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02-10-2018, 09:56 AM
Braves fans will still have something to talk about this fall even if we don't hit 80 wins. A historically unpopular President has energized grass roots candidates on both sides. Rep candidates seem to be adopting a belligerent tone, like their leader, while Dems are presenting themselves as the calm, grownup alternatives to the chaos in Washington. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/election-contrast-in-the-trump-era-republican-pugilists-vs-democratic-pacifiers/2018/02/09/6893182a-085c-11e8-8777-2a059f168dd2_story.html?utm_term=.3ce7f851a8f7)

In Tennessee, for example, the leading Republican Senate candidate, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, came out swinging with an introductory campaign spot that stopped just short of fire and brimstone.

She boasted of packing a pistol in her purse and embraced liberal epithets like “wing nut,” while calling herself “hard core” and “politically incorrect.” Her reference to efforts to stop “the sale of baby body parts” led Twitter to refuse the spot as a paid promotional ad because the language was too inflammatory.

Her likely Democratic opponent, former governor Phil Bredesen, kicked off his campaign with a video of himself speaking in dulcet tones while sitting on a porch, as calming piano music played in the background. He spoke of “working across party lines” and bringing “common sense back to our government.”

“The Democrats are going to have the enthusiasm because it is an anti-Trump year, so they don’t have to ramp up the base,” explained one Republican strategist working on midterm races.

02-10-2018, 10:25 AM
while Dems are presenting themselves as the calm, grownup alternatives to the chaos in Washington. [/I]

“It is the end of the world,” Pelosi. “The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

02-11-2018, 09:07 PM
David Duke isn’t running for office in 2018, but he’s encouraged by what he sees as a growing number of Republican congressional candidates who appear sympathetic to white supremacist causes or who are openly white supremacists themselves.

“I think it’s about time,” Duke said. “I think there’s a tremendous amount of frustration in the white community and that we’re at a tipping point.”

White Supremacist/Nazis running for office in 2018: (There presence on the ballot will energize their opponents, too)

Arthur Jones
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7db5472000004d00eae633.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale
On Feb. 6, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Arthur Jones, a longtime neo-Nazi, is poised to be the Republican nominee for a seat in Congress representing parts of Chicago and its suburbs.

Jones is running unopposed in the GOP primary, set for March 20, and is almost certain to lose in the general election. (The district he’s running to represent has voted for Democratic candidates in 24 of the last 25 elections.)

His campaign website includes a document called “The ‘Holocaust’ Racket,” which describes the well-documented genocide of 6 million Jews by German Nazis during World War II as “the biggest blackest lie in history.”

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party. Last year, he spoke in Kentucky at a gathering of the National Socialist Movement, a prominent neo-Nazi group.

This is the sixth time Jones has run for the Republican nomination. It will likely be his first time securing it.

Paul Nehlen
Paul Nehlen is running to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). In December, HuffPost reported on Nehlen’s history of appearing on fascist white power podcasts and making racist and anti-Semitic remarks on social media. HuffPost asked Nehlen three times if he was a white nationalist. Twice, Nehlen didn’t deny it. The third time, he didn’t respond.

Prior to HuffPost’s article, Nehlen had campaigned for Senate candidate Roy Moore in Alabama, and had been the preferred candidate of former White House chief strategist and then-Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon. Bannon has since denounced Nehlen, and Breitbart News has scrubbed its site of articles by and about him.

Nehlen has grown bolder with his bigotry since the start of 2018 ― particularly toward Jewish people. On Twitter, he posted a list of what he said were Jewish journalists from media outlets that had criticized him. He also tweeted: “Jesus is the Messiah. He is one and whole with the Holy Ghost. Jews (and others) who do not acknowledge this fact will burn in hell.”

Sean Donahue
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7db62c210000c300600c2e.png?ops=scalefit_720_noup scale
Sean Donahue is running to replace Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.), who has his own entry on this list. In January, the Dauphin County Council of Republican Women invited Donahue to speak at a forum for Republican primary candidates. When the other candidates refused to appear at the forum with Donahue, the event was canceled.

In response, Donahue issued a nine-page statement on his campaign website expressing dismay that white people are becoming a minority in the U.S., and claiming that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are preparing an armed insurgency. He also defended his association with David Duke, whom he has featured as a guest on his online talk show.

In 2015, Donahue ran for mayor of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, as a member of the American Freedom Party, which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a white nationalist group.

Last year, Donahue was convicted of making terroristic threats against a local district attorney.

John Abarr
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7dc65d2000004d00eae676.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale
John Abarr, a white supremacist who grabbed national headlines in 2014 for confusingly wanting to recruit black and LGBTQ people to the KKK, is running for the Montana state House of Representatives as a Democrat.

Abarr has run for office before, as a Republican. His current campaign website includes an apology to the “citizens of Montana for promoting bigotry and hate against minorities.”

But as noted by the Helena Independent Record, it says elsewhere on Abarr’s site that one of his key platforms is “pride and dignity for whites.” The site also calls for European Americans to be declared a protected class, claiming they are victims of “widespread discrimination and hatred.”

02-11-2018, 10:57 PM
ftr: i think the republicans will hold

The Chosen One
02-12-2018, 12:08 AM
GOP should hold the Senate.

House I think is a tossup right now. Interested to see how the redistricting challenges in the courts pan out.

02-12-2018, 12:37 AM
“It is the end of the world,” Pelosi. “The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

It is life and death a lot of people.

02-12-2018, 10:03 AM
David Duke isn’t running for office in 2018, but he’s encouraged by what he sees as a growing number of Republican congressional candidates who appear sympathetic to white supremacist causes or who are openly white supremacists themselves.

“I think it’s about time,” Duke said. “I think there’s a tremendous amount of frustration in the white community and that we’re at a tipping point.”

White Supremacist/Nazis running for office in 2018: (There presence on the ballot will energize their opponents, too)

Arthur Jones
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7db5472000004d00eae633.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale
On Feb. 6, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Arthur Jones, a longtime neo-Nazi, is poised to be the Republican nominee for a seat in Congress representing parts of Chicago and its suburbs.

Jones is running unopposed in the GOP primary, set for March 20, and is almost certain to lose in the general election. (The district he’s running to represent has voted for Democratic candidates in 24 of the last 25 elections.)

His campaign website includes a document called “The ‘Holocaust’ Racket,” which describes the well-documented genocide of 6 million Jews by German Nazis during World War II as “the biggest blackest lie in history.”

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party. Last year, he spoke in Kentucky at a gathering of the National Socialist Movement, a prominent neo-Nazi group.

This is the sixth time Jones has run for the Republican nomination. It will likely be his first time securing it.

Paul Nehlen
Paul Nehlen is running to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). In December, HuffPost reported on Nehlen’s history of appearing on fascist white power podcasts and making racist and anti-Semitic remarks on social media. HuffPost asked Nehlen three times if he was a white nationalist. Twice, Nehlen didn’t deny it. The third time, he didn’t respond.

Prior to HuffPost’s article, Nehlen had campaigned for Senate candidate Roy Moore in Alabama, and had been the preferred candidate of former White House chief strategist and then-Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon. Bannon has since denounced Nehlen, and Breitbart News has scrubbed its site of articles by and about him.

Nehlen has grown bolder with his bigotry since the start of 2018 ― particularly toward Jewish people. On Twitter, he posted a list of what he said were Jewish journalists from media outlets that had criticized him. He also tweeted: “Jesus is the Messiah. He is one and whole with the Holy Ghost. Jews (and others) who do not acknowledge this fact will burn in hell.”

Sean Donahue
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7db62c210000c300600c2e.png?ops=scalefit_720_noup scale
Sean Donahue is running to replace Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.), who has his own entry on this list. In January, the Dauphin County Council of Republican Women invited Donahue to speak at a forum for Republican primary candidates. When the other candidates refused to appear at the forum with Donahue, the event was canceled.

In response, Donahue issued a nine-page statement on his campaign website expressing dismay that white people are becoming a minority in the U.S., and claiming that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are preparing an armed insurgency. He also defended his association with David Duke, whom he has featured as a guest on his online talk show.

In 2015, Donahue ran for mayor of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, as a member of the American Freedom Party, which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a white nationalist group.

Last year, Donahue was convicted of making terroristic threats against a local district attorney.

John Abarr
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5a7dc65d2000004d00eae676.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale
John Abarr, a white supremacist who grabbed national headlines in 2014 for confusingly wanting to recruit black and LGBTQ people to the KKK, is running for the Montana state House of Representatives as a Democrat.

Abarr has run for office before, as a Republican. His current campaign website includes an apology to the “citizens of Montana for promoting bigotry and hate against minorities.”

But as noted by the Helena Independent Record, it says elsewhere on Abarr’s site that one of his key platforms is “pride and dignity for whites.” The site also calls for European Americans to be declared a protected class, claiming they are victims of “widespread discrimination and hatred.”


Well Obama sure delivered on that hope and change.... for white nationalists. These people would be around even if Hillary won. In fact I think it would have been worse because they would have latched onto some conspiracy theory that Trump would throw out there to avoid taking blame for his loss.

02-12-2018, 10:10 AM
GOP should hold the Senate.

House I think is a tossup right now. Interested to see how the redistricting challenges in the courts pan out.

I think House goes to the Dems (think they will pick up over 50 seats). Senate a toss-up.

Mid-terms are bad for the party in the White House. Closest thing we have to an Iron Law of American Politics. Main question is whether it is a wave or tsunami. I think big wave/little tsunami is what it looks like right now.

Anger seems to be a big factor, affecting motivation and turnout, in our recent elections. Looks like women will be the most angry/motivated group.

The Chosen One
02-12-2018, 10:12 AM
Dems have way too many Senate seats in Red States to defend. I wish they could pick off Cruz's seat in Texas, but TX ain't ready for that yet.

Donnelly's Indiana Seat.
Heidkamp's North Dakota seat.

Tester I think is ok in Montana.
McCaskill not sure yet.

Interested to see what happens to Manchin in WV.

