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Thread: I didn’t vote for Trump but I’m cautiously optimistic

  1. #101
    It's OVER 5,000! Tapate50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 57Brave View Post
    would love to see sources for these claims.
    Would they be wide srpead or cherry picked isolated?
    Please show math

    The fact you didn’t know this shows how bad your intake of info is or either you didn’t watch the debates

    But it won’t change your mind one bit, which is why your side lost

    You only intake information from HCR and Michael Ian Black and advertisements
    Last edited by Tapate50; 01-23-2025 at 09:06 AM.
    Ivermectin Man

  2. #102
    It's OVER 5,000! 57Brave's Avatar
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    No, I didnt know this because I haven't the time to follow the latest press releases/ reports involving immigration.
    Thank you for your sources all the same.

    Having said that, they really arent " missing" per se . They either didnt show up for a hearing or were never assigned a hearing to begin with !

    from pages 5-8:

    Despite its responsibilities for overseeing UCs through the immigration process, we found ICE
    cannot always monitor the location and status of
    UCs once they were released from DHS and HHS
    custody. Even though OPLA issued new
    guidance to verify the location of UCs who failed
    to appear for their court hearings and improvecoordination with HHS, we found ICE often neither followed this guidance nor issued
    corresponding guidance for its officers in the field.
    We conducted site visits at four ICE locations
    across the country after the OPLA guidance was issued, but observed no change in local
    procedures based on the guidance. We met with ERO personnel at 10 field offices, including
    some virtually. Officers at only one location stated they attempted to locate UCs who did not
    appear in immigration court.
    ICE did not always alert HHS when UCs did not appear for immigration hearings. According to an
    ICE official, ICE is not required to share this information with HHS. HHS headquarters staff noted
    they were not made aware when UCs failed to appear in court but that having the information
    would be helpful. Although HHS has an electronic message inbox for ERO offices to inform HHS
    when UCs do not appear, an ERO headquarters official we interviewed was unaware if local ERO
    offices were using the inbox or how often ERO field staff sent information on court absences to
    the inbox. An HHS official we interviewed said despite the new process for increased
    coordination between ICE and HHS, ICE did not coordinate when UCs in the local area did not
    appear for court hearings. HHS officials stated they would like to collaborate more with DHS
    locally to help UCs.
    Finally, ICE has not served all UCs with NTAs. The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims
    Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 established requirements for UCs DHS seeks to remove to
    be placed in removal proceedings under Section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8
    U.S. Code Section 1229(a).10 Serving UCs with NTAs
    that are properly filed with DOJ initiates this process.
    As of May 2024, ICE had not served an NTA or
    scheduled a court date for more than 291,000 UCs. In
    each ICE location we visited, ERO could not serve
    NTAs on all UCs. At one location we visited, 34,823 (84 percent) of 41,638 UCs in the local area
    had not been served NTAs to initiate immigration proceedings.

    Factors Contributing to ICE’s Inability to Monitor Unaccompanied Migrant

    ICE does not have an automated process for sharing information internally between OPLA and
    ERO and externally with stakeholders, such as HHS and DOJ, regarding UCs who do not appear in
    immigration court. Further, ICE ERO has limited oversight for monitoring UCs and has not
    developed a formal policy or process to follow up on UCs who did not appear in court. As we
    noted in a previous audit report,
    11 ICE still lacks adequate staffing, which can limit officers’ time
    and ability to check the location or immigration case status of migrants. Resource constraints
    also impact ERO’s ability to issue NTAs to all UCs after their release from HHS’ custody


    I have other things to do besides research this, but perhaps this was covered in the immigration bill voted down, a year ago (?)
    and perhaps ypou have this information as well.
    Last edited by 57Brave; 01-23-2025 at 09:45 AM.
    “We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests.” -FDR, 1941

  3. #103
    It's OVER 5,000! Tapate50's Avatar
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    So if they weren’t assigned a trial, or never showed up , they don’t know where they are or if they are alive

    That’s called missing.

