View Full Version : Thank You

Mrs. Meta
10-04-2018, 03:08 AM
Chop Country Brethren (and Sistern),

I've had many reasons in my life, especially lately, to be both humbled and grateful at the same time.

Jeff was/is right; I took a sabbatical to clear my head for what I knew was gonna be a memorable journey for me either way things turned out.

As it is, the tests came back negative for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but I'm not entirely out of the woods in regards to the bigger picture of my health. That said, this was and is a huge victory--and the third time I've skirted around cancer as a whole.

You know, when Tommy Hanson died, I remember posting a thread and realizing (again) just how precious the gift of life really is. Nearly three years later, I have once again to that same conclusion--in spades. I honestly feel like I didn't need the threat of cancer (or cerebral palsy) to teach me this, but hey, here we are.

And while I know that I've never met any of you in person, y'all have been a part of my life since like 2002--and you've made an impact on me in a way that I really can't put into words.

Each of us on this Earth has an expiration date, and it seems like as we get older, we become more cognizant (and hopefully at peace) with this inevitability. As for me, it's our mortality that makes each day a gift--much like this Braves' season has been.

I don't know how far we'll go, but there's no one else, on or off the internet, that I'd rather share the ride with.

Thank you so much for your good vibes, thoughts, and prayers. And thank you all for simply being who you are.

Let's kick some Dodger ass. -jared/GBF/Mrs. Meta