Heres a good case for why cops need liability insurance. These cops cost the local government 8.5 million dollars for harassing a black family just sitting in their car in front of a starbucks. And then they got promoted. What do you think would have happened if they had liability insurance and cost the insurance company 8.5 million? They either would refuse to cover them going forward or would cost them more for insurance than they get paid. Either way the result would be bad apple cops off the street or at the least they would be financially responsible for any crimes they commit against the public after this. When the police get to just pay off people with tax payer money theres no incentive to prevent it from happening again. The absurd defense by cops against liability insurance is that cops wouldnt want to do anything that could cause them to get sued and raise their rates. Which is the same argument the people in favor of liability insurance use. In fact all government employees should have liability insurance. Here in Texas the AG retaliated against whistleblowers then used millions of dollars to settle their lawsuit against him for retaliation.