If police werent so focused on victimzing the poor those communities wouldnt be hell holes that lead to people who are so trashy they dont care what their kids do. There will always be ****ty people but we can minimize it.
what a load of nonsense, there are 325 million people in this country and a few police shootings doesn't suddenly make it "victimization of the poor" **** the poor, don't be a criminal. case closed. You go be a cop in those places and see how high and mighty you are after a few months.

The weapons themselves. Regulating the manufacturing and distribution of not only the guns
so are we just going to ignore the constitution now? Let's say that your little scheme happened, I move my gun factory to south america and sell to the cartels so they can ship them illegally to the USA. I make my money, criminals still get guns, people still die and your widdle plan falls on it's face. PROHIBITION DOES, NOT, EFFING, WORK.