Arizona and Nevada are two seats the Dems have a chance of taking. All depends on who turns out.

02-12-2018, 10:14 AM
Dems have way too many Senate seats in Red States to defend. I wish they could pick off Cruz's seat in Texas, but TX ain't ready for that yet.

Texas is going to be a close race.

02-12-2018, 10:54 AM

02-12-2018, 11:52 AM
“It is the end of the world,” Pelosi. “The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”
That quote was about the tax bill

The Chosen One
02-12-2018, 01:40 PM
That quote was about the tax bill

The tax bill dealt with healthcare by eliminating the individual mandate. So they're not mutually exclusive.

02-12-2018, 03:34 PM
next time in a politically charged conversation someone - anyone- says " well, that'sjust California"
Bear this in mindhttps://78.media.tumblr.com/5bc408c148144c8f29e00742b21dc69d/tumblr_p401p0lRJA1rasnq9o1_1280.png

02-12-2018, 03:47 PM
The tax bill dealt with healthcare by eliminating the individual mandate. So they're not mutually exclusive.

Unless the tax billed forced people to not have coverage, I'm not sure why they are related.

Just more hysteria from the left

02-13-2018, 07:38 PM
Taniel‏Verified account @Taniel

100% reporting: Democrats have picked-up Florida's #HD72 district!

And by a comfortable margin of 7% (about 3,000 votes).

That's a net swing of 12% toward Democrats

compared to the 2016 presidential results.

02-23-2018, 03:11 PM
Whitfield Larrabee
‏ @jwlarrabee
Feb 22

Dozens of Florida residents were killed in gun massacres while

Republicans took millions from the @NRA.

Never forget the Pulse nightclub & the Douglas High School massacres.

In 2018, We must defeat every Florida Republican who has taken @NRA money or opposed


Let's add to that every Puerto Rican family , disenfranchised women and scattered (R) with half a brain.

Or plainly those of any political stripe still capable of saying, enough is enough

02-23-2018, 04:25 PM
Whitfield Larrabee
‏ @jwlarrabee
Feb 22

Dozens of Florida residents were killed in gun massacres while

Republicans took millions from the @NRA.

Never forget the Pulse nightclub & the Douglas High School massacres.

In 2018, We must defeat every Florida Republican who has taken @NRA money or opposed


Let's add to that every Puerto Rican family , disenfranchised women and scattered (R) with half a brain.

Or plainly those of any political stripe still capable of saying, enough is enough

Julio said the Dems dropped the ball completely after Sandy Hook by not passing new gun laws.

Would you agree?

02-23-2018, 05:37 PM
Dems didn't control Congress after Sandy Hook.

02-23-2018, 05:42 PM
My statement was based on my personal disappointment that Democrats didn't pursue gun control measures when they DID have control. It's a general dissatisfaction with the fact that gun control had been essentially a dead letter for Democrats for more than a decade, despite the NRA rhetoric. They certainly did advance measures after Sandy Hook, but had no power to advance them.

02-23-2018, 06:26 PM
You are correct. My mistake

02-24-2018, 03:39 PM

Mitt Romney is already blowing it

It's not merely that Romney has chosen to soft-pedal his criticism of both candidate and President Trump. It's not merely that being Sir Respectful will mean nothing if it doesn't translate into genuine, active, and aggressive congressional oversight of an executive branch that is rife with corruption and self-dealing. The problem is in the way that Romney is framing his exemplary opposition: Conservatism — his conservatism — is the antidote, and Trumpism is the poison.

This is wrong.

If there's anything we've learned from the Trump presidency, it's that Establishment Conservatism Inc. functions just fine with Trumpism in its veins. Here's an alternative metaphor: Trumpism is the fuel. Establishment Conservatism is its exhaust fumes.

02-24-2018, 03:47 PM
Speaking of Old Mittens: https://www.wsj.com/articles/romneys-russia-vindication-1519069005?mod=e2tw

Romney’s Russia Vindication

Thanks to last week’s indictments, we also know that Mr. Putin’s attempt to meddle in U.S. elections began in 2014, long before Mr. Trump chose to run for President. That interference went unopposed, and as far as we can tell, unanticipated by Mr. Obama, his CIA Director John Brennan and his Director of National Intelligence James Clapper until nearly the end of Mr. Obama’s second term. They did nothing about it until after Hillary Clinton lost.

Now, suddenly, amid the Mueller probe of the 2016 presidential campaign, Democrats have become Russia hawks. Some of the more intemperate, like Rep. Jerry Nadler, are calling the Russia indictments the “equivalent” of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. Mr. Nadler is poised to lead the impeachment of Mr. Trump as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee if Democrats take the House in November.

Mr. Romney is expected to win the Utah seat with ease, which should make him available to instruct Democrats on foreign affairs.

02-24-2018, 04:00 PM

Democrats fear California crack-up

LOS ANGELES — California Democrats are united in their disdain for President Donald Trump. But that’s about all they can agree on.

Heading into the annual state Democratic Party convention in San Diego this weekend, the Democratic-controlled Legislature is mired in a contentious sexual harassment scandal. Cutthroat primaries have party officials on edge. And grass-roots activists are still seething, nearly two years after Hillary Clinton defeated Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary.

02-27-2018, 08:04 PM
CNN commentator and former South Carolina state lawmaker Bakari Sellers (D) called Democratic leadership "old and stale" while praising Republicans for having "done a very good job at uplifting a lot of their younger leaders" during a network interview on Tuesday.


02-28-2018, 07:30 AM

Looking like Pence is going hard after abortion. I have always been Pro-life but the last thing I want is to be a part of group that makes up 50.1% imposing our will on the other 49.9%. Nothing should be illegal unless atleast 75% of us agree it should be illegal. I think the best course of action for Pro-lifers is to improve the conditions that lead to more abortions like the war on drugs. Its one thing if we have a national discussion about abortion but I expect Pence and Trump to try and ram it down the countries throat by hook or by crook. So we may end up with more policy supported by 30-40% of the country. **** like that leads to violent protests as we see with the war on drugs. I think this is going to be a major campaign issue for 2020 and if Trump wins reelection **** will hit the fan. Mass protests and violence. Curious to see what kind of tempter tantrum the evangelical right throws if they lose that fight.

03-02-2018, 10:23 AM
Ari Berman
‏Verified account @AriBerman

When Republicans don’t like election results they refuse

to hold elections. Scott Walker sued today in Wisconsin for blocking

special elections for vacant legislative seats


03-06-2018, 01:59 PM

A bloc of House Democrats is calling for an ethics investigation into the widespread practice of lawmakers sleeping in their offices, arguing it's an abuse of taxpayer funds.

There’s something unsanitary about bringing people to your office who are talking about public policy where you spent the night, and that’s unhealthy, unsanitary — and some people would say it’s almost nasty,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the top Democrat on the Homeland Security Committee.

03-06-2018, 02:52 PM
Maybe they can get some backing from the germphobe-in-chief.

03-07-2018, 10:26 AM
Tom Bonier
‏Verified account @tbonier
27m27 minutes ago

Here's a hastily assembled map of the counties where

the Democratic primary vote more than doubled,

relative to the 2014 primary.


03-07-2018, 11:05 AM
Tom Bonier
‏Verified account @tbonier
27m27 minutes ago

Here's a hastily assembled map of the counties where

the Democratic primary vote more than doubled,

relative to the 2014 primary.


That's half what is going to happen. The other half is what was revealed in the Alabama Senate race. Which was depressed turnout in rural Republican areas. Combine those two things--big rise in Democratic turnouts and margins in urban and suburban areas and big drop in Republican areas--and you're going to get a tsunami in the mid-terms. I've been a Republican most of my life. My hope is that the results will act as a sobering wakeup call.

03-07-2018, 01:04 PM
Were I a (R) I would seriously be rethinking the policies they have advocated these past 25-30 years.

Trumpism is an outgrowth of Reaganism.
On steroids.

I laugh when people tell me Reagan couldn't be a part of today's (R)
Politically - Reagan was Trump before Trump was Trump

Let's not forget the significance of the time and place where Reagan announced his 1980 campaign.
.................................................. .................................................. ....................................

The (R) Party has been a snowball rolling down a hill for the sole purpose of creating a Trump Administration.
I don't expect the mid terms to be a wake up call at all but a doubling down

Bear in mind the purpose of the GOP since 1933 has been to repeal the New Deal.
Whatever they have to do to do that is on the table.

Thus, Trump

03-08-2018, 01:16 PM

If midterm elections were held today, five Senate Democrats would lose to Republicans, giving the GOP an even bigger edge in the chamber, according to new surveys from Axios/SurveyMonkey.

According to the results, Democratic Sens. Jon Tester of Montana, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana are trailing generic Republican candidates. Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri trails the state's Republican attorney general, Josh Hawley, in her re-election bid. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota will face Rep. Kevin Cramer, although Axios polled Heitkamp's chances against a generic Republican candidate.

03-08-2018, 01:17 PM
That's half what is going to happen. The other half is what was revealed in the Alabama Senate race. Which was depressed turnout in rural Republican areas. Combine those two things--big rise in Democratic turnouts and margins in urban and suburban areas and big drop in Republican areas--and you're going to get a tsunami in the mid-terms. I've been a Republican most of my life. My hope is that the results will act as a sobering wakeup call.

I am genuinely curious exactly what policy changes you would like to see the GOP make. Do you mind elaborating?

03-11-2018, 08:39 AM
Ari Berman
‏Verified account @AriBerman
21h21 hours ago

In 2012 Wisconsin Republicans won 48% of votes but 60% of legislative seats

Gerrymandering is form of election rigging

03-11-2018, 09:03 AM
Ari Berman
‏Verified account @AriBerman
21h21 hours ago

In 2012 Wisconsin Republicans won 48% of votes but 60% of legislative seats

Gerrymandering is form of election rigging

No...that's a symptom on liberals voters concentrated in urban centers.

03-12-2018, 09:17 AM
Greg Sargent
‏Verified account @ThePlumLineGS
23s24 seconds ago

With 48 hours to go in PA-18, the Trump tax cuts are vanishing from GOP messaging.

