I think the White House is making a strategy error here with this recent push on global warming. I'm not grumping about the science. The science is the science. But with this latest strategy the white house is pushing the idea that global warming is happening now and it's already impacting us. Look, I get that they are doing this for politics. They want their voter base out there because there's a good chance they are going to lose the senate. But if you really believe global warming is the worst things since sliced bread then you should be concerned with the current government message.

My grump isn't that it's wrong, but that this message won't be accepted by the general public. I just don't think the general public feels that global warming is truly impacting the country in a truly significant way right now. I think for people to truly believe something is in dire need of fixing they need to truly feel its impact. With the financial collapse, people felt it. With 9/11 people felt it. And so the population supported TARP and they supported the war in Afghanistan with fairly wide support. But for the government and its supporting media (everyone but Fox News) to say that the global warming disaster is here right now is alarmist. Even if its impact is here right now, the general public is going to think to themselves... well this isn't so bad, except for a minority of the population who are truly feeling the impacts from droughts and naders, etc.