View Full Version : 2014 Projections for Our Internal Second Base Candidates

10-25-2013, 07:47 AM
Assuming they get playing time in the majors in 2014, what kind of hitting numbers would you expect them to put up?

My projections:

La Stella .290/.355/.730

Pena .260/.315/.735

Pastornicky .270/.325/.690

Uggla .190/.310/.700

Elliot Johnson .210/.260/.580

10-25-2013, 08:02 AM
Too pessimistic on Uggla and on Tommy's power personally, though not by much on the latter.

What baffles me though is you think that Ramiro Pena is gonna have an iso of .130 when his entire major and minor league career back to 2006 he's had an iso over .100 2 times, 2011 in AAA and last year, both were 50 game pretty small samples. Meanwhile Tommy has never had an iso (although he doesn't have a large sample base like Pena) below .130 and you have his iso at .085. Not saying either prediction is wrong, cause in the end know one knows but I think those 2 will have much closer power numbers based on their history.

I won't bother with T-Pas because I honestly don't know what to expect from him. I thought he'd hit more when he was coming through the minors for the opposite reason people are cautious with Tommy (he produced well for his age) so eff it.

If I had to guess on them, I'd go

Tommy .280/.340/.380 - I'll stay on the pessimistic side for his rookie season.

Pena .250/.290/.350

Uggla .220/.330/.400

Elliot - turd

I think of our 2B options Uggla still will be the best hitter in 2014, but not by enough to not get Tommy some playing time. If Uggla tears it up in ST I'd let him start the season and let him sink or swim, if he swims good for us, we can trade him off after that year for something, if he sinks we waste a little bit of time but do buy another year of cheap team control of Tommy.

10-25-2013, 08:28 AM
Uggla is absolutely toast. I would be surprised if he had an OPS north of 700.

And Uggla tearing up anything is a laughable offense sir!

10-25-2013, 08:30 AM
Uggla is absolutely toast. I would be surprised if he had an OPS north of 700.

And Uggla tearing up anything is a laughable offense sir!

Humor us with some numbers for Uggla and the others.

10-25-2013, 08:37 AM
Why not:

LaStella: 280/340/720

Uggla: 180/300/650

Pena: 265/320/700

I don't believe Elliot Johnson will be with the major league club next year.

10-25-2013, 08:44 AM
Too pessimistic on Uggla and on Tommy's power personally, though not by much on the latter.

What baffles me though is you think that Ramiro Pena is gonna have an iso of .130 when his entire major and minor league career back to 2006 he's had an iso over .100 2 times, 2011 in AAA and last year, both were 50 game pretty small samples. Meanwhile Tommy has never had an iso (although he doesn't have a large sample base like Pena) below .130 and you have his iso at .085. Not saying either prediction is wrong, cause in the end know one knows but I think those 2 will have much closer power numbers based on their history.

I won't bother with T-Pas because I honestly don't know what to expect from him. I thought he'd hit more when he was coming through the minors for the opposite reason people are cautious with Tommy (he produced well for his age) so eff it.

If I had to guess on them, I'd go

Tommy .280/.340/.380 - I'll stay on the pessimistic side for his rookie season.

Pena .250/.290/.350

Uggla .220/.330/.400

Elliot - turd

I think of our 2B options Uggla still will be the best hitter in 2014, but not by enough to not get Tommy some playing time. If Uggla tears it up in ST I'd let him start the season and let him sink or swim, if he swims good for us, we can trade him off after that year for something, if he sinks we waste a little bit of time but do buy another year of cheap team control of Tommy.

You're telling nsacpi he's being too pessimistic on LaStella's slugging, so you give LaStella a slugging % .005 points higher and say you're going to stay on the pessimistic side.


10-25-2013, 08:46 AM
You're telling nsacpi he's being too pessimistic on LaStella's slugging, so you give LaStella a slugging % .005 points higher and say you're going to stay on the pessimistic side.


He was saying I was too pessimistic on the ISO not the slugging. It all fits together. He has a lower OBP but higher slugging. ISO accounts for the difference between the two.

10-25-2013, 08:54 AM
He was saying I was too pessimistic on the ISO not the slugging. It all fits together. He has a lower OBP but higher slugging. ISO accounts for the difference between the two.