Instead, it's all immigration, criminals, and Pelosi Liberals. Also Trump's naked race baiting.

The awesome Trump economy isn't getting it done.

03-12-2018, 09:24 AM
No...that's a symptom on liberals voters concentrated in urban centers.


“The partisan asymmetry in the existing map,” they wrote, “. . . was carefully and deliberately created, not a result of the natural clustering of voters in Wisconsin.”

03-12-2018, 09:28 AM
from the above article, found this letter interesting
.................................................. .........................................

3/11/2018 5:10 PM EDT

The House of Representatives needs to grow. It was conceived to represent PEOPLE, not incorporated interests, or States' Rights, or to mimic the 100 FIXED seats in the Senate. The House is not working as conceived, and that's because the number of Reps in the House was locked at 435 after the census of NINETEEN TEN when our population was 91 million.

There are 321 million Americans now. Figuring from our Founders' original concept, in the House at least, 230 million people are either UNDER-represented or not represented AT ALL. Gerrymandering? Please. Let's expand our vision to see what Ben Franklin and Abraham Lincoln saw:

OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People means there should be FIFTEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR Reps now, today, enough to flood the so-called swamp with new people and new ideas EVERY TWO YEARS, enough to thwart the Country's current drift toward oligarchy and outright Russian style autocracy, deplorable states in which HUGE PERCENTAGES of money and power are concentrated in fewer more ruthless hands.

Vote--because the current Con won't stop until the Cons are out of office. 435 is no magic number. It's time to contemplate the appropriate lawsuits and doing away with the Apportionment Act; time to reassume the Constitutional Standards our Founders gave us

03-12-2018, 02:11 PM
Monmouth poll out today has the D ahead by 6% using a turnout model based on special elections this year, by 2% using traditional SE model, whatever that's worth.

03-14-2018, 12:03 AM
So the Democrat won (maybe) in a +20 Trump district that also went for Romney and McCain. Worth noting that the district will cease to exist upon the court-ordered re-drawing of the PA congressional map.

GOP CC spent upwards of $10M to lose a seat that should have been an easy hold. Trump did a rally there last week.

I don't think the tax cuts are going to be a strong closing argument in November.

03-14-2018, 12:35 AM
I don't think the tax cuts are going to be a strong closing argument in November.

what, you are willing to sell out your ideals for a little more money?

03-14-2018, 12:50 AM
That guy is pro life, pro guns, pro-tariffs and hates Nancy Pelosi. He’s more republican than Democrat.

03-14-2018, 01:06 AM
what, you are willing to sell out your ideals for a little more money?

I would be willing to sell out my 'ideals' (whatever they are) for 30 pieces of silver.

03-14-2018, 01:10 AM
Trump did a rally there last week.

And brought a 6 point bump.

Still an ominous sign for the GOP, even if Saccone ekes out the win after a recount.

The Chosen One
03-14-2018, 01:15 AM
That guy is pro life, pro guns, pro-tariffs and hates Nancy Pelosi. He’s more republican than Democrat.

In other words, he's a politician that knows his district.

03-14-2018, 01:36 AM
I would be willing to sell out my 'ideals' (whatever they are) for 30 pieces of silver.

that seems like a bad deal imo

03-14-2018, 01:42 AM
That guy is pro life, pro guns, pro-tariffs and hates Nancy Pelosi. He’s more republican than Democrat.

ah, i was curious how this would be spun

he has the same stance as Joe Biden on abortion ftr which is pro choice by the view of the law (which most people are)

he was pro obamacare
pro union
pro gun reform
pro choice

and against the gop tax bill

but please, keep spinning that the 10 million the GOP spent, the vice president visit and then the president going up there and saying voting for him is a vote against his agenda was really just a republican vs republican and not a big deal in a district that was won by 20 points for Trump 18 months ago

03-14-2018, 02:15 AM
... and let me guess, anti-Tim Murphy.

03-14-2018, 06:02 AM
Let's see how the guy votes. I have no problem with Ds as long as they don't vote the radical progressive SJW agenda.

03-14-2018, 08:05 AM
And brought a 6 point bump.

Still an ominous sign for the GOP, even if Saccone ekes out the win after a recount.

I don't know about a six-point bump. The average over the last couple weeks of campaigning was Lamb +2.

03-14-2018, 08:32 AM
In other words, he's a politician that knows his district.

exactly. not every dem candidate has to be (or should be) super progressive. they won't win in areas like that. PA18 also doesn't seem enamored with trump, either, and he wasn't speaking to them anymore. they rejected his bs and are maybe seeing through him. they aren't clamoring for far-right culture/race wars or those progressive ideals. trump isn't helping them, so they went a different direction. dems need to keep running candidates like this in certain areas. this is great news.

03-14-2018, 08:34 AM
I don't think the tax cuts are going to be a strong closing argument in November.

the GOP stopped advertising the tax cut in this district because it simply wasn't helping them. hopefully people are seeing through this type of thing.

03-14-2018, 08:36 AM
but the republican won more counties! more land mass!!!

03-14-2018, 08:38 AM
I am genuinely curious exactly what policy changes you would like to see the GOP make. Do you mind elaborating?

Policy is not really what I had in mind when I said I hoped the results of recent elections would act as a wakeup call. I was referring mostly to the quality of the candidates coming out of the primary process. This process gave us Trump in 2016 over a large field, any one of whom would have represented an improvement imo. Similarly, the nomination of Moore in Alabama. And going further back, I can think of Senate candidates in Indiana and Delaware, chosen over better alternatives, who were essentially unelectable.

03-14-2018, 08:41 AM
That guy is pro life, pro guns, pro-tariffs and hates Nancy Pelosi. He’s more republican than Democrat.

Doesn't really matter what he said to get elected, he may make some symbolic votes when his vote doesn't matter, but he'll be a vote in Pelosi's pocket when she needs it. They all either fall in line behind her or get forced out like Health Shuler was.

Barring some huge break going the GOP's way the midterms are going to be a bloodbath.

03-14-2018, 08:47 AM
Policy is not really what I had in mind when I said I hoped the results of recent elections would act as a wakeup call. I was referring mostly to the quality of the candidates coming out of the primary process. This process gave us Trump in 2016 over a large field, any one of whom would have represented an improvement imo. Similarly, the nomination of Moore in Alabama. And going further back, I can think of Senate candidates in Indiana and Delaware, chosen over better alternatives, who were essentially unelectable.

I must have misunderstood. It sounded like you were saying you were a long term Republican who is one no longer.

I agree with you on the embarrassments that have won Senate nominations recently. More level headed Rs need to vote in the primaries to keep that kind of crazy out. As for Trump....I can't explain a world where a candidate as good as Romney loses one election cycle and Trump wins the next. There are going to be entire Poli Sci courses taught on 2016.

03-14-2018, 08:56 AM
I must have misunderstood. It sounded like you were saying you were a long term Republican who is one no longer.

I am currently politically homeless. It is not the worst thing in the world. I don't see myself becoming a Democrat. I will bide my time and see if the Republican party returns to its senses. If not, I think something new will come up.

03-14-2018, 09:59 AM
I don't understand what politically homeless means
Do you as a rule vote straight ticket ?

Will you explain ?

03-14-2018, 10:04 AM
I don't understand what politically homeless means
Do you as a rule vote straight ticket ?

Will you explain ?

I've never voted straight ticket. But I felt at home in the Republican party for most of my life. Events in 2016 led me to change my registration to independent.

03-14-2018, 10:04 AM
Framing these results as anything other than a repudiation of Trump and his (GOP) policies is delusional.
I mean results going back to the Ga-06. The seat to replace a (at the time) sitting cabinet member.
Even the (R) wins are less than up to Nov 2016 levels

Please bear in mind the 66M vs 63M so many of you poo poo.
Or the gerrymadered states where one party gets 60ish% of the vote but only 40ish% of the seats
No one knows what will happen in November and there is a political eternity between then and now

03-14-2018, 10:05 AM
Framing these results as anything other than a repudiation of Trump and his (GOP) policies is delusional.
I mean results going back to the Ga-06. The seat to replace a (at the time) sitting cabinet member.
Even the (R) wins are less than up to Nov 2016 levels

Please bear in mind the 66M vs 63M so many of you poo poo.
Or the gerrymadered states where one part gets 60ish% of the vote but only 40ish% of the seats
No one knows what will happen in November and there is a political eternity between then and now

2018 midterms are gonna be a tsunami...i think the swing in the House will be over 70 seats

03-14-2018, 10:06 AM
I'm not so sure and wish I shared your optimism

03-14-2018, 10:47 AM
Jon Favreau
‏Verified account @jonfavs
2h2 hours ago

Conor Lamb campaigned:
1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana

“Conservative Democrat.” Ok. Cool.
432 replies 6,369 retweets 24,819 likes

03-14-2018, 11:09 AM
I am currently politically homeless. It is not the worst thing in the world. I don't see myself becoming a Democrat. I will bide my time and see if the Republican party returns to its senses. If not, I think something new will come up.

Well there is a third party whose main platform is freedom.

03-14-2018, 11:14 AM
Well there is a third party whose main platform is freedom.

which party is that

03-14-2018, 11:56 AM
I don't know about a six-point bump. The average over the last couple weeks of campaigning was Lamb +2.

That number is skewed by a Gravis Marketing poll that had Saccone +3.

Gravis is ... horrible.

I'm referring to the last survey taken, by Monmouth: https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_pa_031218/

03-14-2018, 12:01 PM
In other words, he's a politician that knows his district.

Or that the Democrats are just a party of pandering and don't actually know what they stand for? If lamb votes the party line with the progressive agenda we will see how Pennsylvania reacts

03-14-2018, 12:05 PM
It also helps with the incumbent hasn't been forced to resign (for having an affair with a woman and asking her to have an abortion).

That tends not to roll downhill well.

