make passing laws difficult. There should be overwhelming support or need for anything that becomes a law.

Obama made it clear to states that his administration wouldn't enforce the law, but we've gone from full Democrat control of the federal government all the way to full Republican control, and at no point has there been enough support to get marijuana legalization through.

01-06-2018, 08:22 AM
Sessions needs to go. To devote needed resources to a foolish cause like this proves his incompetence.

I am no fan of Jeff Sessions, I don't think he ever should have been given this job, and I think he has done more harm to the Trump administration than anyone else besides Trump himself. But I'm shaking my head at all the law and order guys who are coming after him now that he's enforcing a law they happen to not like.

01-06-2018, 08:33 AM
I am no fan of Jeff Sessions, I don't think he ever should have been given this job, and I think he has done more harm to the Trump administration than anyone else besides Trump himself. But I'm shaking my head at all the law and order guys who are coming after him now that he's enforcing a law they happen to not like.

But there are thousands of laws. To devote resources to a 'crime ' that doesn't harm anyone is inefficient.

01-06-2018, 11:22 AM
Glad to see yall aboard. Good news is there is a bill to end federal prohibition of marijuana just sitting in committee with 15 cosponsors. Its not that people arent trying, its that it keeps getting buried. Like you said the people have to tell Congress enough is enough and we get a chance in the 2018 mid terms. If your local officials arent pro legalization send them a message by voting accordingly. If there is one thing politicians care about more than anything its getting reelected. That it has not come up for a vote is not an excuse, the people who say this are the ones who block it from coming to a vote in the first place. Its a circular trick they have been using to pull the wool over the peoples eyes.


01-06-2018, 12:08 PM
Glad to see yall aboard. Good news is there is a bill to end federal prohibition of marijuana just sitting in committee with 15 cosponsors. Its not that people arent trying, its that it keeps getting buried. Like you said the people have to tell Congress enough is enough and we get a chance in the 2018 mid terms. If your local officials arent pro legalization send them a message by voting accordingly. If there is one thing politicians care about more than anything its getting reelected. That it has not come up for a vote is not an excuse, the people who say this are the ones who block it from coming to a vote in the first place. Its a circular trick they have been using to pull the wool over the peoples eyes.


Well, anyone who has checked can tell you that things like "better background checks for people buying firearms" have been tried and buried in committee, most likely by the NRA. I'm not talking about radical gutting the 2nd amendment stuff, just better and more thorough background checks. I wonder who stands to gain from keeping pot illegal, which was the intent of my original question?

01-06-2018, 01:58 PM
But there are thousands of laws. To devote resources to a 'crime ' that doesn't harm anyone is inefficient.

Doesn’t ‘harm’ anyone. Other than the people who are shot, killed and robbed over money for weed.

01-06-2018, 02:11 PM
Doesn’t ‘harm’ anyone. Other than the people who are shot, killed and robbed over money for weed.

Doyou have evidence of this or is this what you feel because you've been told weed was bad your whole life?

01-06-2018, 02:35 PM
Doyou have evidence of this or is this what you feel because you've been told weed was bad your whole life?

You ever see the great show on A&e called ‘the first 48’? it deals with detectives trying to close murders within the first 48. Shootings over weed have been the cause of murders at least 33 percent on that show. Weed causes a lot of crime in the inner cities. Traphouses, robberies, etc. drugs are the main currency in the inner cities.

01-06-2018, 03:34 PM
You ever see the great show on A&e called ‘the first 48’? it deals with detectives trying to close murders within the first 48. Shootings over weed have been the cause of murders at least 33 percent on that show. Weed causes a lot of crime in the inner cities. Traphouses, robberies, etc. drugs are the main currency in the inner cities.

You could substitue alcohol for weed and it would be the same thing if alcohol was illegal. The only reason that statement is true is because of a social construct whereby marijuana is deemed unfavorable. There are many substances that are worse for you than weed and yet they are legal.

01-06-2018, 04:28 PM
You could substitue alcohol for weed and it would be the same thing if alcohol was illegal. The only reason that statement is true is because of a social construct whereby marijuana is deemed unfavorable. There are many substances that are worse for you than weed and yet they are legal.

That’s life. Cocaine and meth had more valid uses than weed does. Shouldn’t we legalize those first?