His first sentence says you're too pessimistic on his slugging. You're supposed to be on my team here buddy.

10-25-2013, 08:59 AM
His first sentence says you're too pessimistic on his slugging. You're supposed to be on my team here buddy.

He says I'm too pessimistic on power, by which he means ISO. Hey, this is a rare opportunity to be kind to zito. I feel guilty for all the times I bash him re Hanson-Medlen.

10-25-2013, 09:24 AM
I'd say you are too high on Pena, but I think you're in the realistic range for the rest with the caveat that we simply don't know about Uggla at all, which makes it almost impossible to provide any projection. I think he'd be .750 at the highest and I base that on a pattern of decline that was already present and not the debacle that was 2013 for Beer Can Dan.

10-25-2013, 09:31 AM
I know I'm more bullish on Pena than most. The reason is that I don't think his 2013 performance is entirely a fluke. I think there is some genuine improvement there. Some players are late bloomers (he's the same age as Matt Carpenter who also had a big improvement but from a higher base in 2013). I'm inclined to give some weight to his 2013 numbers because they are backed up by other data. He had a really fine spring training and a very good Mexican Winter League performances. I know spring training and winter league can be misleading. But he had 211 ABs in winter league, 50 ABs in spring training and 97 regular season ABs. I'd love to have a larger sample, but what he did last year should not be dismissed.

10-25-2013, 11:09 AM
If the Braves get that kind of offensive production out of 2B next year without WELL above average defense then Wren failed miserably this offseason.

10-25-2013, 11:16 AM
If the Braves get that kind of offensive production out of 2B next year without WELL above average defense then Wren failed miserably this offseason.

what offensive numbers would you expect from external alternatives such as kinsler, Kendrick and phillips

10-25-2013, 11:48 AM
I agree. I just see him as being a LHH version of Pastornicky. Pena's power numbers in his abbreviated 2013 are what surprised me. Nice little uptick and he's still only 28. Valuable utility guy if nothing else.

10-25-2013, 11:55 AM
Btw Uggla put up an OPS of .738 in the first half of 2013. Yes 2013. Anyone think he can do that again?

10-25-2013, 12:09 PM
what offensive numbers would you expect from external alternatives such as kinsler, Kendrick and phillips

Kinsler has proven to be a 750-800 OPS (or better) hitter with above average defense.

Kendrick has proven to be a 750-800 OPS hitter with slightly above average defense.

Phillips has proven to be a 750-800 OPS hitter with GG level defense.

LaStella has proven that he can hit a little in the minors while being advanced a bit in age for the competition, but is so bad defensively the Braves would have rather started EJ in the NLDS instead of letting LaStella sniff the MLB field in garbage time. Pena has proven he can be a utility guy, and he popped a couple HRs while swinging LHed last year (remember when Bourn got into a few HRs early last year and everyone on this board thought he suddenly found his "power stroke"?). Pastor has proven that he can't play SS, and has compiled a 619 OPS in ~200 MLB PAs. Uggla proved he can no longer hit a baseball, and never could field the position anyways.

But yeah, let's go ahead and let those guys fight it out for playing time at 2B. That is a tremendous Plan A for a WS contender with ~$15M to spend this offseason, and a very shakey player already penciled in to play CF. Why bother fixing 1 of the 2 glaring holes on the field from last season when we can just let a bunch of mediocre players battle it out and simply start the least crappy one of them?

10-25-2013, 12:17 PM
Btw Uggla put up an OPS of .738 in the first half of 2013. Yes 2013. Anyone think he can do that again?

Not after what we saw in the second half.

10-25-2013, 12:18 PM
Kinsler has proven to be a 750-800 OPS (or better) hitter with above average defense.

Kendrick has proven to be a 750-800 OPS hitter with slightly above average defense.

Phillips has proven to be a 750-800 OPS hitter with GG level defense.