03-14-2018, 12:07 PM
Or that the Democrats are just a party of pandering and don't actually know what they stand for? If lamb votes the party line with the progressive agenda we will see how Pennsylvania reacts

or that there are moderate and more liberal democrats?

jokes tho. trump is the ultimate panderer. and he turned a 20 pt lead into a defeat.
according to paul ryan, trump closed the gap...that trump himself created. clowns.

03-14-2018, 12:08 PM
That tends not to roll downhill well.

either does having an unpopular prez

03-14-2018, 12:10 PM
That number is skewed by a Gravis Marketing poll that had Saccone +3.

Gravis is ... horrible.

I'm referring to the last survey taken, by Monmouth: https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_pa_031218/

Yes, I saw the Monmouth poll. I posted about it upthread.. Seems like cherry picking to choose that one, tbh. Trump's rally was on the 10th. The poll was taken from 8th-11th. Is your contention that it drove turnout for Saccone? I'm not sure I understand how this six-point special sauce worked.

03-14-2018, 12:13 PM
either does having an unpopular prez

That's not reflected here.

03-14-2018, 12:14 PM
Or that the Democrats are just a party of pandering and don't actually know what they stand for? If lamb votes the party line with the progressive agenda we will see how Pennsylvania reacts

Lamb is not going to vote for much, because his district is going to disappear before the midterms.

03-14-2018, 12:17 PM
Lamb is not going to vote for much, because his district is going to disappear before the midterms.

Any vote is a data point to see which side is really on the side of the majority within the state. Easy to say you're for something but the voting is where it counts

03-14-2018, 12:17 PM
Yes, I saw the Monmouth poll. I posted about it upthread.. Seems like cherry picking to choose that one, tbh. Trump's rally was on the 10th. The poll was taken from 8th-11th. Is your contention that it drove turnout for Saccone? I'm not sure I understand how this six-point special sauce worked.

The Emerson poll taken at the beginning of March also shows movement toward Lamb. Whether it's a 2, 3, or 6 point bump is kinda irrelevant, imo. It's a significant bounce against late polling that was trending Saccone.

03-14-2018, 12:19 PM
Just like 2010, the opposition party will have a massive victory in the midterms.

Nothing new there

03-14-2018, 12:20 PM
which party is that

The unicorn party

03-14-2018, 12:20 PM
The Emerson poll taken at the beginning of March also shows movement toward Lamb. Whether it's a 2, 3, or 6 point bump is kinda irrelevant, imo. It's a significant bounce against late polling that was trending Saccone.

But you chose 6. Got it.

03-14-2018, 12:25 PM
Or that the Democrats are just a party of pandering and don't actually know what they stand for? If lamb votes the party line with the progressive agenda we will see how Pennsylvania reacts

Most of them will never know. Waves are driven by increased enthusiasm on one side or the other driving higher turnout for that side. How informed do you think the voters who sat out the previous election are likely to be?

03-14-2018, 12:31 PM
But you chose 6. Got it.

I chose +6 because it came from the most recent, most respected poll. And because it was supported by significant late-trending in polling (including multiple reports of GOP internal polling tightening significantly after Trump's rally/campaigning).

You chose +2. And that includes Gravis ... which is basically a paid Republican polling company.

03-14-2018, 12:57 PM
Just like 2010, the opposition party will have a massive victory in the midterms.

Nothing new there

Party in the White House doing poorly in the mid-terms is the closest thing we have to an iron law of American politics.

However, there is a difference...a big one...between losing 20 seats and losing 80. We'll have to see how that shakes out.

03-14-2018, 01:04 PM
That's not reflected here.

right, him being unpopular means nothing to these elections. nothing at all. just a coincidence all of these dark red seats are becoming close or flipping.

i like when trumpers keep thinking this way. let's keep it going.

03-14-2018, 02:03 PM
It's important to remember that chicken**** is actually chicken salad.

03-14-2018, 02:26 PM
I'm going to go with the inverse, given the reductionism at hand.

03-14-2018, 03:22 PM
Matthew Yglesias
‏Verified account @mattyglesias
9h9 hours ago

MONDAY SPIN: Lamb is a tax-hiking, gun-grabbing Pelosi clone who will let illegal immigrants slaughter your unborn children.

WEDNESDAY SPIN: Look, he’s basically a Republican.

03-17-2018, 09:00 AM
SABATTUS — Controversial Republican candidate Leslie Gibson is abandoning his effort to win a state House seat this year.


Gibson had been cruising toward an unopposed election in the district,

03-19-2018, 02:19 PM
Daniel Jacobson
‏ @Dan_F_Jacobson


The U.S. Supreme Court just denied the stay

application in our PA gerrymandering case!

The new map will be in effect for the 2018 elections!

03-19-2018, 04:14 PM
So now you get your mapping plus illegals voting. Welcome to america!

03-19-2018, 04:58 PM
So now you get your mapping plus illegals voting. Welcome to america!

gonna be a tsunami

i hope the democrats realize that it does not actually represent a mandate for their ideological agenda

if they were smart they would not try to do much

if they were smart they would not go for impeachment

what they should do is simply hold public hearings...lots of them and let the public draw the appropriate conclusions...

this likely would lead to a democratic sweep in 2020...white house...veto proof majority in both houses

it is not what i would like to see happen...i don't want the democrats to have such control over the levers of political power...but i think this is likely to be the coda to Trump's term as president...and yes it will be term singular

03-19-2018, 09:59 PM
So now you get your mapping plus illegals voting. Welcome to america!


03-20-2018, 07:45 AM
gonna be a tsunami

i hope the democrats realize that it does not actually represent a mandate for their ideological agenda

if they were smart they would not try to do much

if they were smart they would not go for impeachment

what they should do is simply hold public hearings...lots of them and let the public draw the appropriate conclusions...

this likely would lead to a democratic sweep in 2020...white house...veto proof majority in both houses

it is not what i would like to see happen...i don't want the democrats to have such control over the levers of political power...but i think this is likely to be the coda to Trump's term as president...and yes it will be term singular

I agree. I don't think Democrats get a super majority in congress though. Whoever democrats run will be literally Hitler to the right. I believe if Trump makes it atleast 2 years and Pence takes over he could run for 2 more full terms. My guess is si me former boyfriends come out if Pence makes it President.

03-20-2018, 12:24 PM
I think the Dems take the House. Some system-shocking event could keep it from happening (or, in the other direction, make it a tsunami) but I think it's nearly inevitable. The healthy economy may keep it from being a historic blowout, but it's going to be a pretty big hit. Senate is another story. Ds have too much to defend and not enough to attack.

The next two years are going to be a lot like the Clinton years. Nonstop hearings and investigations. The chairs of the Oversight and Judiciary committees are going to be on TV more than Big Bang Theory reruns. At some point a Clinton-esque scandal fatigue may set in, but it wasn't until WJC's second term that it really mattered. Trump's not going to have that luxury. Trump is either going to go full Clinton (defend against political attacks but triangulate on policy) or stay the full Trump course, which is likely to end in a smoking crater.

03-20-2018, 12:39 PM
There is a long, long way to go until November.

03-20-2018, 12:52 PM
There is a long, long way to go until November.

which is actually not a positive for the Republicans...the historical record shows that the party in the White House loses ground in the polling for generic preferences over the course of the calendar year in which mid-terms are held

03-20-2018, 12:54 PM
I think the Dems take the House. Some system-shocking event could keep it from happening (or, in the other direction, make it a tsunami) but I think it's nearly inevitable. The healthy economy may keep it from being a historic blowout, but it's going to be a pretty big hit. Senate is another story. Ds have too much to defend and not enough to attack.

The next two years are going to be a lot like the Clinton years. Nonstop hearings and investigations. The chairs of the Oversight and Judiciary committees are going to be on TV more than Big Bang Theory reruns. At some point a Clinton-esque scandal fatigue may set in, but it wasn't until WJC's second term that it really mattered. Trump's not going to have that luxury. Trump is either going to go full Clinton (defend against political attacks but triangulate on policy) or stay the full Trump course, which is likely to end in a smoking crater.

Senate could go either way in 2018. In 2020 the math is flipped and the Dems are likely to make big gains maybe yuge gains in the Senate.

03-20-2018, 12:55 PM
There is a long, long way to go until November.

Yeah, there certainly is. Predictions, mine included, are pretty worthless right now. And there are now-unknowable things that could and likely will happen between now and then. But I think typical midterm retrenchment plus particular anti-Trump engagement is going to be enough to flip the House.

Military action could shake things up. A major terrorist attack, maybe. Trump pulls a diplomatic rabbit out of the hat on the Korean Peninsula. There's a major international scandal involving overseas money that tars either or both parties...who knows? But with Trump and Congressional Rs at best treading water in a good economy, I don't think the tea leaves look great for their prospects. My sense is that the there's not much in the pipeline that is going to help Trump, and a lot that may hurt. If the election is a referendum on the president, I think it's going to have some teeth.

03-20-2018, 12:57 PM
which is actually not a positive for the Republicans...the historical record shows that the party in the White House loses ground in the polling over the course of the calendar year in which mid-terms are held

If there was ever an administration possessive of the moxie to necessary to defy "the historical record" it would be this one.

Julio makes mention of system-shocking events. I can think of three imminent ones that should completely unravel, in one way or the other, between now and the mid-terms.

03-20-2018, 12:59 PM
If there was ever an administration possessive of the moxie to necessary to defy "the historical record" it would be this one.

Julio makes mention of system-shocking events. I can think of three imminent ones that should completely unravel, in one way or the other, between now and the mid-terms.

not gonna happen

03-20-2018, 01:04 PM
not gonna happen


You have predicted it will be a "tsunami". Also noted.

To quote Billie Joe Armstrong: "Wake me up when September ends."

03-20-2018, 01:08 PM
March 2016: https://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/15/this-is-the-end-of-the-line-for-trump-commentary.html

But pendulum theory, y'all.

03-20-2018, 01:14 PM
Yeah, well, I grant that it could break hard one way or the other. I just think, to paraphrase Marlo Stansfield: [they] think it's one way...but it's the other way.