    From the dictionary :
    (of a person) absent from a place, especially home, and of unknown whereabouts.

    And the bill didn’t even have full democratic support and wouldn’t have gotten off the ground. It was an empty gesture- one to flood states with blue votes.
    Last edited by Tapate50; 01-23-2025 at 10:02 AM.
    Ivermectin Man

  4. #104
    It's OVER 5,000! Tapate50's Avatar
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    Does that information change your opinion on expense or virtue ?or nah
    Last edited by Tapate50; 01-23-2025 at 10:05 AM.
    Ivermectin Man

  5. #105
    Shift Leader thethe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tapate50 View Post
    Does that information change your opinion on expense or virtue ?or nah
    Odd how he seemed to know about the missing children under Trump term 1.

    Wonder what changed?
    Natural Immunity Croc

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by mqt View Post
    Judeo-Christian values are an absolute cornerstone for the west until it’s time to uphold the ones you don’t care about.
    Oh you think the values include endless hordes of people that make peoples lives worse?

    The 'greater good' is destroyed if the US fails as a nation.
    Natural Immunity Croc

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  8. #107
    It's OVER 5,000! Tapate50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thethe View Post
    Oh you think the values include endless hordes of people that make peoples lives worse?

    The 'greater good' is destroyed if the US fails as a nation.
    This is true.
    Ivermectin Man

  9. #108
    Shift Leader thethe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tapate50 View Post
    This is true.
    They will never understand.

    The white man is the evil colonizer and therefore nothing good comes from them.
    Natural Immunity Croc

  10. #109
    I <3 Ron Paul + gilesfan sturg33's Avatar
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    My favorite is when peiple who despise Christianity tries to cherry picks sections of Christianity to use against Christians

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  12. #110
    Shift Leader thethe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sturg33 View Post
    My favorite is when peiple who despise Christianity tries to cherry picks sections of Christianity to use against Christians
    As if they actually give a **** about it.

    Just disgusting people that at this point in our countries history have no say and will have a smaller voice as we move on and people wake up from the propaganda.
    Natural Immunity Croc

  13. #111
    It's OVER 5,000! 57Brave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sturg33 View Post
    My favorite is when peiple who despise Christianity tries to cherry picks sections of Christianity to use against Christians
    I personally dont despise Christianity. But find many
    that espouse it quite hypocritical and deplorables.
    But I don't despise them or the ethos

    Having said that I find many if not most of it's tenets quite agreeable
    and try to model myself on those lines as taught as a child.
    What I do despise is the hypocracy of hiding behind the cross
    as the issue fits. You either are or not !

    Case in point proposed immigration policy,
    cutting care / relief to children,elders and the vulnerable
    Last edited by 57Brave; 01-23-2025 at 11:33 AM.
    “We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests.” -FDR, 1941

  14. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by sturg33 View Post
    My favorite is when peiple who despise Christianity tries to cherry picks sections of Christianity to use against Christians
    To be clear, I don’t despise Christianity. I don’t believe in what they believe, but I think it’s done a lot of good for a lot of people and serves a positive role in society. I feel the same about the other major religions. But I don’t understand how it’s cherry picking to bring up helping the less fortunate. In fact, I’m only in this conversation because I was defending a Christian bishop being pretty unfairly treated for just asking for mercy for others.

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  16. #113
    I <3 Ron Paul + gilesfan sturg33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mqt View Post
    To be clear, I don’t despise Christianity. I don’t believe in what they believe, but I think it’s done a lot of good for a lot of people and serves a positive role in society. I feel the same about the other major religions. But I don’t understand how it’s cherry picking to bring up helping the less fortunate. In fact, I’m only in this conversation because I was defending a Christian bishop being pretty unfairly treated for just asking for mercy for others.
    I could never make a Christian based argument to convince you that your worldview is wrong.

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