LaStella has proven that he can hit a little in the minors while being advanced a bit in age for the competition, but is so bad defensively the Braves would have rather started EJ in the NLDS instead of letting LaStella sniff the MLB field in garbage time. Pena has proven he can be a utility guy, and he popped a couple HRs while swinging LHed last year (remember when Bourn got into a few HRs early last year and everyone on this board thought he suddenly found his "power stroke"?). Pastor has proven that he can't play SS, and has compiled a 619 OPS in ~200 MLB PAs. Uggla proved he can no longer hit a baseball, and never could field the position anyways.

But yeah, let's go ahead and let those guys fight it out for playing time at 2B. That is a tremendous Plan A for a WS contender with ~$15M to spend this offseason, and a very shakey player already penciled in to play CF.

I think your projections for the external options look reasonable. I also think it is reasonable to look at the cost of those options relative to the internal options. A cost-benefit analysis.

10-25-2013, 12:19 PM
I would be worried about Kinslers history of doing much better in Texas than on the road.

I like Kendrick for many reasons but he is going to cost a top prospect and I would rather not trade a top prospect when we have a realistic internal option even though he is unproven.

10-25-2013, 12:19 PM
Too pessimistic on Uggla and on Tommy's power personally, though not by much on the latter.

What baffles me though is you think that Ramiro Pena is gonna have an iso of .130 when his entire major and minor league career back to 2006 he's had an iso over .100 2 times, 2011 in AAA and last year, both were 50 game pretty small samples. Meanwhile Tommy has never had an iso (although he doesn't have a large sample base like Pena) below .130 and you have his iso at .085. Not saying either prediction is wrong, cause in the end know one knows but I think those 2 will have much closer power numbers based on their history.

I won't bother with T-Pas because I honestly don't know what to expect from him. I thought he'd hit more when he was coming through the minors for the opposite reason people are cautious with Tommy (he produced well for his age) so eff it.

If I had to guess on them, I'd go

Tommy .280/.340/.380 - I'll stay on the pessimistic side for his rookie season.

Pena .250/.290/.350

Uggla .220/.330/.400

Elliot - turd

I think of our 2B options Uggla still will be the best hitter in 2014, but not by enough to not get Tommy some playing time. If Uggla tears it up in ST I'd let him start the season and let him sink or swim, if he swims good for us, we can trade him off after that year for something, if he sinks we waste a little bit of time but do buy another year of cheap team control of Tommy.

Absolutely no way Uggla can be on our roster in ST.

10-25-2013, 12:24 PM
I think your projections for the external options look reasonable. I also think it is reasonable to look at the cost of those options relative to the internal options. A cost-benefit analysis.

Right. The cost is using up money that is available.

Again with the insane over-sabermetric thinking. All wins are NOT created equally, and are not valued equally. For a WS contender looking to gain homefield advantage through the playoffs, 1 extra win could be worth millions. Did we already forget how close the race was between the Cards and Braves this year? Here's a reminder: the Braves lost by 1 game.

A 1 WAR player at league minimum is far less valuable to a WS contender than a 3-4 WAR player at $10M. I am 100% certain you understand the concept of concentrating WAR into single players for championship caliber teams, which this club certainly qualifies.

10-25-2013, 12:47 PM
Right. The cost is using up money that is available.

Again with the insane over-sabermetric thinking. All wins are NOT created equally, and are not valued equally. For a WS contender looking to gain homefield advantage through the playoffs, 1 extra win could be worth millions. Did we already forget how close the race was between the Cards and Braves this year? Here's a reminder: the Braves lost by 1 game.

A 1 WAR player at league minimum is far less valuable to a WS contender than a 3-4 WAR player at $10M. I am 100% certain you understand the concept of concentrating WAR into single players for championship caliber teams, which this club certainly qualifies.
I wish Fredi understood it and Im not a Fredi hater. I will never never understand the Kameron Loe start during the run for HFA>

10-25-2013, 02:45 PM
Some of my optimistic guesses

La Stella .266/.305/.699

Pena .270/.315/.699

Pastornicky .240/.315/.670

Uggla .165/.299/.620

Elliot Johnson .200/.260/.579

10-25-2013, 02:56 PM
Here's another question. If you had some degree of confidence that one of the internal options could give you a .700 OPS or better, would you prefer the internal option or trading for an external option such as Kendrick, Phillips or Kinsler.