01-06-2018, 06:00 PM
That’s life. Cocaine and meth had more valid uses than weed does. Shouldn’t we legalize those first?

Yes, they should be legal. If we spent as much money on drug rehabilitation as we did incarcerating it would make a noticeable difference. This has played out in Portugal over the last 17 years. In 2001 almost 1% of the population was addicted to heroin. They beat that epidemic by decriminilizing. We can play all these semantic word games and pretend to be tough law and order people but every day these policies are allowed to continue people are losing their lives. Every day we sit around and do nothing more people get victimized. For evil to prevail it takes a lot of good people doing nothing and I don't care who you are but locking up people for victimless crimes is evil. This concept that drug users might someday commit a crime against someone so they need to be preemptively locked up is not justice.

01-07-2018, 04:51 AM

Propaganda at its finest. A study comes out showing pot is one of the safest recreational drugs and Fox's coverage is having a jackass doctor come on the show and lie his ass off with no guest to defend the study or even any of the hosts asking a competent question of the propaganda doctor. This is the kind of **** that needs to be investigated imo. How much and by who were they paid to run that smear job? I would be real interested to hear what conversation went on in pre production about this segment.

Heres Hannity hosting a clown show panel on marijuana.


Let me bullet point the insanity of the prohibitionists on this panel.

- "it both raises and lowers blood pressure" some doctor....I guess he cant say it just does one of the two or it might be considered medicine.

- Sean picks out a young female and she blames Rhianna and Miley Cyrus for making pot smoking cool. really? Then she says she went to college with a bunch of pot smokers who didnt go to class and skipped tests. So I guess her solution is to put them in prison so they cant go to classes or skip tests.......

- the irony of a hollywood gossip reporter calling pot smokers worthless is not lost on me.

- Sean says the only 2 succesful pot heads he has ever met was Cheech and Chong..... the token black man yells out "snoop dog" and Hannity ignores him. lol.

- Another woman is now talking about 2 deaths that might be linked to marijuana. A man who jumped to his death after eating too much edible pot and another man who says he killed his wife after hallucinating on edible pot. These are two cases out of probably billions of times people got high and the wife killing was back in 2014. What they dont tell you is he was also taking too much prescription pills at the time too. Maybe the man jumped to his death because of the edible. I have tried edibles and taken too much at once and it gave me a full body high that I wanted to go away because it was that strong.... but I also could barely move.

And just for ****s and giggles I thought this was hilarious.


01-07-2018, 05:28 AM

One of the best signs that legalization is inevitable is that police are training their drug sniffing dogs to ignore marijuana now. All the dogs trained to find marijuana will have to be retired because they cant untrain them. The whole k9 search program is bull**** to begin with anyways. Handlers know how to manipulate the dog and manipulate camera angles to falsely claim positive alerts. I cant tell you how many times I have seen cops take a dog around a car and it doesnt alert then as soon as they get out of the camera angle they claim it alerted. Numerous studies show drug dogs often alert because it makes their handler happy. No records are kept showing how often a dog alerts and no drugs are found because it would make them look bad if there was a record that 60% of alerts were false. I dont know what the actual % is because they dont keep those records on purpose.

01-07-2018, 11:02 AM
I'm not a huge proponent of weed (beyond its clinical usefulness for some people) but I am a proponent of decriminalizing weed, mostly because it's a big component of our screwed-up criminal justice system.

The people in the media who are vehemently anti-marijuana are also big supporters of the carceral state. The way the money flows makes this pretty transparent.

06-19-2018, 09:41 AM

600 leaders of Sessions church file a formal complaint against him for child abuse from his policy change in immigration and for racial discrimination for ordering the repeal of all Obama era consent decrees by police departments. I know some of you will say these consent decrees must be filled with a bunch of liberal hoopla but I have actually read them. They couldn't fellaciate cops anymore in these reports if they tried. In almost all cases cops actually admit what they were doing was racist and/or not legal and all it really amounted to was the police promising to try harder to abide by the law. Literally whilena DoJ official was in a car with a NYPD cop ha supervisor told the cop to go **** with some black kids and when the cop says he has no legal reason to do so the supervisor said "then make it up". That's one of those things they promised not to do anymore.