I think the whole Trump phenomemon, at least as it's tied to the man himself, is rather more fragile than imagined. All the chaos and churn and corrupt amateurism is going to have a reckoning.

03-20-2018, 01:18 PM

You have predicted it will be a "tsunami". Also noted.

To quote Billie Joe Armstrong: "Wake me up when September ends."

Can't you quote someone with half a brain. I took my older son to one of his concerts. Yikes.

03-20-2018, 01:19 PM
Can't you quote someone with half a brain.

Technically, I quoted you in that post, too.

03-20-2018, 01:23 PM
Eh, well, I was wrong in November of '16 and could be wrong again. The electoral maps and the economy (for now) favor Rs, but I can't help thinking that the ongoing carny show is going to have consequences eventually.

03-20-2018, 01:23 PM
Yeah, well, I grant that it could break hard one way or the other. I just think, to paraphrase Marlo Stansfield: [they] think it's one way...but it's the other way.

I think the whole Trump phenomemon, at least as it's tied to the man himself, is rather more fragile than imagined. All the chaos and churn and corrupt amateurism is going to have a reckoning.

If it's as bad as you say it is then I hope that reckoning comes swiftly and obviously.

Even if it were, I don't have the kind of faith in the American electorate that you do.

Why and how people vote has evolved a great deal over the past 3/4 cycles.

03-20-2018, 01:27 PM
So now you get your mapping plus illegals voting. Welcome to america!

just think of where we are in america today that people like this are upset their gerrymandered map was ruled unconstitutional and still believe mass voting fraud is still happening

03-20-2018, 01:34 PM
I took my older son to one of his concerts. Yikes.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate Green Day.

03-20-2018, 01:46 PM
Technically, I quoted you in that post, too.


03-20-2018, 02:13 PM
If it's as bad as you say it is then I hope that reckoning comes swiftly and obviously.

Even if it were, I don't have the kind of faith in the American electorate that you do.

Why and how people vote has evolved a great deal over the past 3/4 cycles.

I don't disagree with you and I put no small amount of stock in your opinions in this arena.

03-20-2018, 02:42 PM
just think of where we are in america today that people like this are upset their gerrymandered map was ruled unconstitutional and still believe mass voting fraud is still happening

You are aware of what was found in Pennsylvania right in terms of illegals being registered to vote right?

03-21-2018, 07:47 AM
If there was ever an administration possessive of the moxie to necessary to defy "the historical record" it would be this one.

Julio makes mention of system-shocking events. I can think of three imminent ones that should completely unravel, in one way or the other, between now and the mid-terms.


03-21-2018, 07:54 AM
just think of where we are in america today that people like this are upset their gerrymandered map was ruled unconstitutional and still believe mass voting fraud is still happening

Motor voter registration laws. Why would election officers turn away registered voters? Of course mass voting fraud is happening. That isn't even a question. The only thing left is to figure out if anyone in the federal government is either able or willing to stop it. So far they have been denied the data to prove it happens on the basis of not having the data to prove it happens. And states' rights. It's easy to forget sometimes that this is one of those issues where we're okay with states having some sovereignty. For now.

03-21-2018, 01:19 PM

1) Iran Deal
2) NK Negotiations
3) Russian Summer
4) Immigration Reform/Border Wall/DACA

03-21-2018, 02:10 PM

03-21-2018, 07:18 PM
Conor Lamb
‏Verified account @ConorLambPA
55m55 minutes ago

Just got off the phone with my opponent, @RickSaccone4PA,

who congratulated me & graciously conceded last Tuesday's election.

I congratulate Mr. Saccone for a close, hard-fought race & wish him the best.

Ready to be sworn in & get to work for the people of #PA18.

03-22-2018, 10:23 AM
Greg Sargent
‏Verified account @ThePlumLineGS
34m34 minutes ago

Greg Sargent Retweeted Greg Sargent

Also in this piece, some staggering new poll numbers from Quinnipiac:

62 percent of women disapprove of Trump, 55 percent strongly.

55 percent of white women disapprove of Trump, 48 percent of them strongly.

Women want a Democratic House by 56-36.

03-22-2018, 11:08 AM
Pew Research party ID polling shows a further widening gender gap, plus a doubling of D party ID advantage since the last election cycle.

The comforting news for Rs is that the generic ballot numbers have stabilized in the 7-9% +D range. That's not a bloodbath number. On the other hand, those polls are still measuring registered voters and not likely voters, which may move the needle some.

03-22-2018, 01:30 PM
Patrick Marley
‏Verified account @patrickdmarley

BREAKING: Judge orders Gov. @ScottWalker to hold special elections to replace

ex-Rep. Keith Ripp and ex-Sen. Frank Lasee, who left the Legislature in December

to take jobs with Walker's administration.

Walker was refusing to hold specials to fill two vacancies in ostensibly "safe" Republican seats. He--and other GOP govs--have noted Democrats' success in legislative special elections this cycle. And they're scared.

03-26-2018, 11:45 AM

03-26-2018, 11:48 AM

Don't worry. Your army of illegals voting will correct all of this.

03-26-2018, 12:35 PM
This has come up here and there across multiple threads, but the fact remains...

Partisan gerrymandering is an unassailable political reality. Recent court cases have underscored both that fact and the fact that state Repubican parties in NC and WI have illegally plotted to make state rules with the express purpose of suppressing minority votes.

On the other hand, you've pointed to testimony in a PA case that 100,000 people may have illegally registered to vote over two plus decades as proof that there is a widespread conspiracy along those lines...so let's just measure results. I can bring actual evidence to the table of widespread and organized voter suppression. Can you actually prove, with evidence, widespread and organized illegal voting? Or is this something else that we're just supposed to "know" is happening?

03-26-2018, 12:50 PM
This has come up here and there across multiple threads, but the fact remains...

Partisan gerrymandering is an unassailable political reality. Recent court cases have underscored both that fact and the fact that state Repubican parties in NC and WI have illegally plotted to make state rules with the express purpose of suppressing minority votes.

On the other hand, you've pointed to testimony in a PA case that 100,000 people may have illegally registered to vote over two plus decades as proof that there is a widespread conspiracy along those lines...so let's just measure results. I can bring actual evidence to the table of widespread and organized voter suppression. Can you actually prove, with evidence, widespread and organized illegal voting? Or is this something else that we're just supposed to "know" is happening?

Initially it was a joke. Then the 'glitch ' was identified in the dmv records. Then it was oh we have over 100k illegals registered. What will it be tomorrow?

So yes, this is something I've "known" for a while and like the dossier reliance I will be proven right in the long run.

03-26-2018, 01:53 PM
Ok, so, in contrast to the NC and WI court cases, no actual substance to point to. Just stuff you "know."

03-26-2018, 02:01 PM
Ok, so, in contrast to the NC and WI court cases, no actual substance to point to. Just stuff you "know."

I'm sure something will pop up in the future. Some other anomaly or glitch.

03-27-2018, 07:36 AM
Ok, so, in contrast to the NC and WI court cases, no actual substance to point to. Just stuff you "know."

You have proven in the past that you are willing to be rational and use logic even when it subverts those on the same side of the ideological aisle as yourself, so I ask you this in good faith.

Do you believe that California polling stations are actively working to turn away registered non citizens from voting?

It is an indisputable fact that California motor voter law provides an avenue to allow non citizens to register. The problem in Pennsylvania is similar. At least in California, denying even non citizens the opportunity to vote seems antithetical to the inclusionist beliefs of the state. If your answer to my question is no, it would seem you agree with thethe (and myself) that non citizen voting fraud is occurring on an immeasurable (we can't get the data to prove it because we don't have the data to prove it), but possibly electorally significant, scale.

03-27-2018, 10:18 AM

I wonder why California is so enraged by this request. Could it be that it's an opening data point to analyze just hoe many illegals are both in this country and who are voting? This is so obvious

03-27-2018, 11:26 AM

I wonder why California is so enraged by this request. Could it be that it's an opening data point to analyze just hoe many illegals are both in this country and who are voting? This is so obvious

What’s the big deal with proven that you are a citizen before you vote? We have to prove who we are in all facets of life.

03-27-2018, 11:38 AM
You have proven in the past that you are willing to be rational and use logic even when it subverts those on the same side of the ideological aisle as yourself, so I ask you this in good faith.

Do you believe that California polling stations are actively working to turn away registered non citizens from voting?

It is an indisputable fact that California motor voter law provides an avenue to allow non citizens to register. The problem in Pennsylvania is similar. At least in California, denying even non citizens the opportunity to vote seems antithetical to the inclusionist beliefs of the state. If your answer to my question is no, it would seem you agree with thethe (and myself) that non citizen voting fraud is occurring on an immeasurable (we can't get the data to prove it because we don't have the data to prove it), but possibly electorally significant, scale.

My answer is that I don't know, but I have no problem with wanting to understand how pervasive the issue is, no objection to good-faith efforts to do so, and no problem with patching holes in the system, as long as said remedies are not unduly burdensome to citizens. I assume that a poll worker presented with a valid voter registration has no further duty to explore the legitimacy of that registration, absent any obvious evidence to the contrary. If there's an administrative problem, that's outside the purview of the poll worker, even if it that is a legitimate issue in need of address.

03-27-2018, 11:39 AM

I wonder why California is so enraged by this request. Could it be that it's an opening data point to analyze just hoe many illegals are both in this country and who are voting? This is so obvious

Why is the census the proper vehicle for doing so?

03-27-2018, 12:43 PM
Why is the census the proper vehicle for doing so?

Why is the tracking of the population vehicle the proper method for determining the legal status of the people within the country? Is that a serious question?

03-27-2018, 02:57 PM
Why is the tracking of the population vehicle the proper method for determining the legal status of the people within the country? Is that a serious question?

I'm just not sure how the decennial census is the most efficient vehicle for parsing voter data.

03-27-2018, 02:59 PM
stuart stevens
‏ @stuartpstevens
51m51 minutes ago

stuart stevens Retweeted CNN

Voting fraud is a felony. Half of legal voters don’t bother to vote.