10-25-2013, 04:20 PM
Pena did very well vs RH pitching. A platoon of Pena/Pastornicky vs RH/LH pitching might be exactly how Wren has to approach spring training.

If Uggs money has to come off the books as bad debt, it's unlikely Wren will have much room to wiggle. Pastornicky and Pena will cost the braves 1/1.5 million at best. Both can also give us a leadoff option....dropping Heyward to a more natural 2 spot in the lineup. Either could also slot in the 7th/8th spot and allow you to put Schafer or possibly even BJ in the leadoff spot.

10-25-2013, 04:28 PM
Kendrick's contract is pretty fair.

It really depends on how much it would cost for him.

If we can dump Uggla, what would it cost for him.

Hale, LaStella, Medlen?!?!

Not all 3, but he would be a good target if they arent sold on LaStella.

10-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Here's another question. If you had some degree of confidence that one of the internal options could give you a .700 OPS or better, would you prefer the internal option or trading for an external option such as Kendrick, Phillips or Kinsler.

I wouldnt mind Kendrick if we can keep LaStella in the process.

Kinsler/BP are owed too much money.

No idea what it would cost, probably some pitching, Medlen straight up?

10-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Some of my optimistic guesses

La Stella .266/.305/.699

Pena .270/.315/.699

Pastornicky .240/.315/.670

Uggla .165/.299/.620

Elliot Johnson .200/.260/.579

Impressive slugging all around. A bit optimistic. :Alone:

10-25-2013, 07:05 PM
Here's another question. If you had some degree of confidence that one of the internal options could give you a .700 OPS or better, would you prefer the internal option or trading for an external option such as Kendrick, Phillips or Kinsler.

That's an easy one, internal, internal, internal. La Stella will do that as a floor.

10-25-2013, 08:18 PM
That's an easy one, internal, internal, internal. La Stella will do that as a floor.

Agree. I think it is especially the case with Phillips and Kinsler. Phillips has put up an OPS of .750 and .706 the past two years. He will be 33 in 2014. He is going to 12.5M/year for the next four years. He has been playing in a hitters park. Kinsler has put up OPS of .749 and .757 the past two years. He will be 32 in 2014. He is going to make 15.5M/year over the next four years. He also plays in a hitters park. I don't think I would trade La Stella for either of those two.

Kendrick is a different matter. He is younger, cheaper, has a shorter contract and plays in a fairly neutral ballpark. I would trade La Stella for him. In that trade we gain over the first two years but obviously lose afterward. I would be willing to do it in part because imo Peraza is our long-term guy at second and he should be close to being ready just as Kendrick's contract expires.

10-25-2013, 08:20 PM
Look at Kinslers road splits for the last 4 years. They are ugly ugly ugly. Stay away from Kinsler.

The only rasonable option is Kendrick and he is going to cost more than any of us think. I bet they ask for Sims and in that case NO NO NO NO NO!

10-25-2013, 08:24 PM
Look at Kinslers road splits for the last 4 years. They are ugly ugly ugly. Stay away from Kinsler.

The only rasonable option is Kendrick and he is going to cost more than any of us think. I bet they ask for Sims and in that case NO NO NO NO NO!

That's the thing. Even though I would do Kendrick for La Stella straight up, the reality is the Angels will want something extra. I would definitely not be willing to include any of Wood, Sims, Bethancourt, Peraza and Cabrera for Kendrick.

10-25-2013, 08:27 PM
I don't see how it makes sense for the Braves to bring in someone expensive when in two years they are going to have to fix the problem again. Braves need cheap productive players. They have the pieces in place to be a WS contender for the next six years. LaStella needs to be part of that puzzle.

10-25-2013, 08:32 PM
I don't see how it makes sense for the Braves to bring in someone expensive when in two years they are going to have to fix the problem again. Braves need cheap productive players. They have the pieces in place to be a WS contender for the next six years. LaStella needs to be part of that puzzle.

La Stella is a nice player, but not likely to be the next Carpenter. I strongly suspect he will be pushed out in a couple years by Peraza. I don't think the second base situation can be analyzed without taking Peraza into account. Imo he is going to be a much better player than La Stella. So getting someone like Kendrick for two years makes a lot of sense to me. It is a bridge to Peraza. Of course La Stella could be the bridge to Peraza too. I'm fine with either, but Kendrick is likely to give us a bit more than La Stella over the next two years. If we can get him without giving up the five guys I named earlier, I'd do it.

