Quote Originally Posted by goldfly View Post
i got this sent to me after poking at the game threads

We appreciate your concern about our forum. We have instructed our moderators to keep posted comments limited to baseball discussion on the baseball forum. Please direct any questions that are non baseball related to AerchAngel and dont post them in a topic thread. He can asnswer all your inquiries through our PM service.

We have pulled up all your sign up names and ip addresses and see you have been a very heavy participant in our non baseball forums.
lol he just ratted out AA.

AA lied and told all of us he no longer has any position of power there. Says "they just removed my moderator powers without telling me". Even after that "backstabbing", he still treats Patio and that site with no hostility and maintains his "I love both sites" stance, despite that site being past life support.

Now Jerry says to direct all questions comments and concerns to AA who's supposedly just a regular member there.

Time for an AA callout thread?

So if this is true, then I suppose Jerry just changed AA's usertitle to a regular member, just like his doesn't say Admin and same for Patio.