Quote Originally Posted by chipchildress View Post
i really want to win.

cy, the only award you get is the bitch award. sorry. enchesfff is a total dick but he is leader of the dicks. you're just a tiny dick running around at his heels. it's embarrassing watching. he'll never fully accept you as his equal. get that through you head.

i am the worst poster.
you're the most pathetic.
The only thing pathetic is watching you **** post in every thread in an attempt to repair your shattered ego. You talk about how you don’t spend any time on this board in comparison to others yet you let some poster proving you wrong hurt your widdle old feelings. We may spend more time here than you, but we sure as hell take it a lot less seriously. If you can’t handle the criticism or jabs then maybe you shouldn’t be here at all.

But, by all means, keep trolling in every thread if you’re up to it. It may be a pathetic life, but it’s your life.