10-25-2013, 08:34 PM
La Stella is a nice player, but not likely to be the next Carpenter. I strongly suspect he will be pushed out in a couple years by Peraza. I don't think the second base situation can be analyzed without taking Peraza into account. Imo he is going to be a much better player than La Stella. So getting someone like Kendrick for two years makes a lot of sense to me. It is a bridge to Peraza. Of course La Stella could be the bridge to Peraza too. I'm fine with either, but Kendrick is likely to give us a bit more than La Stella over the next two years. If we can get him without giving up the five guys I named earlier, I'd do it.

I think thats a good way of looking at it but I need to see Peraza above Rome before I pencil him in ATL in two years. I think an optimistic projection is the middle of 2016 but more likely 2017. He is really young. I think we are going to need a longer bridge than two years for Peraza to be brought in. I'd rather not rush someone so young.

10-25-2013, 08:44 PM
I think thats a good way of looking at it but I need to see Peraza above Rome before I pencil him in ATL in two years. I think an optimistic projection is the middle of 2016 but more likely 2017. He is really young. I think we are going to need a longer bridge than two years for Peraza to be brought in. I'd rather not rush someone so young.

The thing that impressed me about both Sims and Peraza is the fact they both showed significant improvement in the second half. The Braves like to keep the younger guys playing their first full season in Rome the whole year. But after that they promote them rapidly if they show they can handle it. The way Sims and Peraza performed in the second half suggests to me they are going to move up at a rate faster than one level per year. I see them covering high A, AA and AAA over a two-year period (2014 and 2015). Barring injury I think they'll be in the majors early 2016 (which will be their age 22 season, young but hardly precocious).

10-25-2013, 08:51 PM
The thing that impressed me about both Sims and Peraza is the fact they both showed significant improvement in the second half. The Braves like to keep the younger guys playing their first full season in Rome the whole year. But after that they promote them rapidly if they show they can handle it. The way Sims and Peraza performed in the second half suggests to me they are going to move up at a rate faster than one level per year. I see them covering high A, AA and AAA over a two-year period (2014 and 2015). Barring injury I think they'll be in the majors early 2016 (which will be their age 22 season, young but hardly precocious).

I know its probably not the true baseball move but I would try to delay bringing guys like Sims/Peraza up early because of the long term impact on salary. If we have guys already on the roster that can cover those positions then the Braves are in a fortunate spot where they can stagger their promotions so that not everyone needs to get paid at once. Obviously, if they become so dynamic, and I believe Sims will be that, then they will force Wrens hand but at this point I don't see the need to push them to start the 2016 year.

10-25-2013, 08:55 PM
I know its probably not the true baseball move but I would try to delay bringing guys like Sims/Peraza up early because of the long term impact on salary. If we have guys already on the roster that can cover those positions then the Braves are in a fortunate spot where they can stagger their promotions so that not everyone needs to get paid at once. Obviously, if they become so dynamic, and I believe Sims will be that, then they will force Wrens hand but at this point I don't see the need to push them to start the 2016 year.

I'm against rushing a young player to the majors too. But if they have a strong half season to full season in AAA under their belt, they should come up unless there is someone better ahead of them in the majors.

10-26-2013, 11:19 AM
DOB's latest blog has some interesting comments about La Stella and Peraza.

“He’s obviously doing well,” said Bruce Manno, Braves assistant GM and director of player development. “He’s always had really good plate discipline. Tommy’s bat is special, and he’s getting better defensively. We’re very pleased with his season and what he’s continue to do in the fall league.”

While Braves officials won’t say La Stella is a candidate for the second-base job next season if Dan Uggla is traded, there have been recent discussions within the organization and it is believed that La Stella could indeed come to camp with a shot at the job if Uggla is moved and the Braves don’t get another established second baseman.

The Braves are real high on Jose Peraza, the 19-year-old who played shortstop at Rome this season and hit .288 with a .341 OBP, eight triples and a whopping 64 steals in 79 attempts over 114 games. He also played some second base during the Braves’ instructional league that ended last week in Florida.

