Also, this part of the article sounded quite a bit like someone on this board a few days ago:

Sullivan (Today): In fact, the person best positioned to get us out of this tribal trap would be … well … bear with me … Trump. The model would be Bill Clinton, the first president to meet our newly configured divide. Clinton leveraged the loyalty of Democrats thrilled to regain the White House in order to triangulate toward centrist compromises with the GOP. You can argue about the merits of the results, but he was able to govern, to move legislation forward, to reform welfare, reduce crime, turn the deficit into a surplus, survive impeachment, and end his term a popular president.

Trump is as much an opportunist as a tribalist; he won the presidency by having an intuitive, instinctive grasp of how to inflame and exploit our tribal divide. His base is therefore more fanatically loyal and his policy views even more, shall we say, flexible than Clinton’s. His recent dealings with the Democratic congressional leadership have flummoxed party leaders and disrupted our political storytelling. That’s something worth celebrating.

Jaw (12 days ago)Establishment Republicans seem shocked that the loose cannon has turned around and started firing warning shots at them. Trump is not the cardboard cutout career politician they are used to dealing with, he isn't going to sit back and be patient for the sake of dignity.

Keep in mind this is happening soon after major staff shakeups and Trump's frustration over the ACA defeat. He may be making a major course change only 8 months into his Presidency. We could see political dynamics reminiscent of Reagan-O'Neill and Clinton-Gingrich, except with the President working with the minority party. How long can McConnell, and especially Ryan, maintain their leadership roles when their party's President is forced to go behind their backs to get things done?

Things may be about to get very interesting in Washington.

The hotels, the model wives, the reality show, the WWF appearances, the fake magazine covers, the repeated comments about his news coverage. The man is clearly obsessed with his image. If someone has convinced him that he would look better by turning pure populist and making overtures to Democrats, I have no doubt he would do it. I almost expect him to do his best Bill Clinton impersonation now.

Obviously Sullivan reads the board. Hello Andrew.