When your own church calls you racist along with about half the country...... you might be a racist.

06-19-2018, 12:18 PM

06-19-2018, 12:21 PM

Over 70 former US attorneys send letter urging Sessions to reverse his policy.

06-19-2018, 04:07 PM
Sessions is content to be Trump's whipping boy as long as he can make America just a l'il bit whiter.

06-19-2018, 04:38 PM
Sessions is awful

06-22-2018, 10:24 AM

Microsoft employees demanding Microsoft cancel their contract with ICE and institute a policy to not accept clients who violate human rights.

06-22-2018, 10:38 AM

Amazon employees demand the company end their facial recognition contract with law enforcement over human rights abuses.

Trump and Sessions aren't destroying America they are destroying the illusion of what America was.

06-22-2018, 11:08 AM

what happened to the Trumpeteers?

06-26-2018, 02:40 PM

Dozens of church leaders arrested protesting Sessions in LA.

07-26-2018, 12:19 PM
Time for some Jeff Sessions trivia.

1. Sessions has 1 son and 3 grandsons. From 0 to all 4 how many are named Jefferson.

2. Sessions has 1 bi-racial granddaughter. Name that race!

07-26-2018, 12:20 PM
Time for some Jeff Sessions trivia.

1. Sessions has 1 son and 3 grandsons. From 0 to all 4 how many are named Jefferson.

2. Sessions has 1 bi-racial granddaughter. Name that race!

1. 3
2. Asian

I do take solace from the fact that he and his family are Methodists.

Trump otoh is Presbyterian, which while not the most significant part of his identity does say something. His mother was born in Scotland, so she is part of the rootstock of Presbyterianism. People who have tried to understand Trump have focused on his relationship with his father, but I think it is worth repeating the old saying: cherchez la femme. There is a bit of a research literature out there that shows that women who have troubled relationships with men often had a troubled or distant or non-existent relationship with their father, and men who have trouble relating to women had similarly problematic relationships with their mother.

I make these observations as a neutral non-Protestant, but one who from time to time has taken a somewhat academic interest in the various factions of Protestantism. In the interests of full disclosure, I am a fan of Methodism. I think it has had a tremendously positive impact on the lives of its adherents, and also has contributed to progress in the countries where it has taken root. Sorry for the digression.

07-26-2018, 12:44 PM
I think I figured out how to legalize pot using legal bribery. Couldnt some of these big marijuana companies offer Jefferson like 500 million to license his image for a brand of marijuana? Might have to wait until he is not AG buy that wont be long. As the million dollar man would say "everybodys got a price".

08-03-2018, 02:32 AM

DoJ replaces immigration judge for askin for more information which delays deportation. This should show you that these are nothing more than kangaroo courts. If a judge can be replaced if the AG doesnt like their ruling is extremely troubling. In fact no other immigration judge can give a valid ruling as this is intimidation by the DoJ to influence judges decisions. Seems like a classic case of obstruction of justice to me.

08-03-2018, 03:54 AM
“You want to know what this was really all about,” Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, said in the interview after Baum asked him about Nixon’s harsh anti-drug policies.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Senior Nixon aide John Erlichman, 1994.

from this to the killings of left leaders from the radical right of that time that has been reborn with this regime

the so called radical left has a lot to do to come close to the blood on the hands of the republican party for what they have done to this country

08-03-2018, 05:12 AM
Really kind of ironic that the guy who started the war on drugs was a criminal who was pardoned to avoid prison.

08-03-2018, 03:43 PM
Really kind of ironic that the guy who started the war on drugs was a criminal who was pardoned to avoid prison.

It is. And, more expansively than that, the guy who championed “law and order” was the one whose administration racked up the most indictments and convictions. I think we’re definitely in a situation where history is going to rhyme.

08-03-2018, 08:17 PM
It is. And, more expansively than that, the guy who championed “law and order” was the one whose administration racked up the most indictments and convictions. I think we’re definitely in a situation where history is going to rhyme.

Considering that one of Nixon's first big gigs was to be one of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy's right hand men should have been a pretty good clue what was to come later. Also, he won his first election in CA by accusing his opponent of being a communist. Later he said something along the lines of "I knew he wasn't a communist, but I had to win". Yep, no possible foreshadowing going on there, huh?

