Falcons rule
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Falcons rule
If Julio Jones or some other Falcon isn't in the opening intro on NBC this season my head might exploded. I'm sick of seeing less deserving players like DeSean Jackson and Nick Mangold in the opening over someone like Julio.
Cruz resigns with the giants. Basically a five year extension plus this years ten4er. Only 15 mil guarenteed. Good deal for both sides. Though he was offered tge same deal months ago. On to jpp and nicks.
I didn't care about that. If the 49ers show him the money he will stay.
I cant believe it is even a deal that he wears a hat of a different sports city. Who cares. Players are fans too. The kid is going to be special. Hopefully thethe doesnt ruin that for me. Not a 49ers fan, but Im looking forward to watching him play.
You're supposed to be representing and promoting your team....if the NFL has similar standards as MLB...he will be fined....meaning he shouldnt be doing it.
Roddy white: "Zimmerman is guilty" but "Hernandez is innocent until proven guilty" ...... Lol
Roddy White is one of the dumber players in the NFL.
LOL off Kapernick wearing a Dolphins hat. What an idiot.