View Full Version : Oppression

03-16-2018, 08:21 PM
The question (which apparently can't be answered in a thread of a different subject title) is:

So the qualified white male who isn't considered for the job bc of his skin and gender isn't being oppressed?

03-16-2018, 10:05 PM
The question (which apparently can't be answered in a thread of a different subject title) is:

I answered it. And asked for a real-life example to better judge. I assume this hypothetical person is being discriminated against, legally and imho, if they're refused consideration for a job based on their skin color or sex. "Oppression" seems a stretch, as I would judge that to require persistent systematic official or institutional discrimination.

In that category, you could put Jim Crow & segregation, mortgage redlining, and many other historical injustices. If someone would like to make a case for white males being an oppressed class, I'm all ears.

03-16-2018, 10:19 PM
I felt oppressed when living as a Republican in Berkeley. Fortunately, I knew one other and we would get together now and then to whisper about the locals.

03-16-2018, 10:30 PM
I felt oppressed when living as a Republican in Berkeley. Fortunately, I knew one other and we would get together now and then to whisper about the locals.

I've got family who live in Marin County and more in Palo Alto. We generally vote the same way but I often feel like we're in different tribes or even different dimensions. Then again, I live in a bubble that's quite the other thing.

03-17-2018, 01:02 AM
yes, what we need is a thread of people born on 3rd and thinking they hit a triple thinking they are oppressed people somehow

03-17-2018, 04:25 AM
yes, what we need is a thread of people born on 3rd and thinking they hit a triple thinking they are oppressed people somehow

All white people are born on third base?

03-17-2018, 06:44 AM
Is TikiBoi complaining that the girls got more candy again ?

yeah, I am mocking you

03-17-2018, 08:04 AM
All white people are born on third base?

is third base white

03-17-2018, 08:25 AM
is third base white

If you're white you're Ben aflack

03-17-2018, 08:31 AM
If you're white you're Ben aflack

fortunately my genetic mix allows me to claim any number of identities...which is why I find some of things people get obsessed about amusing and absurd...but seriously I think it is a mistake for our society to give weight to race and ethnicity on matters such as employment and School admissions...i do think some affirmative action should be given to people from disadvantaged backgrounds including poor white kids

03-17-2018, 08:42 AM
fortunately my genetic mix allows me to claim any number of identities...which is why I find some of things people get obsessed about amusing and absurd...but seriously I think it is a mistake for our society to give weight to race and ethnicity on matters such as employment and School admissions...i do think some affirmative action should be given to people from disadvantaged backgrounds including poor white kids

Everything is economics. There are hundreds of thousands of black people that are more 'privledged' than I was growing up. Money is the key to acess. Without it everything is harder. Not impossible by any means and I'd like to think I broke through buy the focus on race as you said is setting us back.

03-17-2018, 08:43 AM
I've got family who live in Marin County and more in Palo Alto. We generally vote the same way but I often feel like we're in different tribes or even different dimensions. Then again, I live in a bubble that's quite the other thing.

Marin is definitely in a different dimension. For a hilarious take on how different, I recommend Philip Dick's Confessions of a Crap Artist. It gives you a great sense of the weirdness of life in Marin county in the late 50s/earl 60s.

03-17-2018, 08:48 AM
I felt oppressed when living as a Republican in Berkeley. Fortunately, I knew one other and we would get together now and then to whisper about the locals.
As a current Berkeley citizen, it’s my deepest darkest secret.

03-17-2018, 08:51 AM
As a current Berkeley citizen, it’s my deepest darkest secret.

yeah, my friend and I bonded over the fact that we were going to vote for McCain in 2008...we didn't tell anyone...it was our little secret

03-17-2018, 09:41 AM
The question (which apparently can't be answered in a thread of a different subject title) is:

Slightly different question: Would Facebook suspending Cambridge Analytica be part of the oppression of conservative white men?


03-17-2018, 09:54 AM
Slightly different question: Would Facebook suspending Cambridge Analytica be part of the oppression of conservative white men?


No but it's the oppression of conservative values. Facebook could probably suspect countless amounts of companies for doing these things. They pick and choose and it goes along with other actions FB and Google have taken to censor conservative voices.