"Jose is a very exciting player," Manno said. "He's a leadoff hitter who can steal a base, handle the bat. Really good instincts. I think he’s going to be a special player for us. He’s gotten stronger and he can fly. He’s a plus runner and has the ability to steal bases."


10-26-2013, 06:22 PM
I agree that Peraza is a very exciting prospect that should be ready in two to three years. In the meantime, La Stella should be our starting 2nd baseman. Could be a very good problem to have by then between La Stella and Peraza.

10-26-2013, 07:17 PM
I agree that Peraza is a very exciting prospect that should be ready in two to three years. In the meantime, La Stella should be our starting 2nd baseman. Could be a very good problem to have by then between La Stella and Peraza.

You could move Peraza to third for a year or two to handle the crunch or do the same with LaStella. Its never a problem to have too many good players.

10-26-2013, 07:48 PM
Let's compare minor league careers for Matt Carpenter and Tommy La Stella.

Carpenter (23-25 years old, low A through AAA) - .299/.408/.450/.858
La Stella (22-24 years old, low A through AA) - .327/.412/.496/.908

As you can see, Tommy compares at least as well if not better than Carpenter.

Now let's look at Carpenter's first year in the majors at age 26. .294/.365/.463/.828. Now Carpenter did have the benefit of playing 130 games in AAA as a 25 year old while Tommy has not yet played above AA yet, so I can see where he either could possibly use a month or two in Gwinnett to complete his seasoning, or he could have an adjustment period in the majors if he starts for us game 1. Either way, we should be very excited about the future of Tommy La Stella.

10-28-2013, 11:13 AM
Here's another question. If you had some degree of confidence that one of the internal options could give you a .700 OPS or better, would you prefer the internal option or trading for an external option such as Kendrick, Phillips or Kinsler.

I absolutely still look for a better 2B option. Please keep in mind Pena's OPS was inflated by 3 flukey HRs he hit in 100 ABs. He will be lucky to hit 3 HRs all of next year. A 700 OPS coupled with the crappy defense Pastor and La Stella will provide? No thanks.

If Wren doesn't spend the available money fixing the biggest hole on the team, what is he going to spend it on? The most expensive bench ever? Overpay for a starter that isn't an Ace?

Why is it such a great idea to overpay for Price in prospects and cash when the pitching staff lead the league in ERA, but everyone is so against using resources to fix an actual weakness on the team?

10-28-2013, 12:07 PM
I absolutely still look for a better 2B option. Please keep in mind Pena's OPS was inflated by 3 flukey HRs he hit in 100 ABs. He will be lucky to hit 3 HRs all of next year. A 700 OPS coupled with the crappy defense Pastor and La Stella will provide? No thanks.

If Wren doesn't spend the available money fixing the biggest hole on the team, what is he going to spend it on? The most expensive bench ever? Overpay for a starter that isn't an Ace?

Why is it such a great idea to overpay for Price in prospects and cash when the pitching staff lead the league in ERA, but everyone is so against using resources to fix an actual weakness on the team?

Because you don't spend money for the hell of it when you have a guy in the minors who has been very, very good at every level he has played. He could probably fill that hole for a fraction of the cost that you are advocating and be every bit effective if not more.

10-28-2013, 01:05 PM
Because you don't spend money for the hell of it when you have a guy in the minors who has been very, very good at every level he has played. He could probably fill that hole for a fraction of the cost that you are advocating and be every bit effective if not more.

It's almost like I'm the only person here that saw Elliot Johnson playing 2B for the Braves down the stretch and in the NLDS...

Don't you guys think that if La Stella could play 2B even remotely competently he would have gotten some time at the position at the end of the year? Or do you all really think the organization simply thought EJ was a good option?

They stuck Gattis in LF to get his bat in the lineup for crying out loud, yet La Stella was so bad defensively at 2B that they decided to stick with Elliot Johnson. Doesn't that say something about how bad TLS's defense likely is? The man wasn't even called up to sit on the bench in September.

10-28-2013, 01:17 PM
It's almost like I'm the only person here that saw Elliot Johnson playing 2B for the Braves down the stretch and in the NLDS...

