So I got arrested again for a warrant for missing a court appearance I didnt even know I had. I had been arrested 2 months ago and I stayed in a few days then paid the rest of what they wanted from me and I thought that was the end of it. I was arrested while working and the 2 cops went to my bosses boss and made some complaints about me(no I didnt antagonize the cops, my policy is to say nothing except answer the basic questions). My boss would never fire me because I am a great employee but no such luck with her boss. So I am down to my last 50 bucks. I actually wanst even scheduled to work today but I took someones shift so I could try and make rent payment. Car was towed. Cant afford to get it out. Its in need of a lot of repair I cant afford anyways. At this point I am ready ready to admit defeat and hang myself. I am not sure I have the balls to do it or that anything in my apartment can hold my weight like that. Even if I chicken out I will be homeless in a few days. Might be able to stay here till the 15th as rent isnt technically due till the 5th. I am going to try and enjoy my time left and watch some Braves games, would be nice to go out on a win. If I go into homelessness I am sure I will die on the streets. I have some mental illnesses and I dont want to become the crazy homeless guy. I always thought I would just become a criminal if it came to this point but I dont even know how and its just not in me. If I go homeless my phone should be cut off by that point so it would be good bye anyways even I dont hang myself.

I just wanted to let you guys know what happened to me. I know I have posted with some of you for many years. I am sorry to any I have offended or been an ass to. I like to argue, always wanted to be a lawyer. I am content with my decision. I dont fear death. I just want to die as painlessly as possible. I know whats on the other side. Nothing. I still hate the Yankees. Still hate cops. I dont understand how the cops that arrested me could be so happy about my misery. I dont blame them for arresting me but GD they dont have to be so happy and cheerful about it. If I cant be free to live my life how I want then I might as well be dead. "Give me Liberty of give me Death". Its actually illegal to kill myself. I dont even have the right to choose when and how to die. So consider this my final act of protest. I dont want anyones pity, I'm sure this is all my fault. I do believe in personal responsibility. I might be able to get some kind of government assistance but I would rather die than live off other people.