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08-17-2018, 06:22 PM
Snitckers is being mentioned for NL Manager of the Year.

Don't know how to make this a poll. If one of the Mods can do it, or wants to do it, please go ahead.

08-17-2018, 06:28 PM
Bs award. We are winning because of talent. Not twitners gut

08-17-2018, 07:46 PM
Snit is doing a great job with very young and unproven players. That is a definition of good managing. He deserves serious consideration for manager of the year, imo.

08-17-2018, 08:17 PM
As much as we bitch about tactical errors, and rightly so, the bulk of a managers job happens outside the 3 hours during a game.

AA will have a hard time justifying a new manager. The players seem to love him.

Cox certainly wasn’t a master tactician, but he was an elite people manager.

08-17-2018, 08:24 PM
As much as we bitch about tactical errors, and rightly so, the bulk of a managers job happens outside the 3 hours during a game.

AA will have a hard time justifying a new manager. The players seem to love him.

Cox certainly wasn’t a master tactician, but he was an elite people manager.

perfectly stated - couldn't agree more. Snit pisses me off sometimes, but the fact of the matter is that these young players are producing way ahead of the expected timetable, and he desrves a lot of credit for that.

Acuña’s Bat Flip
08-17-2018, 10:32 PM
He won some brownie points from me through the Ronald situation.

08-17-2018, 10:50 PM
As much as we bitch about tactical errors, and rightly so, the bulk of a managers job happens outside the 3 hours during a game.

AA will have a hard time justifying a new manager. The players seem to love him.

Cox certainly wasn’t a master tactician, but he was an elite people manager.

This is the the thing you've posted I've most agreed with. Snit is not a great bench strategist. He's a fantastic leader. The latter is far more important.

08-18-2018, 04:56 AM
Most of us have zero knowledge of how managing works. We look at it from a pure statistical point of view where the manager has to deal with human beings whose feelings, emotions, and mind set can drastically change their performance. Bobby Cox was a great manager because he was great at managing people, not managing a baseball game. Still in all my time posting going back to scout forums I have never seen Braves fans think we have anything but the worst manager in the majors. Even Bobby Cox was treated as if he was a dumb****.

08-18-2018, 08:05 AM
Most of us have zero knowledge of how managing works. We look at it from a pure statistical point of view where the manager has to deal with human beings whose feelings, emotions, and mind set can drastically change their performance. Bobby Cox was a great manager because he was great at managing people, not managing a baseball game. Still in all my time posting going back to scout forums I have never seen Braves fans think we have anything but the worst manager in the majors. Even Bobby Cox was treated as if he was a dumb****.

it is a common phenomenon with fans in every sport...Snit makes tactical mistakes from time to time but imo less frequently than Fredi...and opposing managers make plenty...Matheny had a brutal series against us which maybe is part of why he got canned

08-18-2018, 08:09 AM
I would really love to see a documentary that follows a manager through a season focusing on his handling of the pitchers. I would bet many of our complaints have reasons we just dont know about.

08-18-2018, 08:27 AM
I thought Snit should have been fired after last year because I thought the team should have won 3 to 5 games more than they did. When I take my rose colored glasses off and look back at that team and the teams he had before I realize he was managing a roster with more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. Coppy gave him teams that should have lost a 100 games. Add in all the front office drama we heard about through the season last year I think you have to give Snit a B for his prior years.
This year Snit deserves an A. He finally has the young talent and a decent roster and he is winning games. I think he has done a great job of getting the young guys to reach thier potential. One thing I really like about the team is Snit seems to have created an environment where the kids can laugh and have fun But the fun isn’t a distraction to the vets.
At this point I think deserves another year.
Oh and add an A+++ to his grade for leading the charge out of the dugout.

08-18-2018, 08:40 AM
Most of us have zero knowledge of how managing works. We look at it from a pure statistical point of view where the manager has to deal with human beings whose feelings, emotions, and mind set can drastically change their performance. Bobby Cox was a great manager because he was great at managing people, not managing a baseball game. Still in all my time posting going back to scout forums I have never seen Braves fans think we have anything but the worst manager in the majors. Even Bobby Cox was treated as if he was a dumb****.

Strategically, Bobby was a dumb ass. He overworked relievers, relied on the wrong ones, played Keith Lockhart, etc. One thing he did that I particularly hated was treating the season like a match play golf event, meaning that if the team won the first two games of a series it would be Chipper and seven bench warmers in the finale regardless of where the team stood in the standings. But as other have said, that's merely a small part of the equation. Bobby was genius-level in managing people, to the point where it far outweighed his in-game shortcomings.

Regarding Snitker, the only way he has even a slim chance of being fired is if the team goes on a 2011-like collapse at the end of the season to miss the playoffs. Even then I think he'd get next year to try to improve.

08-18-2018, 08:48 AM
The only players Snit has "over replied" upon this season are Sam Freeman early in the season and Flaherty. In both cases this largely reflects poor roster construction by AA.

Btw I have come around to the view that Flaherty still holding onto a roster spot does have something to do with family relationships and the front office being sensitive to clubhouse chemistry and all that jazz. And I do not say this as a criticism. Just an observation. Team chemistry is a thing. I think we will make a move in late August and take advantage of the expanded rosters to avoid subjecting Flaherty the indignity of a DFA.

08-18-2018, 09:07 AM
Strategically, Bobby was a dumb ass. He overworked relievers, relied on the wrong ones, played Keith Lockhart, etc. One thing he did that I particularly hated was treating the season like a match play golf event, meaning that if the team won the first two games of a series it would be Chipper and seven bench warmers in the finale regardless of where the team stood in the standings. But as other have said, that's merely a small part of the equation. Bobby was genius-level in managing people, to the point where it far outweighed his in-game shortcomings.

Regarding Snitker, the only way he has even a slim chance of being fired is if the team goes on a 2011-like collapse at the end of the season to miss the playoffs. Even then I think he'd get next year to try to improve.

Feels like Bobby did a pretty good job of managing the regular season.

08-18-2018, 11:15 AM
Btw I have come around to the view that Flaherty still holding onto a roster spot does have something to do with family relationships and the front office being sensitive to clubhouse chemistry and all that jazz. And I do not say this as a criticism. Just an observation. Team chemistry is a thing. I think we will make a move in late August and take advantage of the expanded rosters to avoid subjecting Flaherty the indignity of a DFA.

yep, said this the other day but the only conceivable reason he is still on the team is the chemistry aspect. it can’t be anything else.

08-18-2018, 11:52 AM
I don’t understand why they don’t just DL him if that’s the case.

08-18-2018, 12:05 PM
I don’t understand why they don’t just DL him if that’s the case.

the rules are loose, but I don't think teams have the option of completely faking an injury...with pitchers there is always soreness or inflammation of some sort

08-18-2018, 01:53 PM
Ask Dwane Casey how he feels about Coach/Manager of the Year awards. Lol

Acuña’s Bat Flip
08-18-2018, 10:08 PM
I'm furious at Snit tonight for having Ender sacrifice bunt against a relief pitcher that looked like he was lost on the mound!