Don't you guys think that if La Stella could play 2B even remotely competently he would have gotten some time at the position at the end of the year? Or do you all really think the organization simply thought EJ was a good option?

They stuck Gattis in LF to get his bat in the lineup for crying out loud, yet La Stella was so bad defensively at 2B that they decided to stick with Elliot Johnson. Doesn't that say something about how bad TLS's defense likely is? The man wasn't even called up to sit on the bench in September.

I frankly don't know if La Stella should have been up after Pastornicky went down or not, but I agree that a lot of people in here seem to discount the expertise of the people in charge of making that decision. If they would have deemed La Stella ready, he'd have been up. They didn't and he wasn't. I think it's that simple.

10-28-2013, 01:24 PM
In 2010, we were running Troy Glaus out there even though Freddie Freeman had a very strong year in AAA. So running Elliot Johnson out instead of La Stella probably reflects the traditional reluctance to throw a young player into the fire of post-season player without any major league experience rather than a conclusion that he can't play at the major league level.

10-28-2013, 01:40 PM
In 2010, we were running Troy Glaus out there even though Freddie Freeman had a very strong year in AAA. So running Elliot Johnson out instead of La Stella probably reflects the traditional reluctance to throw a young player into the fire of post-season player without any major league experience rather than a conclusion that he can't play at the major league level.

Now you are comparing Troy Glaus with Elliot Johnson to bolster your argument supporting La Stella? EJ couldn't even hold Troy's jockstrap. And wasn't Troy trying to come back from injury at the end of the year in time for the playoffs?

Either way, comparing the 2B situation to Troy Glaus in 2010 is absurd. Fredi and Wren had already showed a willingness to play ANYONE at 2B at the end of the year, and La Stella didn't even appear to be an option. They were practically looking into the stands behind the dugout every time a foul ball went into the crowd to see if some athletic looking dude made a good catch so they could slap a tomahawk on his chest and give him a shot at 2B, yet La Stella didn't even get a sniff. In 2010 Glaus was the guy at 1B, put up a couple very solid months offensively, and was trying to get healthy in time to play in the postseason.

10-28-2013, 01:44 PM
Troy Glaus was very bad in the second half of 2010. His knees were shot and he could barely move around. And he was not hitting at all. He was clearly finished as a player.

The Braves thought so, which was why they picked up Derek Lee, who was also on the downside of his career and playing with a torn ligament in his hand.

Anyhow they preferred Glaus with no knees and Lee with a torn thumb ligament to Freeman.

10-28-2013, 01:44 PM
LaStella had a little under 300 AB's at AA. Do you think it was the right time to bring him up?

I am mostly with you and mentioned that it concerned me he wasn't called up but I think its more to do with his relative inexperience as opposed to his long term potential.

10-29-2013, 09:28 PM
It's a no-brainer. Dump Uggla in the nearest trash receptacle and bring in La stella. And please for the love of god do not get Brandon Phillips. The last thing we need is another overrated player in the line up that argues with umps.

10-30-2013, 05:06 AM
Now you are comparing Troy Glaus with Elliot Johnson to bolster your argument supporting La Stella? EJ couldn't even hold Troy's jockstrap. And wasn't Troy trying to come back from injury at the end of the year in time for the playoffs?

Either way, comparing the 2B situation to Troy Glaus in 2010 is absurd. Fredi and Wren had already showed a willingness to play ANYONE at 2B at the end of the year, and La Stella didn't even appear to be an option. They were practically looking into the stands behind the dugout every time a foul ball went into the crowd to see if some athletic looking dude made a good catch so they could slap a tomahawk on his chest and give him a shot at 2B, yet La Stella didn't even get a sniff. In 2010 Glaus was the guy at 1B, put up a couple very solid months offensively, and was trying to get healthy in time to play in the postseason.

I don't think think we were willing to jump the guy three levels in a year.

St. Louis has had the most amazing luck promoting guys for the playoffs...just amazing. Rosenthal to closer and Wacha to ace from AAA...the reason people don't ordinarily do that stuff it that it rarely works. They either do an extraordinary job developing players or they're world-class lucky...or both.