03-17-2018, 01:19 PM
I answered it. And asked for a real-life example to better judge. I assume this hypothetical person is being discriminated against, legally and imho, if they're refused consideration for a job based on their skin color or sex. "Oppression" seems a stretch, as I would judge that to require persistent systematic official or institutional discrimination.

In that category, you could put Jim Crow & segregation, mortgage redlining, and many other historical injustices. If someone would like to make a case for white males being an oppressed class, I'm all ears.

Asking for a "real-life" example is kind of a cop out, because there's one that was referenced at the outset of sturg's socratic endeavor and you just simply ignored it.

03-17-2018, 01:33 PM
I live in Marin now. I lived in Boston last year.

I work in tech.

I could tell you a thing or two about oppression. But I hate anecdotal ****.

03-17-2018, 01:41 PM
I live in Marin now. I lived in Boston last year.

I work in tech.

I could tell you a thing or two about oppression. But I hate anecdotal ****.

The plural of anecdote is data.

I actually wouldn't mind retiring to Marin. My wife would love it. She is a hippie. I'm not. But I tend to have an Aspergerish relationship with my environment. So it wouldn't matter. As long as there are a couple decent taquerias within walking distance I'm good.

I went to visit my niece in Humboldt county last year. I think that's how Marin must have been 50 years ago.

03-17-2018, 03:06 PM
The plural of anecdote is data.

I actually wouldn't mind retiring to Marin. My wife would love it. She is a hippie. I'm not. But I tend to have an Aspergerish relationship with my environment. So it wouldn't matter. As long as there are a couple decent taquerias within walking distance I'm good.

I went to visit my niece in Humboldt county last year. I think that's how Marin must have been 50 years ago.

I like it here. I live smack-dab off the Marin side of the GGB, so I'm not very 'deep' into the county. I've been out to visit Fairfax and Russian River and some of the other contemporary hippie enclaves, but it does seem that the area, as a whole, is almost post-gentrification now. Fairfax, for example, seems counter-culture for show. The further north you push (San Rafael, Novato, up to Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa) is much more traditionally suburban. Traditionally suburban for California, that is.

My cousin lives in Oakland (Lake Merritt) and I find that area extremely nice, although I don't think I could ever live in the East Bay. I work in the city and I've contemplated moving down there when my lease is up, although it would almost surely mean giving up my car and completely changing the way I live. I do like getting away from it all when I come home. Marin is really quiet.

03-17-2018, 03:12 PM
I like it here. I live smack-dab off the Marin side of the GGB, so I'm not very 'deep' into the county. I've been out to visit Fairfax and Russian River and some of the other contemporary hippie enclaves, but it does seem that the area, as a whole, is almost post-gentrification now. Fairfax, for example, seems counter-culture for show. The further north you push (San Rafael, Novato, up to Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa) is much more traditionally suburban. Traditionally suburban for California, that is.

My cousin lives in Oakland (Lake Merritt) and I find that area extremely nice, although I don't think I could ever live in the East Bay. I work in the city and I've contemplated moving down there when my lease is up, although it would almost surely mean giving up my car and completely changing the way I live. I do like getting away from it all when I come home. Marin is really quiet.

I lived near Lake Merritt for four years. Really liked it. A couple places to visit recommendations. The town of Bolinas. Also Holdrege Wines in Healdsburg. Holdredge was my great find from my wino days. Although unfortunately some influential wine critics have found him since, with the as expected effect on prices.

03-17-2018, 03:40 PM
Oppressed isn't the right word. White people are discriminated against in some ways. Just because other groups might be discriminated against more does not mean we should turn a blind eye to other discrimination. I think we are always going to be more sensitive to discrimination against our own groups. It is possible to care about discrimination against everyone. It's called being Libertarian. The individual is the smallest minority.

03-17-2018, 10:07 PM
is third base white

That was solid.

03-17-2018, 10:12 PM
Asking for a "real-life" example is kind of a cop out, because there's one that was referenced at the outset of sturg's socratic endeavor and you just simply ignored it.

I will cop to not reading sturg's link. I need a breather from his, er, socratic flogging of a few hobbyhorses that are regularly addressed in a substantial fashion, and his amnesia about same.

