I live near the Gulf and work with scientists that have been involved in studying the spill .

Pretty sure
a) there are no poor black people running Halliburton
b) there will no be no demands of accountability from white-white America for the ever elusive "accountability" when it centers around the monied right wing war machine.
c) Bill O'Reilly will not present another well thought out commentary condemning the culture of Halliburton that cost our nation (how much again??) $$ - and caused irreparable damage to a natural resource that provides jobs and recreation to many many -- everyday Americans. Black White Brown Yellow Red and Green
Halliburton has admitted that it destroyed evidence during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, a criminal act designed to keep the blame—and the government's anger—squarely focused on BP and Transocean as an estimated 5 million barrels of crude oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. The surprising admission will bring with it a guilty plea to one count of criminal conduct, a $200,000 statutory fine, and three years probation for the oil services giant, the Justice Department announced Thursday evening.