The idea that someone who is illegal would be so dedicated to idea of

voting that he/she will commit a felony is an odd fantasy.

Of all the felonies one might commit, someone is going to risk all to vote?

03-27-2018, 03:22 PM
It's not a felony when you have states that don't give a **** and even more maliciously want illegals to vote. It''s an issue and soon it won't be deniable.

03-27-2018, 03:22 PM
It's a reasonable point. The whole premise of massive undocumented voter fraud is predicated on the idea that people, in huge numbers, are willing to knowingly commit multiple felonies that would prevent them from achieving legal status. It's not outside the realm of possibility, but it's a big ask.

Certainly it seems that it happens, but not with the intent and organization that's been suggested. I'm just interested in some clarity, here. Because it's proven that planned and institutionalized voter suppression happens. I'd just like to prove that this kind of planned and organized voter fraud happens before we get too far into remediating the "problem" or assuming too much about its prevalence.

03-27-2018, 03:29 PM
It's not a felony when you have states that don't give a **** and even more maliciously want illegals to vote. It''s an issue and soon it won't be deniable.

But it is a felony. It's federal law. What I'm asking you to show is some malevolent plot...which may well exist, but certainly hasn't been proven. In contrast to multiple examples of organized statewide conspiracies to disenfranchise certain voters.

03-27-2018, 07:59 PM
But it is a felony. It's federal law. What I'm asking you to show is some malevolent plot...which may well exist, but certainly hasn't been proven. In contrast to multiple examples of organized statewide conspiracies to disenfranchise certain voters.

It's a felony by the letter of the law but in reality it's not because it never gets enforced. Thats the point.

What is to stop illegals from voting currently?

03-27-2018, 10:29 PM
The New York State attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, said he was leading a multistate lawsuit to stop the move, and officials in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington said they would join the effort. The State of California filed a separate lawsuit late Monday night.


it's meant to just count everyone

that's it

03-27-2018, 11:18 PM
I will keep an open mind about the possibility of what you're suggesting, albeit absent any evidence of intentionality or even anything approaching hard numbers. The Pennsylvania case that you keep citing is very much in dispute. The official upon whose testimony your 100,000 number is based acknowledged that the number might be much lower. A similar case in Florida began with a number of 180K, which was reduced upon research to 2600, which was eventually reduced to 198. So I think it's worth giving that one some time.

Meanwhile, I'll point you back to the real and documented cases of legislators sitting around crunching data on how to most efficiently suppress legal votes, using race as a basis.

As to what stops the undocumented from voting currently...man. Would it surprise you to learn that most states don't allow the undocumented to get drivers' licenses? That they require a SSN in order to register?

You're making noise about large-scale intentional fraud, without seeming to have much of a handle on what that would entail.

03-28-2018, 05:15 AM
I'm not saying it happens in every state. I'm saying it's significant enough where elections at both the executive and legislative level are impactded.

People are in an uproar over the citizenship question on the census because we have congressional over representation in democratic strongholds. The blurring of the lines between legal and illegal's have absolutely impacted political decisions. That's going to stop.

03-28-2018, 07:06 AM
I'm confused. The census determines Congressional representation. You guys aren't claiming that people who are living here illegally should be granted representation in Congress are you? That would be nuts.

03-28-2018, 07:28 AM
I'm confused. The census determines Congressional representation. You guys aren't claiming that people who are living here illegally should be granted representation in Congress are you? That would be nuts.

Watch the population of California reduce by 10 million

03-28-2018, 09:26 AM
Is that the only use of the census?

03-28-2018, 11:22 AM

03-28-2018, 08:29 PM
‏Verified account @AsteadWesley
Mar 27

This should be national news: After a judge ordered Scott Walker to hold special elections

that he had previously refused to call, Wisconsin GOP is going to hold a special legislative

session to change the election law altogether, rather than let ppl vote


03-28-2018, 09:35 PM
Marc E. Elias
‏Verified account @marceelias
4h4 hours ago

Marc E. Elias Retweeted Marc E. Elias

UPDATE: Moments ago Walker’s attorney’s informed the state Supreme Court

that "the Governor has decided not to seek relief from the Supreme Court at this time.”

The call for special elections will move forward tomorrow by noon. Democracy wins!

03-28-2018, 11:22 PM
This kind of ****, and what happened in NC (legislators called a special session after their guy lost the gubernatorial election to strip powers from the incoming governor) is really indicative of where we are right now. It's insulting to the idea of democracy.

03-29-2018, 04:48 AM
Is that the only use of the census?

What an odd question. No, that isn't the only use. Determining race, hispanic ethnicity, number of people in the home, etc also aren't the only use.

That's why we ask multiple questions.

03-29-2018, 06:42 AM
This kind of ****, and what happened in NC (legislators called a special session after their guy lost the gubernatorial election to strip powers from the incoming governor) is really indicative of where we are right now. It's insulting to the idea of democracy.

Can we add Pennsylvania to the list? when the redistricting ruling came down the reprimanded (R) legislature's (gerrymandered (R) legislature!!) attempts to impeach the state supreme court justices that made the ruling.

I again go back to (R) policies/philosophy being roundly out of the mainstream and unpopular to a legitimate vote.
How else to deregulate New Deal instituted business standards.

With all of the hoopla / bells and whistles provided by the administration and their apologists see where issue of Immigration ranks

http://news.gallup.com/poll/231533/concerns-healthcare-high-energy-unemployment-low.aspx?g_source=link_NEWSV9&g_medium=LEAD&g_campaign=item_&g_content=U.S.%2520Concerns%2520About%2520Healthca re%2520High%3b%2520Energy%2c%2520Unemployment%2520 Low

03-29-2018, 08:00 AM
What an odd question. No, that isn't the only use. Determining race, hispanic ethnicity, number of people in the home, etc also aren't the only use.

That's why we ask multiple questions.

The question you posed didn't make sense to me. There are many, many reasons to have an accurate count of people living in a given state/county/region/district. So there are corresponding reasons to want the count to be as accurate as possible.

I'm confused. The census determines Congressional representation. You guys aren't claiming that people who are living here illegally should be granted representation in Congress are you? That would be nuts.

Since you ask, though, yes. They have been and are, in the sense that all residents are counted for the purpose of apportionment. The Roberts court, in a 9-0, decision, upheld this as recently as last year.

03-29-2018, 08:27 AM
And that decision is what is wrong now in western society. To grant power to those who are here illegally diminishes those that come leggally and we the people who are citizens. It's yet another system in place to ensure the leftists have power. Easy to win poor voters when you promise free stuff.

03-29-2018, 08:34 AM
And that decision is what is wrong now in western society. To grant power to those who are here illegally diminishes those that come leggally and we the people who are citizens. It's yet another system in place to ensure the leftists have power. Easy to win poor voters when you promise free stuff.

Buddy, take it up with the framers, not the justices. The language that leads to that decision is not accidental.

03-29-2018, 08:40 AM
Buddy, take it up with the framers, not the justices. The language that leads to that decision is not accidental.

Was the intention to have illegal aliens included or non voting eligible people? Was this just an interpretation that went too far?

03-29-2018, 08:48 AM
Astounding. I need to read that decision. I can't understand how giving more weight to voters in high (illegal) immigration areas isn't disenfranchising voters elsewhere.

04-03-2018, 01:19 PM

Good article here about a key race in Texas. The Republican Pete Sessions has been using his committee position to block pro legalization bills from seeing the light of day. Thus is to avoid bad PR for voting no and to block bills they know will pass if allowed to come to a vote.

04-03-2018, 09:18 PM
AP Politics
‏Verified account @AP_Politics
19m19 minutes ago

BREAKING: Liberal Rebecca Dallet defeats conservative Michael Screnock

in Wisconsin Supreme Court race seen as midterm indicator.

@AP race call at 8:57 p.m. CDT. #Election2018 @APracecall

04-03-2018, 09:27 PM
Matthew Yglesias
‏Verified account @mattyglesias
4m4 minutes ago

Dallet seems like the first candidate I’ve seen seen this cycle to attempt

the much-derided “run against Trump” strategy and … it worked!

04-03-2018, 10:21 PM
Astounding. I need to read that decision. I can't understand how giving more weight to voters in high (illegal) immigration areas isn't disenfranchising voters elsewhere.

I don't actually remember who brought the case, but I mentioned it because it was merely the most recent decision. But I'll underscore what I wrote earlier--it was a 9-0 decision because the constitutional language is pretty clear. If the framers had meant "citizens," they wouldn't have written "residents." The opinion is quite straightforward and worth your perusal.

Now, since the number of representatives is capped, you are correct in suggesting that it's zero-sum. A rep added in one state means one removed from another. This may not pass common-sense muster with you, but neither does the alternative, really. The government at the federal, state, and local level is responsible for securing resources for their state/district/municipality. Demand for those resources is determined by the population in those various subdivisions. Is it "unfair" for one area to get more representation than another based on a large disparity in population but a smaller disparity in citizen population? Arguably, yes. Is it also "unfair" for non-citizens to be contributing to the economy and the local tax coffers and have no franchise or representation at all for a potentially lengthy passsge to citizenship? Arguably, yes.

Our bicameral system already has a huge check in place to prevent small states from being rolled by more populous ones. Legal remedies to check proportional representation at the expense of states whose populations are growing seem rather anti-democratic to me, I guess.

If you take the position that I suspect thethe is getting at--that the framers didn't foresee illegal immigration on the current scale and didn't specifically intend the current status quo, I can only throw up my hands and say that they didn't foresee concealable semiautomatic handguns or AR-15s with high-capacity magazines, either, nor specifically intend our individual right to own them outside the context of ye olde well-regulated militia. If you want to join us on the dark side, I say the more, the merrier.

04-03-2018, 10:34 PM
Illegal immigration us far worse for a country than semi automatic rifles.

