Quote Originally Posted by bravesfanMatt View Post
That is not stupid. FF was serviceable over there and anything to get Kemp out of LF would be a win in my book. Replace FF at 3rd defensively after Kemp's 3rd AB and move FF to 1st.
I appreciate the support.

If you played 2/3 of Adams, Neck and Kemp at LF and 1B you might have a decent bat, keep these old guys rested and have a solid bench bat. The money is already spent. You could probably move one of Adams or Neck (eating money) and save 4-5 million. I'd prefer to keep them and maybe at the deadline you get lucky to find a deal.

Kemp will probably suck at 1B. But if he has all off season to prepare he might not suck as much as LF. Maybe being a 1B/LF/DH will make him more interesting to a team.

FF with an entire off season to work at 3B might be avg. IMO he mostly looked stiff. But he was coming off an injury and playing a new spot. An off season of yoga might make him ok.

Snit would have to learn what defensive subs are, yes.

It would stunt our ability to find out if Ruiz and/or Comargo are real things or not.

Obviously if someone will take on Kemp at 5 million per year or more then I'd move him (IIRC we owed Olivera 30 million through 19. So if we owe Kemp less than 30 million and finish a year early then I can pretend victory). If someone would take on most of Neck I'd move him.

Use Kemp, Adams and Neck to keep Acuna down for the first part of the year.

Don't spend any money and allow yourselves the chance to take on money if the right deal is there (Touki deal) or you get super lucky and the division sucks enough for you to be a baby buyer at the deadline.