View Full Version : No longer employed because they don't want my salary demands...but

12-11-2018, 01:29 AM
I am getting a lot of offers in the 110k to 150k range so I am not complaining, but working 362/24/7 year around and no real vacation I am not complaining.

I still have your information, I am not stupid all my programming was backed up to my personal online drive, but the many offers out there, some is going to be tough but a few are promising. I am the boss, no need for me to program code, modified Stored procedurs or develope vb or c# code so that made happy. I will let you know.

I got to see my parents (70's) and spend Thanksgiving, my job wouldn't allow it the 12 years I was there, it was one the best time of my lives. My cousin from Macon came up only wanted to spend a few minutes with us, end up staying 4 hours, that is family.

It is the holiday season, spend time with family, cherish this a happy holidays to everyone.

12-11-2018, 01:34 AM
Oh if I get what I want, I will drive the 9 hours and surprise my parents with 3 bottles of champagne. They said that with 2 bachelor and 1 associate and experience you deserve it.

Tomorrow, another interview and they went straight for me, no middle man, north of 100k, a lot of dough, seriously a lot of dough with season tickets to our team in Wisconsin both baseball and basketball.

They really emphasized that and I am not of fan of either.

12-11-2018, 07:54 AM
I am sorry to hear this my friend. Someone with your skills and experience won't be unemployed for long. Hang in there and if you ever need someone to talk to just let me know. :)

Here's to a 2019 with you in your absolute dream job!!!

12-13-2018, 02:11 AM
was gonna say, that sucks but seems from what you said it will be fine. cheers to better paths