04-04-2018, 07:25 AM
I don't actually remember who brought the case, but I mentioned it because it was merely the most recent decision. But I'll underscore what I wrote earlier--it was a 9-0 decision because the constitutional language is pretty clear. If the framers had meant "citizens," they wouldn't have written "residents." The opinion is quite straightforward and worth your perusal.

Now, since the number of representatives is capped, you are correct in suggesting that it's zero-sum. A rep added in one state means one removed from another. This may not pass common-sense muster with you, but neither does the alternative, really. The government at the federal, state, and local level is responsible for securing resources for their state/district/municipality. Demand for those resources is determined by the population in those various subdivisions. Is it "unfair" for one area to get more representation than another based on a large disparity in population but a smaller disparity in citizen population? Arguably, yes. Is it also "unfair" for non-citizens to be contributing to the economy and the local tax coffers and have no franchise or representation at all for a potentially lengthy passsge to citizenship? Arguably, yes.

Our bicameral system already has a huge check in place to prevent small states from being rolled by more populous ones. Legal remedies to check proportional representation at the expense of states whose populations are growing seem rather anti-democratic to me, I guess.

If you take the position that I suspect thethe is getting at--that the framers didn't foresee illegal immigration on the current scale and didn't specifically intend the current status quo, I can only throw up my hands and say that they didn't foresee concealable semiautomatic handguns or AR-15s with high-capacity magazines, either, nor specifically intend our individual right to own them outside the context of ye olde well-regulated militia. If you want to join us on the dark side, I say the more, the merrier.

Your points on citizens/residents are solid, but I would add to thethe's point about large scale immigration that the framers had no concept of the massive amount of budget resources we have come to spend on the welfare/entitlement state. Nevertheless, I agree with you that this should be read and interpreted with the same spirit of guaranteeing rights that it was written, and that the Constitution should be amended if it's a problem. This is also my view on the 2nd Amendment, which I know you do not share.

04-05-2018, 08:10 AM
interested - we might have a conversation around this

.................................................. .................................................. ......

Matthew Yglesias
‏Verified account @mattyglesias

Your theory of why Obama’s party lost seats downballot during his run
in the White House should account for the fact that the same thing happened
under Eisenhower, Kennedy/Johnson, Nixon/Ford, Reagan/Bush, Clinton, and W Bush.

Matthew Yglesias

Perhaps each incumbent party spontaneously adopted a failed business model that their charismatic leader was unable to surmount.

Or perhaps maybe it’s structural.

But either way, it deserves an explicit theory.

04-11-2018, 10:11 AM
Speaker Ryan


04-13-2018, 11:18 AM
Polling in the Tennessee Senate rate ominous for GOP.

04-18-2018, 01:56 PM
Kyle Griffin
‏Verified account @kylegriffin1
1h1 hour ago

Beto O’Rourke is within the margin of error of Ted Cruz in the Texas senate race.

Cruz 47
O’Rourke 44

MOE +/-3.6%


04-18-2018, 02:49 PM
Still don't think they can win this, but amazing to be running this close.

04-18-2018, 03:22 PM
Independent vote is key here. Cruz running as a Republican really damaged his Washington “outsider” cred it would appear.

04-18-2018, 04:42 PM
The hilarity of an Irish-American with a Spanish nickname runnng against a Cuban-American with an Anglo nickname is just too much.

04-18-2018, 05:07 PM
The hilarity of an Irish-American with a Spanish nickname runnng against a Cuban-American with an Anglo nickname is just too much.

in Tejas at that.

04-21-2018, 10:50 PM

Democrats must be getting desperate. Real ****ing bold when you don't have any real power. Going to place the odds on this being forgotten about when the democrats take control of Congress at 100%. Still feels like we are moving forward when we have Boehner and Schumer coming out for legalization. This wouldn't be happening if Hillary was president

04-22-2018, 09:47 PM
Nah, this is pretty much inevitable, albeit moving slower than I expected. It should be low-hanging fruit with Sessions, et al as a counterpoint, though.

04-23-2018, 09:22 AM
Nah, this is pretty much inevitable, albeit moving slower than I expected. It should be low-hanging fruit with Sessions, et al as a counterpoint, though.

Inevitable yes but the timing is very suspect. The general consensus is that this is just a PR stunt to gain votes and they wont follow through if they take back Congress. I do think there is a legitimate chance Trump will veto a bill like this because I think Sessions has dirt on Trump.

04-23-2018, 09:32 AM
It would be a waste of a political opportunity if they got the numbers and didn't press the issue. That said, they're not exactly the deftest bunch.

04-23-2018, 09:49 AM
It would be a waste of a political opportunity if they got the numbers and didn't press the issue. That said, they're not exactly the deftest bunch.
Should be a no brainer.

I wonder how many gun rights voters are also weed lovers.

04-24-2018, 09:33 PM
G. Elliott Morris
‏ @gelliottmorris
2m2 minutes ago

Wow, this is unexpected. In NY #AD102 HD102,

the Democratic candidate is up 3 points with 63% of votes reporting.

This is an R-held seat that Trump won by 23 points.

04-24-2018, 09:49 PM
Perhaps the (R) candidate didn't explain the virtues of the Trump tax bill.
Or maybe they did and the voters are either too "dumb" to get it
they recognize bull sheit when they see it

23 point win --
" like a ghost --- pfff it's gone"
- Keyser Souza

04-24-2018, 09:59 PM
or maybe the piss poor candidate didn't convincingly articulate deregulation at EPA

I don't know?

or the effectiveness of having 2 Sec's of State and 3 NSA Directors in a year and a half
C'mon boys, pony up and help me

nah, they are just too "dumb"
to know what tikiboi's know

free stuff --- that's what it was ---- free stuff

04-24-2018, 10:08 PM
Dave Wasserman
‏Verified account @Redistrict

Breaking: Lesko leads 53%-47% in early ballots. #AZ08

Tom Bonier
‏Verified account @tbonier
8m8 minutes ago

With the early votes tallied, Lesko (R) leads by 6%. I think it's likely Lesko wins, as there aren't many election day votes to count and they tend to not diverge much from the early vote. Keep in mind, Trump won this district by 21%.

Keep in mind, the GOP vote share among early voters exceeded the Dem vote share by 20%, yet Lesko carried the early vote by just under 6%. This isn't just a Dem surge, you are seeing GOP voters crossing over in droves. Likely not enough to win this Trump +21% CD though.

04-24-2018, 11:34 PM
AZ-08 comprises the oldest and golf-coursiest section of the Phoenix metro, fwiw.

To wit: I once stopped at a Fry's in Surprise (which is immediately adjacent to Sun City) at around 7:15am to buy gas and jugs of water, before heading out to Havasu City / the Mojave, and that **** was legit full; it was only a bit later, about ten minutes up Route 60, that I realized it was the first Wednesday of the month (10% discount day for 55+).

04-24-2018, 11:50 PM
The hilarity of an Irish-American with a Spanish nickname runnng against a Cuban-American with an Anglo nickname is just too much.

Flashes of Bernardo O'Higgins battling Ramón "Guy" Freire for the directorship of Chile.

04-24-2018, 11:58 PM
Flashes of Bernardo O'Higgins battling Ramón "Guy" Freire for the directorship of Chile.

Few people ever needed a nom de guerre more than Bernardo O'Higgins.

04-30-2018, 07:08 PM

Uh oh

05-01-2018, 11:42 PM

Diane Feinstein drops hardline prohibition stance now that she is facing a tough primary. Soon it's going to be political suicide to be pro mass incarceration.

05-04-2018, 11:18 AM
jimmy williams
‏ @Jimmyspolitics
1h1 hour ago

The combined age of House Democratic leadership is 233 years.

House GOP leadership is 153.

It’s time for the Dems to look to a new generation for its leadership.

05-06-2018, 11:37 AM


This guy is surging in the WV Republican primary. lololol

05-06-2018, 07:08 PM
Seth Abramson
‏Verified account @SethAbramson
18m18 minutes ago

Seth Abramson Retweeted The Hill

We're now less than 100 electoral votes from a national popular vote. States with 172 electoral votes are committed to a national popular vote, and as soon as that number reaches 270 we'll get one. It'll be hard to imagine a Republican ever winning the presidency again.

2/ In the last 25 years, Dems have won every popular vote except 2004—and Republicans winning in 2004 required Ohio's Republican Secretary of State deliberately creating 9-hour voting lines in majority-minority Ohio precincts so that George W. Bush could win Ohio by 50,000 votes.

05-06-2018, 07:35 PM
I'm sure the 46 states will concede all power to elect the executive branch leader to by/cali/florida/Texas real fast

You're delusional.

05-06-2018, 10:20 PM


This guy is surging in the WV Republican primary. lololol

I would laugh at this (perhaps the greatest campaign spot in history) if the guy behind it hadn't done time for being so hostile to safety regulations that 29 people died in one of his mines.

Joe Arpaio, Roy Moore, Don Blankenship. All viable candidates in Republican senate primaries. Seriously. WTF.

05-07-2018, 08:26 AM
I'm sure the 46 states will concede all power to elect the executive branch leader to by/cali/florida/Texas real fast

You're delusional.

States aren't "conceding all power" just acting on the realization that the 21st century has no place for the Electoral College

05-07-2018, 09:14 AM
Joe Arpaio, Roy Moore, Don Blankenship. All viable candidates in Republican senate primaries. Seriously. WTF.

This has been a trend for a while now.

2010 Christine O'Donnell in Delaware.

2010 Sharon Angle in Nevada.

2012 Todd Akin in Missouri.

2014 Richard Mourdock in Indiana.

In all four cases, those races would likely have gone the other way if the GOP had not nominated such deeply flawed candidates.

05-07-2018, 09:50 AM
States aren't "conceding all power" just acting on the realization that the 21st century has no place for the Electoral College

Its absolutely a concession of power nad it will never happen.

But once illegals aren't voting anymore the Dems won't win fake elections.

05-07-2018, 07:59 PM

Uh oh...

05-07-2018, 10:18 PM
You laugh but that piece of s--t Blankenship is making a late push. WV is lost in a time warp right now. Coal is dead and yet they don't care about the planet they live on.

