Over the weekend my son was doing some project, like he always do in tinkering with something, and I couldn't quite make out what he was doing. Well last night he came to me and said "Dad, I came up with this new game and mom and my sis really likes it, why don't you play it?"

At first I was like nah, I will just watch but the other two insist. So we started playing, mind you, he created all the stuff for the game on paper that took up a lot of the floor and the drawings were pretty cool. For a now seven year old I was impressed in the thought he put into it, but how was the game?

It is addicting and quite good, can't put my finger on it but I asked him how did he came up with this unique concept and he just said it came to him.

Since this little booger is impressive in building things at his age that he has no business doing, knowing more about molecular structure than I ever did and I took two years of Chemistry, can name about half the solar system bodies without much effort even the moons and what planet it orbits, it shouldn't surprise me.

Now, his idea has some merits as it is something I have never seen on the shelves and we have a lot of board games in the house and tons of toys (which I hope I can get rid of soon), but reading about patents and designs, literally thousands are turned down yearly. Should I invest a few grand and see if his idea is something that everyone would like? We are contemplating updating from paper to cardboard and having the neighbors come over and play. It is for kids to adults and everyone would enjoy it, even grandparents.