08-03-2018, 09:09 PM
Considering that one of Nixon's first big gigs was to be one of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy's right hand men should have been a pretty good clue what was to come later. Also, he won his first election in CA by accusing his opponent of being a communist. Later he said something along the lines of "I knew he wasn't a communist, but I had to win". Yep, no possible foreshadowing going on there, huh?

Nixon is an endlessly fascinating figure. Lots of good books have been written about those years, but I really recommend Ron Perlstein’s Nixonland as an eye-opening primer on the age as well as the man.

There are some obvious parallels between Trump’s America and Nixon’s, but a couple of things really stand out in contrast. First, we hear a lot of rhetoric about how polarized our politics are (and it’s true, owing to decades of gerrymandering and tectonic shifts in media) but the country as a whole is downright placid compared to Nixon-era America. You had political assasinations, inner-city riots, middle-class Northern and Midwestern whites rioting over housing policy, anti-war activists literally setting themselves on fire...it’s not remotely comparable. The second is that Nixon, for all his flaws—and he was corrupt, paranoid, and a generally ****ty person—was twice the man, twice the politician, and twice the intellect that Trump is.

08-03-2018, 09:43 PM
Roy Cohn keeps popping up

08-03-2018, 09:57 PM
Roy Cohn keeps popping up

It’s a too-beautiful-to-be-believed link between one age of horror and another.

08-07-2018, 08:46 AM

The Grand Cyclops starting a religious liberty task force. Anyone believe this is this will be used to protect anyone but Christians?


heres an article about the shady nature of this task force. Kind of funny since his policies are getting him in trouble with his own church.

I wonder if Jefferson will protect the religious liberty of the Church of Cannabis......

08-10-2018, 09:36 AM

Judge threatens Sessions with contempt after learning 2 people were being deported while their case was still pending. They were literally already in flight back to El Salvador.

08-11-2018, 01:15 PM

for a guy who hates immigrants Sessions seems to really love Mexican food. I also didnt know the AG got secret service protection.

09-04-2018, 11:16 AM
"He's this dumb southerner.... He couldnt even be a one pwrson country lawyer down in Alabama"

Donald Trump.

09-16-2018, 01:08 PM

Article about the justice departments persecution of a faith bases humanitarian group that tries to prevent deatgs by providing water and medical aid on the border. Really sad that we are trying to lock up people for 20 years in a federal prison for providing humanitaian aid. Absolutely disgusting. Sessions is the most evil man in America.

10-30-2018, 11:51 AM

11-09-2018, 10:40 AM

Jefferson left a big stinking turd as he left office adding new rules to consent decrees to make them harder to enact. One of the rules is that they have to provide evidence for more than just unconstitutional behavior.... I mean wtf.... a police department violating the constitution isnt enough for the DoJ to use consent decrees to attempt to force them to follow the constitution.

Hopefully the next AG after Trump trashes this right away. I have read all the Obama consent decrees. They basically amount to begging the cops to try and follow the law and while praising police to a disgusting level.

11-07-2019, 04:05 AM

****stain is back. Really curious to see how Trump and his cult react to him based on what went down. My guess is Sessions makes it clear he is running to lick Trumps boot and all is forgiven.

11-08-2019, 10:23 AM
Beauregard says the left has lost its mind!!! Proof that great minds think alike!


11-08-2019, 10:29 AM
He fumbled the Russia Hoax but he is strong on immigration and is almost a guarantee to win the Senate seat.

+1 to the Republicans

11-09-2019, 11:47 AM
How did he fumble the Russia investigation. Trump escaped charges for the moment but this could have been over with in months had he cooperated. If Trump is innocent he is guilty of trying desperately to look guilty.

07-16-2020, 07:22 AM
Jefferson lost the primary by over 20 points. His career is effectively over. He went from a Senate seat to getting blown out in a primary. It almost makes the crippling unemployment and death plague roaming the country worth it.

07-16-2020, 08:18 AM
Jefferson lost the primary by over 20 points. His career is effectively over. He went from a Senate seat to getting blown out in a primary. It almost makes the crippling unemployment and death plague roaming the country worth it.

By a CFB coach that was run out of Auburn.