03-17-2018, 10:43 PM
And, for the sake of posterity, let's note that I was addressing a post about gun violence in a thread about school shootings, and I posed a couple of questions that were relevant to the issue and unaddressed to the point sturg was making. Instead of following that thread, he pivoted to why I was willing to post about gun violence but not chase headlong after the wholly unrelated stick that he chucked out there...and Hawk piled on. So, eyeroll emoji. If you're going to be the debate police, at least work a little harder.

03-17-2018, 11:34 PM
I thought it was fun how you got butt hurt about the moronic tweet -(that you were quick to defend) but keep your mouth shut about just about everything else that don't support your causes.

I miss the rational julio. Rip

03-17-2018, 11:55 PM
I intervened because I am the one who posted the original link.

It’s a situation that’s quite near and dear to me.

It’s not a hypothetical - and your thoughts would be appreciated on the matter, as opposed to this little hidden ball exercise you’ve got going on.

03-18-2018, 12:06 AM
Julio is fine with discrimination as long as it's a white male.

I don't think it's that complicated

03-18-2018, 12:23 AM
Julio is fine with discrimination as long as it's a white male.

I don't think it's that complicated

I’ve always wondered if the daughter of 57, runnin etc had the dream job of her life right in front of her but she didn’t get it because the company had to hire a less qualified minority, if they really wouldn’t think it’s bull****. I think they would. They wouldn’t admit it in here but they’d have a problem with it.

The Chosen One
03-18-2018, 01:13 AM
I’ve always wondered if the daughter of 57, runnin etc had the dream job of her life right in front of her but she didn’t get it because the company had to hire a less qualified minority, if they really wouldn’t think it’s bull****. I think they would. They wouldn’t admit it in here but they’d have a problem with it.

Pretty sure Julio's kids are biracial (he's mentioned it here previously) and Runnin lives in Japan.

No need to project your own frustrations onto others.

03-18-2018, 10:21 AM

03-18-2018, 10:22 PM
I intervened because I am the one who posted the original link.

It’s a situation that’s quite near and dear to me.

It’s not a hypothetical - and your thoughts would be appreciated on the matter, as opposed to this little hidden ball exercise you’ve got going on.

I'm not even sure what link we're talking about now. If you'll point me towards it I'll give it the old college try.

03-18-2018, 10:24 PM
Julio is fine with discrimination as long as it's a white male.

I don't think it's that complicated

I'm really not sure where you're getting this.

03-19-2018, 04:07 AM
fortunately my genetic mix allows me to claim any number of identities...which is why I find some of things people get obsessed about amusing and absurd...but seriously I think it is a mistake for our society to give weight to race and ethnicity on matters such as employment and School admissions...i do think some affirmative action should be given to people from disadvantaged backgrounds including poor white kids

Most all top science students HS are children of immigrants. The Honey Booboos won't even make America average.

03-19-2018, 04:20 AM
I'm not even sure what link we're talking about now. If you'll point me towards it I'll give it the old college try.

Google-bro says HR told him to “purge” specifically all white and Asian candidates from the ATS.

Pretend the scenario is accurate, as described.

Not interested in legal oversight/remedies.


03-19-2018, 06:38 AM
Most all top science students HS are children of immigrants. The Honey Booboos won't even make America average.

yeah I know...my own children are upholding this traditiion...the eldest is in a PhD program at an Ivy League University

03-19-2018, 12:28 PM

This feels particularly relevant.

03-19-2018, 12:40 PM
To me the idea of Affirmative Action comes down to theory vs. reality. In theory, businesses would take the most qualified candidate regardless of race or background and AA wouldn't be necessary. However, in reality there are too many implicit biases at play that can lead to discrimination. Due to this, I feel AA is a societal good to level the playing field.

03-19-2018, 04:43 PM
Google-bro says HR told him to “purge” specifically all white and Asian candidates from the ATS.

Pretend the scenario is accurate, as described.

Not interested in legal oversight/remedies.


With that, and only that, to go on--and stipulated as correct--it sounds like highly questionable policy and a breakdown in transparency.

This could be mitigated somewhat by context, but that's not knowable within the parameters of the example.

I'm not sure about the proscription of discussing legal oversight/remedies. Seems that's the "law" part of the lawsuit. I think that if you (I don't mean you, specifically) are angling for a condemnation of discriminatory hiring policy in a very narrow sense, you do you a disservice if you don't consider the broader societal context that engenders affirmative action measures and the body of law that's adjudicated them over the years.