05-08-2018, 09:38 AM
would he even be the worst turd burglar(and I mean this both literally and figuratively) in Congress? There are some real monsters on both sides. I hear he is getting propped up by democrats hoping he will win the primary and make for an easy general election win. I hope it backfires and he wins both just like 2016 all over again.

05-08-2018, 09:52 AM
Dude has 29 bodies on him.

05-08-2018, 10:07 AM
Technically yes, in the same way that a lot of politicians have blood on their hands. Atleast he actually served time. I watch killers with little regard for human life walk free all the time.

05-08-2018, 12:04 PM
I am a Virginian but live so close to the border that I was born in WV, I will be mostly interested in seeing how the vote breaks in this area. People here still see coal as a viable career even though those of us that have moved into the 21st century know that's not the case and we should be worried about the planet and environment. Having said all of that, before Trump these voters would not have even considered Blankenship because of his involvement in the accident. He would have been told to stay in Nevada.

05-08-2018, 12:31 PM
The Trumpier the Republican party gets the more likely the party is to split when things go south. The pendulum will swing back the other way like it always does. I think all this is mild compared to the chaos if Trump wins reelection.

05-09-2018, 04:54 AM

05-09-2018, 01:06 PM
That should be noted as in WV only. Like I said they are hellbent on sinking with Trump. That is not news. It has been happening ever since a black man became President. For a state born out of the desire not to want to be part of the South during the war, it has during the Obama years showed a lot of its darker roots. Sad to say but it is a truth.

05-09-2018, 01:22 PM

05-09-2018, 01:47 PM

And the right is only in it pad their own pockets. For the record and with respect, you're not from here you know only what you hear or read.

05-09-2018, 07:52 PM

05-09-2018, 07:56 PM

This is what happens when your whole platform is anti-trump. There is no message and people get tired of it especially when more people have jobs and more money in their pockets. Then they turn on the news and see potential peace in North Korea and ISIS physical caliphate being destroyed.

Its very obvious what is happening.

05-09-2018, 08:06 PM

I’ve always thought that the left will split in half and the more moderates that believe in the 2a and see the good that trump is doing will side with him over the PC loving hardcore left

05-09-2018, 08:11 PM
I’ve always thought that the left will split in half and the more moderates that believe in the 2a and see the good that trump is doing will side with him over the PC loving hardcore left

Exactly. The Progressive (regressive) left will be set on an island and become irrelevant. Despite what the polling says the majority of the country doesn't care about transgenderism and socialism.

05-10-2018, 10:58 AM

Why the Democrats Just Lost the Senate

05-10-2018, 12:29 PM
What happened to the daily poll numbers that used to be posted?

05-10-2018, 05:06 PM
Ahead of West Virginia’s U.S. Senate primary, Trump tweeted that Republican candidate Don Blankenship couldn’t win the November election against Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, a top GOP target.

Advisers said the president was pleased that Republicans nominated Attorney General Pat Morrissey, considered a stronger challenger against Manchin.

“In West Virginia, his one tweet single-handedly swung the dynamics of a race,” Stepien said.


05-10-2018, 06:56 PM
If he thinks he's the one that did it he is a bigger fool than even I think. The deaths of 29 miners is what did it, not a tweet from a baffoon. Well, that and Koch Bros. cash.

05-10-2018, 07:51 PM
Yeah, I find it hard to believe it was the Trump Seal of Approval that stopped that ****ing weirdo.

05-10-2018, 08:10 PM
What stopped him that didn't present when he A) squirmed into the race and B) polled competitively late in the race?

05-10-2018, 08:20 PM
What stopped him that didn't present when he A) squirmed into the race and B) polled competitively late in the race?

A. Anybody can run as long as they file in time

B I haven't looked but I would say those polls were bogus. No doubt Morissey did well in northern WV. Especially since he is a carpetbagging jersey boy.

05-10-2018, 08:21 PM
I think it's fair to quibble with the 'single-handedly swung the dynamics of race' bit as it pertains to a single tweet, but it seems wrong-headed to deny Trump credit for making an impact in a state where his cachet is verifiable and recent.

05-10-2018, 08:26 PM
A. Anybody can run as long as they file in time

B I haven't looked but I would say those polls were bogus. No doubt Morissey did well in northern WV. Especially since he is a carpetbagging jersey boy.

I'm not talking about getting on the ballot, I'm talking about becoming a legitimate candidate.

And sure, fake polls ... haven't heard that one in a while.

05-10-2018, 08:32 PM
I'm not talking about getting on the ballot, I'm talking about becoming a legitimate candidate.

And sure, fake polls ... haven't heard that one in a while.

All ya gotta say is God, Country, and Coal in that order and you are viable in WV.

05-10-2018, 09:31 PM
I think it's fair to quibble with the 'single-handedly swung the dynamics of race' bit as it pertains to a single tweet, but it seems wrong-headed to deny Trump credit for making an impact in a state where his cachet is verifiable and recent.

In a West Virginia GOP primary, that's not so far-fetched.

05-10-2018, 09:32 PM
I'm not talking about getting on the ballot, I'm talking about becoming a legitimate candidate.

And sure, fake polls ... haven't heard that one in a while.

Eh, I'm not sure the internal polling stories weren't at least exaggerated to drive turnout.

05-10-2018, 11:36 PM
I cant imagine there are any Blankenship voters that are not Trump voters. What I want to know is what happens to the kids now. He said it was for the kids. Maybe we should look into how his kids or grandkids are doing. Is he hurting them? Is he molesting them? Anyone who says "vote for me, think of the kids" is 100% a child molester.

05-22-2018, 02:45 PM

People are finally taking the red pill

05-22-2018, 03:10 PM

05-22-2018, 03:20 PM


05-22-2018, 03:42 PM

They're more concerned about Russia nonsense than taxes and the political correct movement that they keep brushing off as nothing

05-22-2018, 06:42 PM

Haha...even Californians like Trump now.

05-22-2018, 07:42 PM

People are finally taking the red pill

I'm not trying to say I have a solid understanding of where the country is at politically, but having one week of the entire year so far where Republicans are ahead with a poll with 1,100 people hardly seems like something worth shouting from the rooftops.

05-22-2018, 08:08 PM
I'm not trying to say I have a solid understanding of where the country is at politically, but having one week of the entire year so far where Republicans are ahead with a poll with 1,100 people hardly seems like something worth shouting from the rooftops.

Focus on the trend lines in all polling. That will tell you what you need to know

05-23-2018, 09:05 AM
Stacey Abrams is one step closer to becoming the nation's first back woman governor

05-23-2018, 09:16 AM
Stacey Abrams is one step closer to becoming the nation's first back woman governor

I'm thrilled she won. Her strategy eliminates over 60% of the electorate.

05-23-2018, 09:17 AM
I wouldn't vote for her just on the basis of using woman instead of female. Would be just as ridiculous as any male Governor saying he is a man governor. Hillary doing it was bad enough.

05-23-2018, 09:27 AM
Akin to don't like her hair or she wears pant suits.

You are silly sometimes

or even better, "her voice grates on me"

you know no more about this woman that you know about knitting a blanket

05-23-2018, 01:27 PM
A Kentucky high school math teacher with no political experience unseated one of the state’s most powerful Republican lawmakers in Tuesday’s primary elections — a sign that the widespread teacher unrest could turn into a potent political force in November.


05-23-2018, 01:42 PM
I wouldn't vote for her just on the basis of using woman instead of female. Would be just as ridiculous as any male Governor saying he is a man governor. Hillary doing it was bad enough.

I feel like it'd be just as weird if someone referred to themselves as a male governor.

05-23-2018, 09:22 PM

Please continue to make collusion and immigration your platform.

05-23-2018, 09:31 PM
I feel like it'd be just as weird if someone referred to themselves as a male governor.

Which never happens.

05-23-2018, 10:48 PM
Which never happens.

why would the person that is what most of written history is and still holds the most power bring up that they are like everyone before them?

05-24-2018, 07:10 AM
The butthurt in here is becoming really ridiculous for those on the Left.

Sheesh. Grow up.

05-24-2018, 07:52 AM
Which never happens.

Why would it?

05-25-2018, 10:37 AM

06-08-2018, 02:40 PM
They're gonna blow this


06-08-2018, 06:49 PM
Imagine what a person who didn't have a job for the last 5 years think after finally finding steady work?

06-12-2018, 10:50 PM
Boy, Virginia Republicans sure nominated a winner in their Senate race.

06-13-2018, 12:07 AM
I wouldn't vote for her just on the basis of using woman instead of female. Would be just as ridiculous as any male Governor saying he is a man governor. Hillary doing it was bad enough.


06-26-2018, 09:37 PM
Megan Greenwell
‏Verified account @megreenwell

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was seen as such a longshot against

Joe Crowley that the @nytimes didn't dedicate a single article to her campaign.

06-27-2018, 07:09 AM
Megan Greenwell
‏Verified account @megreenwell

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was seen as such a longshot against

Joe Crowley that the @nytimes didn't dedicate a single article to her campaign.

That’s honestly pretty cool.

06-27-2018, 08:40 AM
She is part of the justice democrats group that was founded by 2 people from the Bernie campaign and some YouTube news shows. They are jamming their foot in the door this political cycle. I hope it keeps growing.

06-27-2018, 09:09 AM
Happy an establishment guy lost.

Not happy we have another braindead socialist

06-27-2018, 09:13 AM
they are atleast honest about what they want.

06-27-2018, 09:41 AM
they are atleast honest about what they want.

Ok... What they want is horrifying. Why give them power

06-27-2018, 10:01 AM
Ok... What they want is horrifying. Why give them power

because the current model is humming right along ?

06-27-2018, 10:06 AM
ok, we can have public debates about the issues. They are also pro weed and are targeting many of the anti pot left.

06-27-2018, 10:17 AM
because the current model is humming right along ?

I'd say on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being socialism and 10 be free markets, we're at around 3 today.

We need to go the other way, not closer to the 100% failed track record of socialism