With all of his itemized deductions, Sanders’s taxable income was significantly lower than it would have been if he had taken the standard deduction. The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Bernie filthy 1 percenter

Really Bernie? You expect to provide free tuition with 13.5% you cheap bastard. Someone discuss his charitable deductions.

Obama's effective tax rate 18% - taxpayers heavily subsidizing his daughter's private school tuition.

VOL's effective tax rate 30.4% - Ha Ha. VOL cares more than Bernie and Obama.