Quote Originally Posted by Southcack77 View Post
I don't think that its more or less likely that a bad defensive play could cost you a game in the postseason or in the regular season.

Over 162 games, I don't think its especially likely that the cumulative number of game deciding bad defensive plays by a left fielder is likely to decide whether a team makes the postseason.

Over a playoff series, should you have the bad luck to have one of those games, it could very well decide the series.

It would be less likely to have one of those games in a seven game series than it would be to have one in a 162 game season. It would just be potentially more impactful in a playoff series.

I don't think talking about playoff series is a particular relevant discussion in relation to the current Atlanta Braves roster. If the playoffs are relevant then the front office has done a better job than anyone thinks.

So its bit moot.
This just doesn't make sense. If those plays are random and sparse, why would Kemp be more likely to make them than anyone else?