Quote Originally Posted by weso1 View Post
I think it's a function of which party happens to be in power. During G-Dub's reign of America we got a bunch of conspiracies from the left. Now with Obama's reign we are getting them from the right.
Yes and No Wes.

Obama is the first President elected in the age of social media. Facebook boomed 2007 and onwards. So he was the first President to win and run elections with social media being a huge factor.

And with that, find me something comparable from the left to GWB, as Obama being the muslim communist dictator. The "article" i linked, there's youtube video and people in the comments section with insane comments. And this isn't the first time I've seen that, I've seen that float around Limbaugh's radio shows, Beck's, etc.

Both Presidents have had their portraits with Hitler's mustache on them. The left just thought Bush was an idiot and inept on things, where as the fringe right legitimately thinks Obama is this character they want him to be.

During the whole birther movement, not one major Republican leader tried to derail it, they only ignored it or answered they didn't know. It gave the birther movement more credibility than it should've had, inviting Donald Trump to go all out.

The part that worries me, is these people no longer view it as a conspiracy theory (in regards to POTUS), they think it's the factual truth. When I posted that article on my Facebook, I had one of my fringe right people respond with:

"That's rich. you have a hard time excepting everyone elses bull**** while you cling to obamas like it was the holy grail.Regardless of how outside of the law he gets,you just go right into denial mode when the undisputed facts are right in front of you.Undying admiration for someone doesn't cancel out their lawlessness."

And when this person talks about undisputed facts, he references the Obama Foreign Student Visa at Columbia University, or the snapshot of Obama not saluting the flag when they were actually playing Hail to the Chief. He says Obama is the most anti-American President ever, does things that will purposely make us a muslim country as he pointed out. And the part that worries me, is his attitude is no different than what I read from thousands of other people on the web, and if you just exponent that... you know there are probably tens of millions of people with that attitude that don't post on social media.