"what a long strange trip it's been"

My opinion from day one was Sen Sanders wanted a seat at the (D) leadership table never giving a thought to the possibility of maybe that he'd be sitting at the head of that table.
As the campaign season winds down and it becomes obvious he won't be the nominee he has the role that to my mind best suits him. The one I'd always hoped Ralph Nader would adopt. The ideo;ogocal conscience of the party. Along the (R) lines of current day Rush Limbaugh or days past Wm F Buckley.

There is this development.

Face saving on all sides and uniting to win not only the POTUS but winning back the congress.
I think , the signal of who got what out of the deal will be evidenced by the future of Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Sanders called for her dismissll yesterday.
Let's see what happens there.
Interesting times

“What is in my view our strength and what is literally unique among major countries around the world is our diversity,” Sanders told thousands of supporters Sunday at Rancho Buena Vista High School in Vista, in northern San Diego County. “The fact that right now, in this beautiful stadium, I would guess there are people who come from more than 100 countries all over the world.… We come from every part of the world; that is our strength. And we will not allow anybody, any Trump or anyone else, to divide us up.”

And from Bill Clinton on Saturday afternoon at Ganesha High School in Pomona:

“If you look around this crowd, you represent one vision of America’s future,” he said. “All of your diversity, from every continent, dozens of countries, believing that we can live here together as one.… We all can honor our diversity. Because we believe our common humanity is more important.”