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  1. View Conversation
    This is beyond parody at this point
  2. View Conversation
    Couple of points:

    Fat ****s in this country are actually dying sooner so the life expectancy is dropping

    The inflows into the program have not grown in time because we’ve sent our jobs overseas and to slave labor nations

    Your plan of allowing people to direct their own saving will work for some and it will be catastrophic for others. The whole point of the plan is to ensure lower IQ people who don’t have earnings capability to not live in destitution in their older years. People like you and me won’t need social security despite all the hundreds of thousands we have invested over our work years. Cost of ensuring that we don’t have a violent revolution when you have tens of millions of desperate poor people.

    Not everything is supposed to operate efficiently because the premise of efficient systems is that all can participate equally. People are just dumb man. I’m not sure if I can stress that enough.
  3. View Conversation
    Hate you? Come on man - That could not be further from the truth.

    I get your frustration with the country. We just see things differently. I'll check it out and let you know.

    Hope all is well.
  4. View Conversation
    Really? You really don't have to do that but man that would be awesome! My email address is
  5. View Conversation
    Let me know if you end up going to a ATL for the NLDS. My cell is 9788864525
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"I can't fix my life, but I can fix the world" said the socialist


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