Quote Originally Posted by Gary82 View Post
What do you mean you will play the game at least two times through? The main quest? I guess that's possible. If you're going to immerse yourself into the game, however, you'll put in at least 100 hours.
Well I usually play games about as fully as possible now. I typically only buy like 3 video games a year tops anymore. I've logged probably about 100 hours in a given FIFA game, I know I logged well over 100 hours in each of the first 2 ME games. Typically I use my first go around to kind of get used to how the game functions and some of the quirks and shortcuts, then the second time around since I know the outline of the game I unlock it's secrets. Then sometimes I play it a few more times if I really enjoy it. I played Oblivion for a very long time. I'm glad most games don't have counters on them anymore, they'd probably make me depressed.