Been meaning to do this since the beginning of January...
Nominate your top 5 for each the following categories. Those nominated we'll have a poll at the end of the week for each award...
MVP - Best All Around poster who contributed the most to this forum. Satire, Humor, Banter, Thought-Provoking Substance, Statistical expert, can go serious or light, and generally gets plenty of Thanks.
Cy Young Award - Most informative poster with pin-point precision in detail of statistics, information, literature, vocabulary, and debate.
Silver Slugger - Best offensive poster. Offensive can mean offending a mass audience, or producing a ton of post streaks for better or for worse.
Viagra Relief Man of the Year - Best Poster who comes in during the middle of an exchange and puts in his .02 and either gets tons of thanks or gets lots of rave reviews.
Gold Glove Award - The posters that save a thread from being derailed the most, or at least try to save the discussion to remain on-topic. Or posters that when a thread is dying, can come back and light a fire and reignite the conversation.
You can nominate up to 10 people for this award with the posters totaling the 5 highest amount of votes winning the award
The Fredi Gonzalez Award - Poster that doesn't receive enough recognition for their contributions to this community.
Hot Head of the Year - Poster who had the most outcries and callouts. Also the poster that had the worst temper in a thread and immediately went ape$#!+.
As a side rule, if you can't think of 5, then leave as many ballots blank as you can. Posters can be nominated for multiple awards
Poster with Most Street Cred - Poster that is universally respected by everyone.
ROY - New poster that made a name for himself. (Because he joined this month, Millwood is ineligible for this award).
And yes, I'm leaving myself out of the conversation.